201 Publications (Page 2 of 9)
A person-centered approach to examining heterogeneity and subgroups among survivors of sexual assault.
Masters, N TatianaStappenbeck, Cynthia AKaysen, DebraKajumulo, Kelly FDavis, Kelly CueGeorge, William HNorris, Jeanette and Heiman, Julia R
Journal of abnormal psychology, vol. 124, (no. 3), pp. 685-696, August 2015. | Journal Article
A Role for Network Science in Social Norms Intervention
Davis, Clayton ADavis, Clayton AHeiman, Julia RHeiman, Julia RMenczer, Filippo and Menczer, Filippo
Procedia Computer Science, vol. 51, pp. 2226, 2015. | Journal Article
Individual and Partner Correlates of Sexual Satisfaction and Relationship Happiness in Midlife Couples: Dyadic Analysis of the International Survey of Relationships.
Fisher, William ADonahue, Kelly LLong, J ScottHeiman, Julia RRosen, Raymond C and Sand, Michael S
Archives of sexual behavior, vol. 44, (no. 6), pp. 1609-1620, August 2015. | Journal Article
Interaction of menstrual cycle phase and sexual activity predicts mucosal and systemic humoral immunity in healthy women.
Lorenz, Tierney KDemas, Gregory E and Heiman, Julia R
Physiology & behavior, vol. 152, pp. 92-98, December 1, 2015. | Journal Article
Oxytocin increases VTA activation to infant and sexual stimuli in nulliparous and postpartum women.
Gregory, RebeccaCheng, HuRupp, Heather ASengelaub, Dale R and Heiman, Julia R
Hormones and behavior, vol. 69, pp. 82-88, March 2015. | Journal Article
Sexual activity modulates shifts in TH1/TH2 cytokine profile across the menstrual cycle: an observational study.
Lorenz, Tierney KHeiman, Julia R and Demas, Gregory E
Fertility and sterility, vol. 104, (no. 6), pp. 1513-21.e1-4, December 2015. | Journal Article
The Impact of Gain- and Loss-Framed Messages on Young Adults' Sexual Decision Making: An Experimental Study.
Macapagal, KathrynJanssen, ErickMatson, MargaretFinn, Peter R and Heiman, Julia R
Archives of sexual behavior, December 22, 2015. | Journal Article
Alcohol intoxication and condom use self-efficacy effects on women's condom use intentions
Davis, Kelly CMasters, N. TEakins, DanielleDanube, Cinnamon LGeorge, William HNorris, Jeanette and Heiman, Julia R
Addictive Behaviors, vol. 39, (no. 1), Jan 2014. | Journal Article
Amygdala response to negative images in postpartum vs nulliparous women and intranasal oxytocin.
Rupp, Heather ARupp, HeatherJames, Thomas WJames, Thomas WKetterson, Ellen DKetterson, Ellen DSengelaub, Dale RSengelaub, Dale RDitzen, BeateDitzen, BeateHeiman, Julia R and Heiman, Julia R
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, vol. 9, (no. 1), pp. 48-54, 2014/Jan. | Journal Article
Physiological reactivity in a community sample of sexually aggressive young men: a test of competing hypotheses.
Peterson, Zoë DPeterson, Zoe DJanssen, ErickJanssen, ErickGoodrich, DavidGoodrich, DavidHeiman, Julia R and Heiman, Julia R
Aggressive behavior, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 152-64, 2014 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
Sexual victimization, alcohol intoxication, sexual-emotional responding, and sexual risk in heavy episodic drinking women.
George, William HGeorge, William HDavis, Kelly CDavis, Kelly CMasters, N TMasters, N TJacques-tiura, Angela JJacques Tiura, Angela JHeiman, Julia RHeiman, Julia RNorris, JeanetteNorris, JeanetteGilmore, Amanda KGilmore, Amanda KNguyen, Hong VNguyen, Hong VKajumulo, Kelly FKajumulo, Kelly FOtto, Jacqueline MOtto, Jacqueline MAndrasik, Michele P and Andrasik, Michele P
Archives of sexual behavior, vol. 43, (no. 4), pp. 645-58, 2014/May. | Journal Article
Verbal Sexual Coercion Experiences, Sexual Risk, and Substance Use in Women.
Gilmore, Amanda KSchacht, Rebecca LGeorge, William HDavis, Kelly CueNorris, Jeanette and Heiman, Julia R
Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma, vol. 23, (no. 7), pp. 725-739. | Journal Article
Women's Unprotected Sex Intentions: Roles of Sexual Victimization, Intoxication, and Partner Perception
Masters, N. TGeorge, William HDavis, Kelly CNorris, JeanetteHeiman, Julia RJacques-Tiura, Angela JGilmore, Amanda KNguyen, Hong VKajumulo, Kelly FOtto, Jacqueline M and Stappenbeck, Cynthia A
The Journal of Sex Research, vol. 51, (no. 5), 2014. | Journal Article
Discrepant responding across self-report measures of men's coercive and aggressive sexual strategies.
Strang, EmilyPeterson, Zoë DHill, Yvette N and Heiman, Julia R
Journal of sex research, vol. 50, (no. 5), pp. 458-469, 2013. | Journal Article
Exploring the heterogeneity in clinical presentation and functional impairment of postpartum depression
Class, Quetzal AVerhulst, Johan and Heiman, Julia R
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, vol. 31, (no. 2), pp. 194, 4/1/2013. | Journal Article
Influences of Situational Factors and Alcohol Expectancies on Sexual Desire and Arousal Among Heavy-Episodic Drinking Women: Acute Alcohol Intoxication and Condom Availability
Gilmore, Amanda KGilmore, Amanda KGilmore, Amanda KGeorge, William HGeorge, William HGeorge, William HNguyen, Hong VNguyen, Hong VNguyen, Hong VHeiman, Julia RHeiman, Julia RHeiman, Julia RDavis, Kelly CDavis, Kelly CDavis, Kelly CNorris, JeanetteNorris, Jeanette and Norris, Jeanette
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 42, (no. 6), pp. 949-959, Aug 2013. | Journal Article
Lower sexual interest in postpartum women: Relationship to amygdala activation and intranasal oxytocin
Rupp, HeatherJames, Thomas WKetterson, Ellen DSengelaub, Dale RDitzen, Beate and Heiman, Julia R
Hormones and Behavior, vol. 63, (no. 1), pp. 114-121, Jan 2013. | Journal Article
Methodological considerations from a Kinsey Institute mixed methods pilot project
Mc Cabe, JaniceTanner, AmandaMartin, JackLong, J and Heiman, Julia
International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, vol. 7, (no. 2), pp. 178-188, Aug 2013. | Journal Article
Attentional and Affective Processing of Sexual Stimuli in Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Brauer, Mariekevan Leeuwen, MatthijsJanssen, ErickNewhouse, Sarah KHeiman, Julia R and Laan, Ellen
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 41, (no. 4), pp. 891-905, Aug 2012. | Journal Article
Depression in Premenopausal Women With HSDD: Baseline Findings From the HSDD Registry for Women
Clayton, Anita HMaserejian, Nancy NConnor, Megan KHuang, LiyuanHeiman, Julia and Rosen, Raymond C
Psychosomatic Medicine, vol. 74, (no. 3), pp. 305-311, 2012. | Journal Article
Risky Sex: Interactions Among Ethnicity, Sexual Sensation Seeking, Sexual Inhibition, and Sexual Excitation
Nguyen, Hong VNguyen, Hong VKoo, Kelly HKoo, Kelly HDavis, Kelly CDavis, Kelly COtto, Jacqueline MOtto, Jacqueline MHendershot, Christian SHendershot, Christian SSchacht, Rebecca LSchacht, Rebecca LGeorge, William HGeorge, William HHeiman, JuliaHeiman, Julia RNorris, Jeanette and Norris, Jeanette
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 41, (no. 5), pp. 1231-1239, 2012. | Journal Article
The effects of similarity in sexual excitation, inhibition, and mood on sexual arousal problems and sexual satisfaction in newlywed couples.
Lykins, Amy DLykins, AmyJanssen, ErickJanssen, ErickNewhouse, SarahNewhouse, SarahHeiman, Julia RHeiman, JuliaRafaeli, Eshkol and Rafaeli, Eshkol
The journal of sexual medicine, vol. 9, (no. 5), pp. 1360-6, 2012/May. | Journal Article
Influences of observer sex, facial masculinity, and gender role identification on first impressions of men's faces.
Macapagal, Kathryn RRupp, Heather A and Heiman, Julia R
Journal of social, evolutionary & cultural psychology : JSEC, vol. 5, (no. 1), pp. 92-105, January 2011. | Journal Article
Marital Satisfaction and Communication Behaviors During Sexual and Nonsexual Conflict Discussions in Newlywed Couples: A Pilot Study
Rehman, UzmaJanssen, ErickNewhouse, SarahHeiman, JuliaHoltzworth Munroe, AmyFallis, Erin and Rafaeli, Eshkol
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, vol. 37, (no. 2), pp. 94-103, 2011. | Journal Article
Sexual arousal and related concepts: An introduction
Heiman, Julia R and Pfaff, Donald
Hormones and Behavior, vol. 59, (no. 5), pp. 615, 2011. | Journal Article