120 Publications (Page 4 of 5)
A new statistical method for testing hypotheses of neuropsychological/MRI relationships in schizophrenia: partial least squares analysis.
Nestor, Paul GO'Donnell, Brian FMc Carley, Robert WNiznikiewicz, MargaretBarnard, JohnJen Shen, ZiBookstein, Fred L and Shenton, Martha E
Schizophrenia research, vol. 53, (no. 1-2), pp. 57-66, 2002/Jan/1. | Journal Article
Disruption of neural systems of visual attention in schizophrenia
Potts, G.F., O'Donnell, B.F., Hirayasu, Y., and McCarley, R.W and O'Donnell, Brian F
(pp. 59, 418-424). 2002
Disruption of neural systems of visual attention in schizophrenia
Potts, Geoffrey FO'Donnell, Brian FHirayasu, Yoshio and Mc Carley, Robert W
Archives of General Psychiatry, vol. 59, (no. 5), pp. 418-24, May 2002. | Journal Article
Forms of Attention and Attentional Disorders
O'Donnell, Brian F
Seminars in Speech and Language, vol. 23, (no. 2), pp. 99-106, 2002. | Journal Article
Neural Synchronization Deficits to Auditory Stimulation in Bipolar Disorder
OÂ?Donnell, B.F., Hetrick, W.P., Vohs, J.L., Krishnan, G.P., Carroll, C.A., Shekhar, A and O'Donnell, Brian F
(pp. 1372). 2002
Spatial frequency discrimination in schizophrenia
O'Donnell, B.F., Potts, G.F., Nestor, P.G., Stylianpoulos, K.C., Shenton, M.E., McCarley, R.W and O'Donnell, Brian F
(pp. 111, 620-625). 2002
Spatial frequency discrimination in schizophrenia.
O'Donnell, Brian FPotts, Geoffrey FNestor, Paul GStylianopoulos, Kiriaki CShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
Journal of abnormal psychology, vol. 111, (no. 4), pp. 620-5, 2002/Nov. | Journal Article
Visual processing and neuropsychological function in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.
Brenner, Colleen ABrenner, ColleenLysaker, Paul HLysaker, Paul HWilt, Marcia AWilt, Marcia AO'Donnell, Brian F and O'Donnell, Brian F
Psychiatry research, vol. 111, (no. 2-3), pp. 125-36, 2002/Aug/30. | Journal Article
Visual Processing and Neuropsychological function in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder
Brenner, C.A., Lysaker, P.H., Wilt, M.A., and OÂ?Donnell, B.F and O'Donnell, Brian F
(pp. 111, 125-136). 2002
Prefrontal cortex, negative symptoms, and schizophrenia: an MRI study.
Wible, Cynthia GAnderson, JShenton, Martha EKricun, AHirayasu, YTanaka, SLevitt, James JO'Donnell, Brian FKikinis, RonJolesz, Ferenc A and McCarley, R W
Psychiatry Research, vol. 108, (no. 2), pp. 65-78, 2001/Nov/30. | Journal Article
Psychological features in persons at risk for familial Alzheimer's disease
Swearer, Joan DO'Donnell, Brian FParker, MichaelKane, Kevin J and Drachman, David A
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, vol. 16, (no. 3), pp. 157-162, 2001. | Journal Article
Abnormal angular gyrus asymmetry in schizophrenia.
Niznikiewicz, Margaret ADonnino, RMc Carley, Robert WNestor, Paul GIosifescu, D VO'Donnell, Brian FLevitt, James J and Shenton, Martha E
The American journal of psychiatry, vol. 157, (no. 3), pp. 428-37, 2000/Mar. | Journal Article
Event-Related Potentials Elicited during a Context-Free Homograph Task in Normal versus Schizophrenic Subjects
Salisbury, DeanO'Donnell, Brian FMc Carley, Robert WNestor, Paul G and Shenton, Martha E
Psychophysiology, vol. 37, (no. 4), pp. 456-463, 2000. | Journal Article
Visual perception and working memory in schizotypal personality disorder.
Farmer, C MO'Donnell, Brian FNiznikiewicz, Margaret AVoglmaier, M MMc Carley, Robert W and Shenton, Martha E
The American journal of psychiatry, vol. 157, (no. 5), pp. 781-8, 2000/May. | Journal Article
Gamma frequency-range abnormalities to auditory stimulation in schizophrenia.
Kwon, J SO'Donnell, Brian FWallenstein, G VGreene, Robert WHirayasu, YNestor, Paul GHasselmo, Michael EPotts, Geoffrey FShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
Archives of general psychiatry, vol. 56, (no. 11), pp. 1001-5, 1999/Nov. | Journal Article
Identification of neural circuits underlying P300 abnormalities in schizophrenia.
O'Donnell, Brian FMcCarley, R WPotts, Geoffrey FSalisbury, D FNestor, P GHirayasu, YNiznikiewicz, M ABarnard, JShen, Z JWeinstein, D MBookstein, F L and Shenton, M E
Psychophysiology, vol. 36, (no. 3), pp. 388-98, 1999/May. | Journal Article
Neuromodulation of attention in schizophrenia
Nestor, Paul GO'Donnell, Brian FNiznikiewicz, Margaret AShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
Psychiatric Annals, vol. 29, (no. 11), pp. 633, Nov 1999. | Journal Article
Auditory mismatch negativity in schizophrenia: topographic evaluation with a high-density recording montage.
Hirayasu, YPotts, Geoffrey FO'Donnell, Brian FKwon, J SArakaki, HAkdag, S JLevitt, James JShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
The American journal of psychiatry, vol. 155, (no. 9), pp. 1281-4, 1998/Sep. | Journal Article
High-density recording and topographic analysis of the auditory oddball event-related potential in patients with schizophrenia.
Potts, Geoffrey FHirayasu, YO'Donnell, Brian FShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
Biological psychiatry, vol. 44, (no. 10), pp. 982-9, 1998/Nov/15. | Journal Article
Word Recall in Schizophrenia: A Connectionist Model
Nestor, Paul GAkdag, Sare JO'Donnell, Brian FNiznikiewicz, Margaret ALaw, SueShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
The American Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 155, (no. 12), pp. 1685-1690, 1998. | Journal Article
Aberrant semantic activation in schizophrenia: a neurophysiological study.
Nestor, Paul GKimble, M OO'Donnell, Brian FSmith, LNiznikiewicz, Margaret AShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
The American journal of psychiatry, vol. 154, (no. 5), pp. 640-6, 1997/May. | Journal Article
A topographic study of ERPs elicited by visual feature discrimination.
O'Donnell, Brian FSwearer, Joan DSmith, L THokama, H and McCarley, R W
Brain Topography, vol. 10, (no. 2), pp. 133-43, 1997. | Journal Article
Dr. O'Donnell and colleagues reply
O'Donnell, Brian FSwearer, Joan MNestor, Paul GShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
The American Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 154, (no. 4), pp. 586, Apr 1997. | Journal Article
ERP assessment of visual and auditory language processing in schizophrenia.
Niznikiewicz, Margaret AO'Donnell, Brian FNestor, Paul GSmith, LLaw, SKarapelou, MShenton, Martha E and Mc Carley, Robert W
Journal of abnormal psychology, vol. 106, (no. 1), pp. 85-94, 1997/Feb. | Journal Article
Update on electrophysiology in schizophrenia
Mc Carley, Robert WO'Donnell, Brian FNiznikiewicz, Margaret ASalisbury, DeanPotts, Geoffrey FHirayasu, Y.Nestor, Paul G and Shenton, Martha E
International Review of Psychiatry, vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. 373-86, 1997. | Journal Article