4 Publications
The world wide web as a tool for pracitioners and patients: A brief history and a road map for the future
Lasater, John and DeRuyter, Frank
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 66, 19990701. | Journal Article
The World Wide Web as a Tool for Practitioners and Patients: A Brief History and a Road Map for the Future
Lasater, John and DeRuyter, Frank
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation: Goal Planning in Stroke Rehabillitation, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 72, 7/1/1999. | Journal Article
An Assessment of Signaled Stopping during Reading (Dissertation)
Lasater, John M (1993).
An assessment of signaled stopping during reading (Dissertation)
Lasater, John M (1992).