Her research focuses on the political economy of development, local politics of natural resource extraction, territorial sovereignty, and violent conflict.

Her next book-length project explores the use of common-pool resources (forestry in particular) in conflict and post-conflict contexts to explore the effect of common-pool resource management participation on local stability. Other areas of interest include technologies of repression, conflict events reporting, and private investment in unstable regions. She employs a mixed-methods approach, including game theory, comparative case analysis, and statistical methods, and she has conducted fieldwork in Congo-Brazzaville, Zambia, DRC, Senegal, and Mozambique.

  • politics of natural resources
  • non-state goods provision
  • regions of limited state presence
  • violent conflict
  • technologies of repression
Asian Studies, International Studies, International Studies, African Studies, Political Science, Political Science
PhD, University of Michigan, Political Science, 2014
MA, University of Michigan, Political Science, 2011
BA, Stanford University, Political Science, 2006