Dr. Anand's research focuses on integrating Child Health Improvement through Computers Leveraging Electronic Tablet (CHICLET), an electronic tablet- based interface, into the existing Child Health Improvement through Computer Automation (CHICA) system to provide real time communication between the user and the system for capturing information and providing feedback for enhanced decision support. Advanced user interfaces for clinical decision support. Probabilistic modeling to enhance clinical decision support. Interventions to foster the health care needs of all children. Medical Informatics - Medical Decision Support using probabilistic models, Data Mining and data visualization, use of healthcare standards, Medical informatics integration at point of care, medical informatics applications.
PhD, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Informatics, 2010
MS, University of New Haven, Computer Sciences, 1994
BE, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, India, Electrical Engineering, 1986
medical informatics health care pediatrics
American Medical Informatics Association