
His research demonstrates the relevance of network theories and methods for sociological inquiry in a variety of substantive areas in the field of health, politics, and network science. His current projects examine: 1) the impact of COVID-19 on Americans’ social ties using a large-scale egocentric network surveys, 2) social determinants (demographic homogeneity, religion, state policy) of suicide and opioid overdose using medical claims data and administrative data, 3) political polarization, hate speech and cross-ideological interactions using large-scale Facebook forum data, 4) the causes and consequences of cultural changes using survey experiments, 5) the evolution of terrorist networks using agent-based simulations, among others.

Research Interests:

  • social networks, political sociology, medical sociology, biosociology, quantitative methods


  • Social Networks
  • Political Sociology
  • Health
  • Social Genomics
  • Causal Inference
  • Computational Social Science
PhD, Columbia University, Sociology, 2018
MA, Columbia University, Sociology, 2014
MA, Yonsei University, Sociology, 2012
BA, Yonsei University, Business Administration, 2009