124 Publications (Page 5 of 5)
Using a sociotechnical framework to understand adaptations in health IT implementation.Novak, Laurie Lovett⋅Holden, Richard J⋅Anders, Shilo H⋅Hong, Jennifer Y and Karsh, Ben TzionInternational journal of medical informatics, vol. 82, (no. 12), pp. e331-e344, December 2013.
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From group work to teamwork: A case study of "Lean" rapid process improvement in the ThedaCare Information Technology DepartmentHolden, Richard J and Hackbart, GregIIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, vol. 2, (no. 3), pp. 201, 7/1/2012.
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How does lean work in emergency care? A case study of a lean-inspired intervention at the Astrid Lindgren Children's hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.Mazzocato, Pamela⋅Holden, Richard J⋅Brommels, Mats⋅Aronsson, Håkan⋅Bäckman, Ulrika⋅Elg, Mattias and Thor, JohanBMC health services research, vol. 12, pp. 28, 2012.
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Modeling nurses' acceptance of bar coded medication administration technology at a pediatric hospital.Holden, Richard J⋅Brown, Roger L⋅Scanlon, Matthew C and Karsh, Ben TzionJournal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, vol. 19, (no. 6), pp. 1050-8, 2012 Nov-Dec.
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Pharmacy workers' perceptions and acceptance of bar-coded medication technology in a pediatric hospital.Holden, Richard J⋅Brown, Roger L⋅Scanlon, Matthew C and Karsh, Ben TzionResearch in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP, vol. 8, (no. 6), pp. 509-22, 2012 Nov-Dec.
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Social and personal normative influences on healthcare professionals to use information technology: towards a more robust social ergonomicsHolden, Richard JTheoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, vol. 13, (no. 5), pp. 569, 9/1/2012.
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A human factors framework and study of the effect of nursing workload on patient safety and employee quality of working life.Holden, Richard J⋅Scanlon, Matthew C⋅Patel, Neal R⋅Kaushal, Rainu⋅Escoto, Kamisha H⋅Brown, Roger L⋅Alper, Samuel J⋅Arnold, Judi M⋅Shalaby, Theresa M⋅Murkowski, Kathleen and Karsh, Ben TzionQuality & safety in health care, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 15-24, 2011/Jan.
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Cognitive performance-altering effects of electronic medical records: an application of the human factors paradigm for patient safetyHolden, RichardCognition, Technology & Work, vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 11-29, Mar 2011.
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Electronic health records: research into design and implementation.Beasley, John W⋅Beasley, John W⋅Beasley, John W⋅Holden, Richard J⋅Holden, Richard J⋅Holden, Richard J⋅Sullivan, Frank⋅Sullivan, Frank and Sullivan, FrankThe British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, vol. 61, (no. 591), pp. 604-5, 2011/Oct.
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In replyHolden, Richard JAnnals of Emergency Medicine, vol. 58, (no. 4), pp. 400, 2011-10-00.
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Lean Thinking in emergency departments: a critical review.Holden, Richard JAnnals of emergency medicine, vol. 57, (no. 3), pp. 265-78, 2011/Mar.
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That's nice, but what does IT do? Evaluating the impact of bar coded medication administration by measuring changes in the process of careHolden, Richard J⋅Holden, Richard J⋅Brown, Roger L⋅Brown, Roger L⋅Alper, Samuel J⋅Alper, Samuel J⋅Scanlon, Matthew C⋅Scanlon, Matthew C⋅Patel, Neal R⋅Patel, Neal R⋅Karsh, Ben Tzion and Karsh, Ben-TzionInternational journal of industrial ergonomics, vol. 41, (no. 4), pp. 370, 2011-Jul-01.
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What stands in the way of technology-mediated patient safety improvements?: a study of facilitators and barriers to physicians' use of electronic health records.Holden, Richard JJournal of patient safety, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 193-203, 2011/Dec.
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Effects of mental demands during dispensing on perceived medication safety and employee well-being: A study of workload in pediatric hospital pharmaciesHolden, Richard J⋅Holden, Richard J⋅Patel, Neal R⋅Patel, Neal R⋅Scanlon, Matthew C⋅Scanlon, Matthew C⋅Shalaby, Theresa M⋅Shalaby, Theresa M⋅Arnold, Judi M⋅Arnold, Judi M⋅Karsh, Ben-Tzion and Karsh, Ben TzionResearch in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 306, 2010.
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The technology acceptance model: its past and its future in health care.Holden, Richard J and Karsh, Ben TzionJournal of biomedical informatics, vol. 43, (no. 1), pp. 159-72, 2010/Feb.
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A theoretical model of health information technology usage behaviour with implications for patient safetyHolden, Richard J and Karsh, Ben-TzionBehaviour & Information Technology, vol. 28, (no. 1), pp. 38, 1/1/2009.
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Do Beliefs About Hospital Technologies Predict Nurses' Perceptions of Quality of Care? A Study of Task-Technology Fit in Two Pediatric HospitalsKarsh, Ben-Tzion⋅Karsh, Ben Tzion⋅Holden, Richard⋅Holden, Richard⋅Escoto, Kamisha⋅Escoto, Kamisha⋅Alper, Samuel⋅Alper, Samuel⋅Scanlon, Matthew⋅Scanlon, Matthew⋅Arnold, Judi⋅Arnold, Judi⋅Skibinski, Kathleen⋅Skibinski, Kathleen⋅Brown, Roger and Brown, RogerInternational Journal of Human-Computer Interaction: Special Issue in Honor of Michael J. Smith, vol. 25, (no. 5), pp. 389, 6/8/2009.
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People or Systems?Holden, RichardProfessional Safety, vol. 54, (no. 12), pp. 34-41, Dec 2009.
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People or systems? To blame is human. The fix is to engineer.Holden, Richard JProfessional safety, vol. 54, (no. 12), pp. 34-41, December 2009.
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Physicians’ beliefs about using EMR and CPOE: In pursuit of a contextualized understanding of health IT use behaviorHolden, Richard J and Holden, RichardInternational Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 79, (no. 2), pp. 80, 2009.
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A Review of Medical Error Reporting System Design Considerations and a Proposed Cross-Level Systems Research FrameworkHolden, Richard J and Karsh, Ben TzionHuman Factors, vol. 49, (no. 2), pp. 257-76, 2007.
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Grandpa lived to see white men walking on the moon (and other tales of employee development)Holden, Rick⋅Holden, Richard J⋅Hamblett, John and Hamblett, JohnCareer Development International, vol. 3, (no. 3), pp. 117, 19980601.
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Applying participatory design to a pharmacy system interventionReddy, Apoorva⋅Lester, Corey⋅Stone, Jamie⋅Holden, Richard⋅Phelan, Cynthia and Chui, Michelle.
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