57 Publications (Page 3 of 3)
n.d.no date or unknown
Results from Mexico’s 2018 report card on physical activity for children and youth
Risk prediction in people living with human immunome deficiency virus: are we hitting the target?
Galaviz, K.I.Gonzalez-Casanova, I. and Alonso, A.
(pp. 1219)
Room for improvement: The HIV-Diabetes Care Continuum over 15 years in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study
Colasanti, J.Galaviz, K.I.Mehta, C.C.Palar, K.Schneider, M.Tien, P.Adimora, A.Alcaide, M.Cohen, M.Gustafson, D.Karim, R.Merenstein, D.Sharma, A.Wingood, G.Marconi, V.C.Ofotokun, I. and Ali, M.K.
The Estimating EFfectiveness From EffiCacy Taxonomy (EFFECT): a tool to estimate the real-world impact of health interventions
Galaviz, K.I.Ali, M.K.Haw, J.S.Magee, M.J.Kowalski, A.Wei, J.Straus, A.Weber, M.B.Vos, T.Murray, C. and Narayan, K.M.V.
(pp. 0168–8227 19 30158–5)
The influence of physical education lesson context and teacher behaviour on student physical activity in Mexico
Gharib, H.Galaviz, K.I.Lee, R.E.Safdie, M.Tolentino, L.Barquera, S. and Lévesque, L.
The public health leadership and implementation academy for non-communicable diseases
Galaviz, K.I.Narayan, K.M.V.Manders, O.C.Torres-Mejía, G.Goenka, S.McFarland, D.A.Reddy, K.S.Lozano, P.R.Magaña-Valladares, L.Prabhakaran, D. and Ali, M.K.
The public health leadership and implementation academy (PH-LEADER) for non-communicable diseases
Galaviz, K.I.Narayan, K.M.V.Manders, O.McFarland, D.A.Torres-Mejía, Goenka S.G, ReddyKS, LozanoPR, Magaña-ValladaresL, PrabhakaranD and Ali, M.K.
(pp. 222–228)