81 Publications (Page 4 of 4)
Increased transforming growth factor-ßl expression in regenerating rat renal tubules following ischémie injury
Basile, D.P.Rovak, J.M.Martin, D.R. and Hammerman, M.R.
American Journal of Physiology, vol. 270. | Journal Article
Basic fibroblast growth factor receptor in the rat adrenal cortex: Effects of suramin and unilateral adrenalectomy on receptor numbers
Basile, D PBasile, D.P.Holzwarth, M.A. and Holzwarth, Matilde A
Endocrinology, vol. 134, pp. 2482-2489. | Journal Article
The role of basic fibroblast growth factor in the compensatory adrenal growth response (Dissertation)
Basile, David P (1994).
Basic fibroblast growth factor may mediate proliferation in the compensatory adrenal growth response
Basile, D.P. and Holzwarth, M.A.
Basic fibroblast growth factor may mediate proliferation in the compensatory adrenal growth response
Basile, D.P. and Holzwarth, M.A.
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, vol. 265. | Journal Article
Basic fibroblast growth factor may mediate proliferation in the compensatory adrenal growth response.
Basile, D P and Holzwarth, M A
The American journal of physiology, vol. 265, (no. 6 Pt 2), pp. R1253-R1261, December 1993. | Journal Article