185 Publications (Page 6 of 8)
Structure-activity relationships of beta-MSH derived melanocortin-4 receptor peptide agonists.
Yan, Liang ZHsiung, Hansen MHeiman, Mark LGadski, Robert AEmmerson, Paul JHertel, JeAnneFlora, DavidEdwards, PatrickSmiley, DaveZhang, LianshanHusain, SabaKahl, Steven DDiMarchi, Richard D and Mayer, John P
Current topics in medicinal chemistry, vol. 7, (no. 11), pp. 1052-67, 2007. | Journal Article
Parathyroid hormone 1-34 enhances titanium implant anchorage in low-density trabecular bone: a correlative micro-computed tomographic and biomechanical analysis.
Gabet, YankelMüller, RalphLevy, Jay ADiMarchi, Richard DChorev, MichaelBab, Itai Arye and Kohavi, David
Bone, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 276-82, 2006/Aug. | Journal Article
Discovery of a beta-MSH-derived MC-4R selective agonist.
Mayer, John PHsiung, Hansen MFlora, David BEdwards, PatrickSmith, Dennis PZhang, Xing-YueGadski, Robert AHeiman, Mark LHertel, Jeanne LEmmerson, Paul JHusain, SabaO'brien, Thomas PKahl, Steven DSmiley, David LZhang, LianshanDiMarchi, Richard D and Yan, Liang Z
Journal of medicinal chemistry, vol. 48, (no. 9), pp. 3095-8, 2005/May/5. | Journal Article
Drugging the undruggable.
Mayer, John P and DiMarchi, Richard D
Chemistry & biology, vol. 12, (no. 8), pp. 860-1, 2005/Aug. | Journal Article
Drugging the Undruggable
Mayer, John P and DiMarchi, Richard D
Chemistry & Biology, vol. 12, (no. 8), pp. 861, August 2005. | Journal Article
Leptin: structure, function and biology.
Zhang, FamingChen, YanyunHeiman, Mark and DiMarchi, Richard D
Vitamins and hormones, vol. 71, pp. 345-72, 2005. | Journal Article
Potent and selective MC-4 receptor agonists based on a novel disulfide scaffold
Yan, Liang ZFlora, DavidEdwards, PatrickSmiley, David LEmmerson, Paul JHsiung, Hansen MGadski, RobertHertel, JeAnneHeiman, Mark LHusain, SabaO'Brien, Thomas PKahl, Steven DZhang, LianshanDiMarchi, Richard D and Mayer, John P
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, vol. 15, (no. 20), pp. 4611-4614, 2005. | Journal Article
Statistical and operational issues arising in an interim analysis when the study will continue
Huster, WilliamShah, AartiKaiser, GaryDere, Will and DiMarchi, Richard
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, vol. 33, (no. 3), pp. 869, Jul-Sep 1999. | Journal Article
Statistical and operational issues arising in an interim analysis when the study will continue
Huster, WilliamShah, AartiKaiser, GaryDere, Will and DiMarchi, Richard D
Drug Information Journal, vol. 33, (no. 3), pp. 869, Jul-Sep 1999. | Journal Article
Basal activity profiles of NPH and [Nepsilon-palmitoyl Lys (B29)] human insulins in subjects with IDDM.
Radziuk, JPye, SBradley, BBraaten, JVignati, LRoach, PBowsher, RDiMarchi, Richard D and Chance, R
Diabetologia, vol. 41, (no. 1), pp. 116-20, 1998/Jan. | Journal Article
Bioavailability and bioeffectiveness of subcutaneous human insulin and two of its analogs--LysB28ProB29-human insulin and AspB10LysB28ProB29-human insulin--assessed in a conscious pig model.
Radziuk, J MDavies, J CPye, W SShields, J EDiMarchi, Richard D and Chance, R E
Diabetes, vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 548-56, 1997/Apr. | Journal Article
Bioavailability and bioeffectiveness of subcutaneous human insulin and two of its analogs--[Lys.sup.B28][Pro.sup.B29]-human insulin and [Asp.sup.B10][Lys.sup.B28][Pro.sup.B29]-human insulin--assessed in a conscious pig model
Davies, JillChance, RonaldPye, W.Radziuk, JerryShields, James and DiMarchi, Richard
Diabetes, vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 548, 19970401. | Journal Article
Crystal structure of the obese protein leptin-E100
Zhang, FamingBasinski, MBBeals, JMBriggs, SLChurgay, LMClawson, DKDiMarchi, Richard DFurman, TCHale, JEHsiung, HMSchoner, BESmith, DPZhang, Xing YWery, J-P and Schevitz, RW
Nature, vol. 387, (no. 6629), pp. 206-209, 1997. | Journal Article
Improved mealtime treatment of diabetes mellitus using an insulin analogue
Anderson, James HBrunelle, Rocco LKoivisto, Veikko ATrautmann, Michael EVignati, Louis and DiMarchi, Richard
Clinical Therapeutics, vol. 19, (no. 1), pp. 72, 1997. | Journal Article
Improved mealtime treatment of diabetes mellitus using an insulin analogue. Multicenter Insulin Lispro Study Group.
Anderson, J HBrunelle, R LKoivisto, V ATrautmann, M EVignati, L and DiMarchi, Richard D
Clinical therapeutics, vol. 19, (no. 1), pp. 62-72, 1997 Jan-Feb. | Journal Article
Mealtime Treatment With Insulin Analog Improves Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia in Patients With Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Anderson, James HBrunelle, Rocco LKeohane, PatrickKoivisto, Veikko ATrautmann, Michael EVignati, Louis and DiMarchi, Richard
Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 157, (no. 11), pp. 1255, 1997-06-09. | Journal Article
Modifications in the B10 and B26-30 regions of the B chain of human insulin alter affinity for the human IGF-I receptor more than for the insulin receptor.
Slieker, L JBrooke, G SDiMarchi, Richard DFlora, D BGreen, L KHoffmann, J ALong, H BFan, LShields, J ESundell, K LSurface, P L and Chance, R E
Diabetologia, vol. 40 Suppl 2, pp. S54-61, 1997/Jul. | Journal Article
New advances in insulin treatment of diabetes: overcoming barriers.
Davidson, J AGarber, A JDiMarchi, Richard D and Santiago, J V
Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, vol. 3, (no. 6), pp. 371-84, 1997 Nov-Dec. | Journal Article
Prevention of vascular and neural dysfunction in diabetic rats by C-peptide
Ido, Y.Vindigni, A.Chang, K.Stramm, L.Chance, R.Heath, WFDiMarchi, Richard DDi Cera, Enrico and Williamson, J. R
Science (Washington), vol. 277, (no. 5325), pp. 563-566, 1997. | Journal Article
Reduction of Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Frequency of Hypoglycemia in IDDM Patients on Insulin-Analog Treatment
Anderson, JamesBrunelle, RoccoKoivisto, VeikkoPfutzner, AndreasTrautmann, MichaelVignati, Louis and DiMarchi, Richard
Diabetes, vol. 46, (no. 2), pp. 270, 1997-02-01. | Journal Article
Preparation of an insulin with improved pharmacokinetics relative to human insulin through consideration of structural homology with insulin-like growth factor I.
DiMarchi, Richard DChance, R ELong, H BShields, J E and Slieker, L J
Hormone research, vol. 41 Suppl 2, pp. 93-6, 1994. | Journal Article
Stimulation of glucose uptake by insulin-like growth factor II in human muscle is not mediated by the insulin-like growth factor II/mannose 6-phosphate receptor.
Burguera, BElton, C WCaro, J FTapscott, E BPories, Walter JDiMarchi, Richard DSakano, K and Dohm, G. L
The Biochemical journal, vol. 300 ( Pt 3), pp. 781-5, 1994/Jun/15. | Journal Article
Altering the association properties of insulin by amino acid replacement.
Brems, D NAlter, L ABeckage, M JChance, R EDiMarchi, Richard DGreen, L KLong, H BPekar, A HShields, J E and Frank, B H
Protein engineering, vol. 5, (no. 6), pp. 527-33, 1992/Sep. | Journal Article
Cross-reactive and serotype-specific antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus generated by different regions of the same synthetic peptide.
Doel, T RDoel, C MStaple, R F and DiMarchi, Richard D
Journal of virology, vol. 66, (no. 4), pp. 2187-94, 1992/Apr. | Journal Article
Maturation of functional antibody affinity in animals immunised with synthetic foot-and-mouth disease virus.
Mulcahy, GReid, EDiMarchi, Richard DGale, C and Doel, T R
Research in veterinary science, vol. 52, (no. 2), pp. 133-40, 1992/Mar. | Journal Article