148 Publications (Page 6 of 6)
Microscale nonreductive release of O-linked glycans for subsequent analysis through MALDI mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis.
Huang, YMechref, Yehia and Novotny, Milos V
Analytical chemistry, vol. 73, (no. 24), pp. 6063-9, 2001/Dec/15. | Journal Article
Preface: a personal tribute to capillary electrophoresis and Jim Jorgenson.
Novotny, Milos V
Electrophoresis. , vol. 22, (no. 17), pp. 3599-601, 2001/Oct. | Journal Article
Analysis of bile acids and their conjugates by capillary electrochromatography/electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry.
Que, A HKonse, TBaker, A G and Novotny, Milos V
Analytical chemistry, vol. 72, (no. 13), pp. 2703-10, 2000/Jul/1. | Journal Article
Glycosylated major urinary protein of the house mouse: characterization of its N-linked oligosaccharides.
Mechref, YehiaŽídek, LukášMa, W and Novotny, Milos V
Glycobiology, vol. 10, (no. 3), pp. 231-5, 2000/Mar. | Journal Article
A unique urinary constituent, 6-hydroxy-6-methyl-3-heptanone, is a pheromone that accelerates puberty in female mice.
Novotny, Milos VJemiolo, BWiesler, DMa, WHarvey, SXu, FXie, T M and Carmack, M
Chemistry & biology. , vol. 6, (no. 6), pp. 377-83, 1999/Jun. | Journal Article
Increased protein backbone conformational entropy upon hydrophobic ligand binding.
Žídek, LukášNovotny, Milos V and Stone, Martin J
Nature structural biology, vol. 6, (no. 12), pp. 1118-21, 1999/Dec. | Journal Article
Induction of estrus in grouped female mice (Mus domesticus) by synthetic analogues of preputial gland constituents
Ma, W.Miao, Z. and Novotny, Milos V
Chemical Senses, vol. 24, (no. 3), pp. 289, Jun 1999. | Journal Article
Narrow-band collisional activation technique for ion trap mass spectrometers.
Baker, A GAlexander, A and Novotny, Milos V
Analytical chemistry, vol. 71, (no. 14), pp. 2945-50, 1999/Jul/15. | Journal Article
N-Linked Oligosaccharides of Vomeromodulin, a Putative Pheromone Transporter in Rat
Mechref, YehiaMa, W.Hao, G. and Novotny, Milos V
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, vol. 255, (no. 2), pp. 451-455, 1999. | Journal Article
NMR Mapping of the Recombinant Mouse Major Urinary Protein I Binding Site Occupied by the Pheromone 2-sec-Butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole
Žídek, LukášStone, MartinLato, SMPagel, MarkMiao, Z.Ellington, Andy and Novotny, Milos V
Biochemistry (Washington), vol. 38, (no. 31), pp. 9850-9861, 1999. | Journal Article
Positive identification of the puberty-accelerating pheromone of the house mouse: the volatile ligands associating with the major urinary protein.
Novotny, M VMa, WWiesler, D and Zídek, L
Proceedings. Biological sciences, vol. 266, (no. 1432), pp. 2017-2022, October 7, 1999. | Journal Article
Positive identification of the puberty-accelerating pheromone of the house mouse: The volatile ligands associating with the major urinary protein
Novotny, Milos VMa, W.Wiesler, D. and Žídek, Lukáš
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences, vol. 266, (no. 1432), pp. 2017-2022, 1999. | Journal Article
Tandem mass spectrometry of model peptides modified with trans-2-hexenal, a product of lipid peroxidation.
Baker, A GWiesler, D and Novotny, Milos V
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 10, (no. 7), pp. 613-24, 1999/Jul. | Journal Article
Complexation between Amylodextrin Oligomers and Selected Pharmaceuticals Measured through Capillary Electrophoresis.
Hong, MHong, MingfangSoini, HelenaSoini, HBaker, ABaker, AndrewNovotny, Milos V and Novotny, Milos
Analytical chemistry, vol. 70, (no. 17), pp. 3590-7, 1998/Sep/1. | Journal Article
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of acidic glycoconjugates facilitated by the use of spermine as a co-matrix.
Mechref, Yehia and Novotny, Milos V
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 9, (no. 12), pp. 1293-302, 1998/Dec. | Journal Article
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of neutral and acidic oligosaccharides with collision-induced dissociation.
Mechref, YehiaBaker, A G and Novotny, Milos V
Carbohydrate research, vol. 313, (no. 3-4), pp. 145-55, 1998/Dec/15. | Journal Article
Reaction of N-acetylglycyllysine methyl ester with 2-alkenals: An alternative model for covalent modification of proteins
Baker, A.Žídek, LukášWiesler, D.Chmelik, J.Pagel, Mark and Novotny, Milos V
Chemical Research in Toxicology, vol. 11, (no. 7), pp. 730-740, 1998. | Journal Article
Role of the adrenal gland and adrenal-mediated chemosignals in suppression of estrus in the house mouse: the lee-boot effect revisited.
Ma, WMiao, Z and Novotny, Milos V
Biology of reproduction, vol. 59, (no. 6), pp. 1317-20, 1998/Dec. | Journal Article
Modification of horse heart cytochrome c with trans-2-hexenal
Žídek, LukášDolezel, P.Chmelik, J.Baker, AG and Novotny, Milos V
Chemical Research in Toxicology, vol. 10, (no. 6), pp. 702-710, 1997. | Journal Article
The use of osazones as matrices for the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of carbohydrates.
Chen, PBaker, A G and Novotny, Milos V
Analytical biochemistry, vol. 244, (no. 1), pp. 144-51, 1997/Jan/1. | Journal Article
Capillary electrophoresis
Novotny, Milos V
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 29-34, 1996. | Journal Article
Inhibition of glycolytic enzymes by endogenous aldehydes: a possible relation to diabetic neuropathies.
Novotny, Milos VYancey, M FStuart, RWiesler, D and Peterson, R G
Biochimica et biophysica acta, vol. 1226, (no. 2), pp. 145-50, 1994/May/25. | Journal Article
Microcolumn separation methods and their ancillary techniques.
Novotny, Milos V
Analytical chemistry, vol. 55, (no. 13), pp. 1308A-14A, 1983/Nov/1. | Journal Article