124 Publications (Page 5 of 5)
Using a sociotechnical framework to understand adaptations in health IT implementation.
Novak, Laurie LovettHolden, Richard JAnders, Shilo HHong, Jennifer Y and Karsh, Ben Tzion
International journal of medical informatics, vol. 82, (no. 12), pp. e331-e344, December 2013. | Journal Article
From group work to teamwork: A case study of "Lean" rapid process improvement in the ThedaCare Information Technology Department
Holden, Richard J and Hackbart, Greg
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, vol. 2, (no. 3), pp. 201, 7/1/2012. | Journal Article
How does lean work in emergency care? A case study of a lean-inspired intervention at the Astrid Lindgren Children's hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
Mazzocato, PamelaHolden, Richard JBrommels, MatsAronsson, HåkanBäckman, UlrikaElg, Mattias and Thor, Johan
BMC health services research, vol. 12, pp. 28, 2012. | Journal Article
Modeling nurses' acceptance of bar coded medication administration technology at a pediatric hospital.
Holden, Richard JBrown, Roger LScanlon, Matthew C and Karsh, Ben Tzion
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, vol. 19, (no. 6), pp. 1050-8, 2012 Nov-Dec. | Journal Article
Pharmacy workers' perceptions and acceptance of bar-coded medication technology in a pediatric hospital.
Holden, Richard JBrown, Roger LScanlon, Matthew C and Karsh, Ben Tzion
Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP, vol. 8, (no. 6), pp. 509-22, 2012 Nov-Dec. | Journal Article
Social and personal normative influences on healthcare professionals to use information technology: towards a more robust social ergonomics
Holden, Richard J
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, vol. 13, (no. 5), pp. 569, 9/1/2012. | Journal Article
A human factors framework and study of the effect of nursing workload on patient safety and employee quality of working life.
Holden, Richard JScanlon, Matthew CPatel, Neal RKaushal, RainuEscoto, Kamisha HBrown, Roger LAlper, Samuel JArnold, Judi MShalaby, Theresa MMurkowski, Kathleen and Karsh, Ben Tzion
Quality & safety in health care, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 15-24, 2011/Jan. | Journal Article
Cognitive performance-altering effects of electronic medical records: an application of the human factors paradigm for patient safety
Holden, Richard
Cognition, Technology & Work, vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 11-29, Mar 2011. | Journal Article
Electronic health records: research into design and implementation.
Beasley, John WBeasley, John WBeasley, John WHolden, Richard JHolden, Richard JHolden, Richard JSullivan, FrankSullivan, Frank and Sullivan, Frank
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, vol. 61, (no. 591), pp. 604-5, 2011/Oct. | Journal Article
In reply
Holden, Richard J
Annals of Emergency Medicine, vol. 58, (no. 4), pp. 400, 2011-10-00. | Journal Article
Lean Thinking in emergency departments: a critical review.
Holden, Richard J
Annals of emergency medicine, vol. 57, (no. 3), pp. 265-78, 2011/Mar. | Journal Article
That's nice, but what does IT do? Evaluating the impact of bar coded medication administration by measuring changes in the process of care
Holden, Richard JHolden, Richard JBrown, Roger LBrown, Roger LAlper, Samuel JAlper, Samuel JScanlon, Matthew CScanlon, Matthew CPatel, Neal RPatel, Neal RKarsh, Ben Tzion and Karsh, Ben-Tzion
International journal of industrial ergonomics, vol. 41, (no. 4), pp. 370, 2011-Jul-01. | Journal Article
What stands in the way of technology-mediated patient safety improvements?: a study of facilitators and barriers to physicians' use of electronic health records.
Holden, Richard J
Journal of patient safety, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 193-203, 2011/Dec. | Journal Article
Effects of mental demands during dispensing on perceived medication safety and employee well-being: A study of workload in pediatric hospital pharmacies
Holden, Richard JHolden, Richard JPatel, Neal RPatel, Neal RScanlon, Matthew CScanlon, Matthew CShalaby, Theresa MShalaby, Theresa MArnold, Judi MArnold, Judi MKarsh, Ben-Tzion and Karsh, Ben Tzion
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 306, 2010. | Journal Article
The technology acceptance model: its past and its future in health care.
Holden, Richard J and Karsh, Ben Tzion
Journal of biomedical informatics, vol. 43, (no. 1), pp. 159-72, 2010/Feb. | Journal Article
A theoretical model of health information technology usage behaviour with implications for patient safety
Holden, Richard J and Karsh, Ben-Tzion
Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 28, (no. 1), pp. 38, 1/1/2009. | Journal Article
Do Beliefs About Hospital Technologies Predict Nurses' Perceptions of Quality of Care? A Study of Task-Technology Fit in Two Pediatric Hospitals
Karsh, Ben-TzionKarsh, Ben TzionHolden, RichardHolden, RichardEscoto, KamishaEscoto, KamishaAlper, SamuelAlper, SamuelScanlon, MatthewScanlon, MatthewArnold, JudiArnold, JudiSkibinski, KathleenSkibinski, KathleenBrown, Roger and Brown, Roger
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction: Special Issue in Honor of Michael J. Smith, vol. 25, (no. 5), pp. 389, 6/8/2009. | Journal Article
People or Systems?
Holden, Richard
Professional Safety, vol. 54, (no. 12), pp. 34-41, Dec 2009. | Journal Article
People or systems? To blame is human. The fix is to engineer.
Holden, Richard J
Professional safety, vol. 54, (no. 12), pp. 34-41, December 2009. | Journal Article
Physicians’ beliefs about using EMR and CPOE: In pursuit of a contextualized understanding of health IT use behavior
Holden, Richard J and Holden, Richard
International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 79, (no. 2), pp. 80, 2009. | Journal Article
A Review of Medical Error Reporting System Design Considerations and a Proposed Cross-Level Systems Research Framework
Holden, Richard J and Karsh, Ben Tzion
Human Factors, vol. 49, (no. 2), pp. 257-76, 2007. | Journal Article
Toward a theoretical approach to medical error reporting system research and design
Karsh, Ben TzionEscoto, Kamisha HBeasley, John W and Holden, Richard J
Applied Ergonomics, vol. 37, (no. 3), pp. 283-295, May 2006. | Journal Article
Grandpa lived to see white men walking on the moon (and other tales of employee development)
Holden, RickHolden, Richard JHamblett, John and Hamblett, John
Career Development International, vol. 3, (no. 3), pp. 117, 19980601. | Journal Article
Applying participatory design to a pharmacy system intervention
Reddy, ApoorvaLester, CoreyStone, JamieHolden, RichardPhelan, Cynthia and Chui, Michelle
. | Journal Article