
My research concentrates on experimental searches for macroscopic forces beyond gravity and electromagnetism at submillimeter length scales, and tests of fundamental symmetries. One experiment, based at the IU Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter (CEEM, formerly the IU Cyclotron), is a test of the Newtonian inverse square law (ISL) at distance ranges less than 100 microns.

Research interests:

  • Experimental nuclear physics and gravity
Past Affiliations

Research Scientist - Technical Staff Member, Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy (past)
2002 - 2005

Research Associate, Condensed Matter Physics, Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder (past)
1997 - 2002

Research Assistant, High Energy Physics
1993 - 1997

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Physics, 1997
MS, Johns Hopkins University, Physics, 1993
AB, Amherst College, Physics, 1989
gravitation physics particle physics
American Physical Society
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society