100 Publications (Page 4 of 4)
Comments on setting up a laboratory
Lang, Annie
Measuring Psychological Responses to Media Messages
Lang, Annie
Measuring Psychological Responses to Media Messages
Lang, Annie
Lawrence Erlbaum. 1994. | Book
Emotion, formal features, and memory for televised political advertising
Frank Biocca and Lang, Annie
In Television and Political Advertising. Vol I: Psychological Processes. Lawrence Erlbaum. 1994. | Book Chapter
What can the heart tell us about thinking
Lang, Annie
Emotion, Hemispheric Specialization, and Visual and Verbal Memory for Television Messages
Lang, AnnieLang, AnnieFriestad, Marian and Friestad, Marian
Communication Research, vol. 20, (no. 5), pp. 647-670, 1993. | Journal Article
Perception of truth and regulation in broadcast political advertising
Lang, A. and Krueger, E. and Lang, Annie
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, vol. 37, (no. 2), pp. 209-218, 1993. | Journal Article
The effects of related and unrelated cuts on viewers memory for television: A limited capacity theory of television viewing
Lang, A., Geiger, S., Strickwerda, M., Sumner, J. and Lang, Annie
Communication Research, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 4-29, 1993. | Journal Article
Effects of television videographics and lecture familiarity on adult cardiac orienting responses and memory
Thorson, E. and Lang, A. and Lang, Annie
Communication Research, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. 346-369, 1992. | Journal Article
The Effects of Television Videographics and Lecture Familiarity on Adult Cardiac Orienting Responses and Memory.
Thorson, Esther and Lang, Annie
Communication Research, vol. 19, (no. 3), pp. 346-69, Jun 1992. | Journal Article
Emotion, formal features, and memory for televised political advertisements, in F. Biocca (Ed.)
Lang, Annie
Making Television Reality
Shapiro, Michael and Lang, Annie
Communication Research, vol. 18, (no. 5), pp. 685, 19911001. | Journal Article
Making Television Reality
SHAPIRO, MICHAEL A and Lang, Annie
Communication Research, vol. 18, (no. 5), pp. 705, 19911000. | Journal Article
Making Television Reality: Unconscious Processes in the Construction of Social Reality
Shapiro, Michael A and Lang, Annie
Communication Research, vol. 18, (no. 5), pp. 685-705, 1991. | Journal Article
Involuntary attention and physiological arousal evoked by structural features and mild emotion in TV commercials
Lang, Annie
Communication Research, vol. 17, (no. 3), pp. 275-299, 1990. | Journal Article
The information processing of televised political advertising: Using theory to maximize recall. In J. Muncy and M. Goldberg (Eds.)
Lang, A. and Lanfear, P. and Lang, Annie
(pp. 149-158). 1990
Effects of Chronological Presentation of Information on Processing and Memory for Broadcast News
Lang, Annie
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, vol. 33, (no. 4), pp. 441, Fall 1989. | Journal Article
Emotional Television Scenes and Hemispheric Specialization
Reeves, ByronLang, Annie and al, et
Human Communication Research, vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 493, Summer 1989. | Journal Article
Emotional television scenes and hemispheric specialization
Reeves, B., Lang, A., Thorson, E. and Rothschild, M. and Lang, Annie
Human Communication Research, vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 493-508, 1988. | Journal Article
The Effects of Chronological Presentation of Information on Processing and Memory for Broadcast News.
Lang, Annie and Others, And
1988. | Journal Article
Effects of program context on the processing of television commercials
Thorson, E., Reeves, B., Schleuder, J., Lang, A. and Rothschild, M. and Lang, Annie
N. Stephens (Ed.) Proceedings of the 1985 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising. 1985. | Conference Proceeding
n.d.no date or unknown
Bridging the Gap: Applying the lessons of research in TV newsrooms
Potter, D. & Lang, A. and Lang, Annie
Electronic News: A Journal of Applied Research & Ideas. | Journal Article
Information Systems: Researching communication processes
Shapiro, M. D., Lang, A., Hamilton, M. & Contractor, N. and Lang, Annie
Parsing the Resource Pie:
Lang, A., Bradley, S. D., Park, B., Shin, M. & Chung, Y. and Lang, Annie
Media Psychology. | Journal Article
The effects of tabloid and standard television news on viewer evaluations , memory and arousal
Grabe, M. E., Zhou, S. Lang, A. & Bolls, P. D. and Lang, Annie
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. | Journal Article