68 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
TLR2 and TLR4 agonists induce production of the vasoactive peptide endothelin-1 by human dendritic cells
Spirig, RolfSpirig, RolfPotapova, IngaPotapova, IngaShaw-Boden, JaneShaw-Boden, JaneTsui, JaniceTsui, JaniceRieben, RobertRieben, RobertShaw, Sidney G and Shaw, Sidney G
Molecular Immunology, vol. 46, (no. 15), pp. 3182, September 2009. | Journal Article
Pulsatile Stretch Induces Release of Angiotensin II and Oxidative Stress in Human Endothelial Cells: Effects of ACE Inhibition and AT1 Receptor Antagonism
Delli Gatti, ChiaraGatti, Chiara DelliOsto, ElenaOsto, ElenaKouroedov, AlexeiKouroedov, AlexeiEto, MasatoEto, MasatoShaw, SidneyShaw, SidneyVolpe, MassimoVolpe, MassimoLüscher, Thomas FLuscher, Thomas FCosentino, Francesco and Cosentino, Francesco
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, vol. 30, (no. 7), pp. 627, 20080000. | Journal Article
Role of [beta].sub.1-, [beta].sub.2-, and [beta].sub.3-adrenoceptors in contractile hypersensitivity in a model of small bowel transplantation
Rickenbacher, AndreasSeiler, RolandHonegger, UlrichShaw, Sidney and Balsiger, Bruno
Surgery, vol. 143, (no. 1), pp. 94, 20080101. | Journal Article
A High‐Resolution Multimode Digital Microscope System
Salmon, Edward DSalmon, E.DShaw, SidneyShaw, Sidney LWaters, Jennifer CWaters, Jennifer CWaterman-Storer, Clare MWaterman‐Storer, Clare MMaddox, Paul SMaddox, Paul SYeh, ElaineYeh, ElaineBloom, Kerry S and Bloom, Kerry
Methods in Cell Biology, vol. 81, pp. 218, 2007. | Journal Article
Attenuation of experimental acute myocardial infarction in pigs by Mirococept, a novel complement inhibitor derived from human complement receptor type 1
Banz, YaraBanz, YaraHess, Otto MHess, Otto MRobson, Simon CRobson, Simon CCsizmadia, EvaCsizmadia, EvaMettler, DanielMettler, DanielMeier, PascalMeier, PascalHaeberli, AndréHaeberli, AndréShaw, SidneyShaw, SidneySmith, Richard ASmith, Richard ARieben, Robert and Rieben, Robert
Molecular Immunology, vol. 44, (no. 1), pp. 154, 2007. | Journal Article
Pulmonary Hypertension in High-Altitude Dwellers: Novel Mechanisms, Unsuspected Predisposing Factors
Scherrer, UrsTurini, PierreThalmann, SébastienHutter, DamianSalmon, CarlosStuber, ThomasShaw, SidneyJayet, PierreSartori-Cucchia, CélineVillena, MercedesAllemann, Yves and Sartori, Claudio
Hypoxia and Exercise, vol. 588, pp. 291, 2007. | Journal Article
Spindles: one speckle at a time
Walczak, Claire EShaw, SidneyShaw, Sidney L and Walczak, Claire E
Nature Cell Biology, vol. 9, (no. 11), pp. 1224, 200711. | Journal Article
Spindles: one speckle at a time.
Shaw, Sidney L and Walczak, Claire E
(pp. 1223-1224). November 2007
An anisotropic-viscoplastic model of plant cell morphogenesis by tip growth
Dumais, JacquesDumais, JacquesShaw, SidneyShaw, Sidney LSteele, Charles RSteele, Charles RLong, Sharon RLong, Sharon RRay, Peter M and Ray, Peter M
The International journal of developmental biology, vol. 50, (no. 2-3), pp. 222, 2006-00-00. | Journal Article
Beneficial cardiovascular effects of endothelin ET(A) receptor blockade in established long-term heart failure after myocardial infarction
Vetter, DianaShaw, Sidney GBrandes, Ralf PMünter, KlausVetter, Wilhelm and Barton, Matthias
Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.), vol. 231, (no. 6), pp. 860, 2006-Jun. | Journal Article
Beneficial Cardiovascular Effects of Endothelin ETA Receptor Blockade in Established Long-Term Heart Failure After Myocardial Infarction
Vetter, DianaShaw, Sidney GBrandes, Ralf PMüNter, KlausVetter, Wilhelm and Barton, Matthias
Experimental Biology and Medicine, vol. 231, (no. 6), pp. 860, 20060600. | Journal Article
Evidence that N-acetylcysteine inhibits TNF-α-induced cerebrovascular endothelin-1 upregulation via inhibition of mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase
Sury, Matthias DSury, Matthias DSury, Matthias DFrese-Schaper, ManuelaFrese-Schaper, ManuelaFrese-Schaper, ManuelaMühlemann, Miranda KMuehlemann, Miranda KMühlemann, Miranda KSchulthess, Fabienne TSchulthess, Fabienne TSchulthess, Fabienne TBlasig, Ingolf EBlasig, Ingolf EBlasig, Ingolf ETaeuber, Martin GTäuber, Martin GTäuber, Martin GShaw, Sidney GShaw, Sidney GShaw, Sidney GChristen, StephanChristen, Stephan and Christen, Stephan
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 41, (no. 9), pp. 1383, 2006. | Journal Article
Imaging the live plant cell
Shaw, Sidney and Shaw, Sidney L
The Plant Journal, vol. 45, (no. 4), pp. 598, February 2006. | Journal Article
Ehrhardt, David WEhrhardt, David WShaw, Sidney and Shaw, Sidney L
Annual review of plant biology, vol. 57, (no. 1), pp. 875, 2006-00-00. | Journal Article
Selective inhibition of TNF-α-induced cerebrovascular endothelin-1 upregulation by N-acetylcysteine
Christen, StephanSury, MatthiasFrese-Schaper, ManuelaSchulthess, FabienneMühlemann, MirandaBlasig, IngolfTäuber, Martin and Shaw, Sidney
GBM Annual Spring meeting Mosbach 2006, vol. 2006, (no. Spring), 2006-04-00. | Journal Article
Anatomically distinct activation of endothelin-3 and the l-arginine/nitric oxide pathway in the kidney with advanced aging
Lattmann, ThomasLattmann, ThomasShaw, SidneyShaw, SidneyMünter, KlausMünter, KlausVetter, WilhelmVetter, WilhelmBarton, Matthias and Barton, Matthias
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, vol. 327, (no. 1), pp. 241, 2005. | Journal Article
Long-Term Treatment of Bile Duct-Ligated Rats with Rapamycin (Sirolimus) Significantly Attenuates Liver Fibrosis: Analysis of the Underlying Mechanisms
Biecker, ErwinGottardi, AndreaNeef, MarkusUnternährer, MatthiasSchneider, VreniLedermann, MonikaSägesser, HansShaw, Sidney and Reichen, Jürg
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, vol. 313, (no. 3), pp. 961, 20050601. | Journal Article
The Mechanics of Surface Expansion Anisotropy in Medicago truncatula Root Hairs
Dumais, JacquesDumais, JacquesLong, Sharon RLong, SharonShaw, Sidney and Shaw, Sidney
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 136, (no. 2), pp. 3275, 20041001. | Journal Article
A high-resolution multimode digital microscope system
Salmon, Edward DSalmon, E DShaw, SidneyShaw, Sidney LWaters, JenniferWaters, JenniferWaterman-Storer, Clare MWaterman-Storer, Clare MMaddox, Paul SMaddox, Paul SYeh, ElaineYeh, ElaineBloom, Kerry and Bloom, Kerry S
Methods in cell biology, vol. 72, pp. 185, 2003-00-00. | Journal Article
Role of A and B adrenergic receptor mechanisms in rat jejunal longitudinal muscle contractility
Seiler, RolandRickenbacher, AndreasShaw, Sidney G and Balsiger, Bruno M
Gastroenterology, vol. 124, (no. 4), pp. A799, 2003. | Journal Article
Role of B1, B2 and B3 receptor contractile mechanisms in adrenergic hypersensitivity after small bowel transplantation
Rickenbacher, AndreasSeiler, RolandMueller, JuergShaw, Sidney G and Balsiger, Bruno M
Gastroenterology, vol. 124, (no. 4), pp. A797, 2003. | Journal Article
Sustained Microtubule Treadmilling in Arabidopsis Cortical Arrays
Shaw, SidneyShaw, SidneyKamyar, RoheenaKamyar, RoheenaEhrhardt, David W and Ehrhardt, David
Science, vol. 300, (no. 5626), pp. 1718, 20030613. | Journal Article
The NFP locus of Medicago truncatula controls an early step of Nod factor signal transduction upstream of a rapid calcium flux and root hair deformation
Amor, Besma BenAmor, BBShaw, Sidney LShaw, SidneyOldroyd, GEDOldroyd, Giles E. DMaillet, FabienneMaillet, F.Penmetsa, RVPenmetsa, R. VarmaCook, DouglasCook, Douglas RLong, Sharon RLong, Sharon RDénarié, JeanDenarie, J.Gough, C. and Gough, Clare
The Plant Journal, vol. 34, (no. 4), pp. 506, May 2003. | Journal Article
Endothelin 1 Type A Receptor Antagonism Prevents Vascular Dysfunction and Hypertension Induced by 11{beta}-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Inhibition: Role of Nitric Oxide Response
Ferrari, PaoloRuschitzka, FrankQuaschning, ThomasNoll, GeorgEnseleit, FrankHurlimann, DavidLuscher, ThomasdeGottardi, AndreaRossier, Michel and Shaw, Sidney
Circulation, vol. 105, (no. 17), pp. e126, 20020430. | Journal Article
Bud8p and Bud9p, Proteins That May Mark the Sites for Bipolar Budding in Yeast
Harkins, H.A.Harkins, H AHarkins, HeidiPagé, N.Page, NicolasPagé, NSchenkman, L RSchenkman, L.R.Schenkman, LauraDe Virgilio, ClaudioDe Virgilio, C.De Virgilio, CShaw, SidneyShaw, S.Shaw, SBussey, HBussey, H.Bussey, HowardPringle, John RPringle, J.R. and Pringle, John
Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol. 12, (no. 8), pp. 2497, 20010801. | Journal Article