- to study the roles of Peptides in the brain on obesity, alcoholism/anxiety and hypertension;

- to use modern methods in neuroscientific approaches to examine and quantitate different mRNAs, peptide contents and binding of receptors in conjunction with pharmacobehavioral evaluation to study questions related to obesity, alcoholism/anxiety and hypertension. In our lab, we applied modern methodologies including (a) in situ hybridization for different mRNAs, (b) radioiummunohistochemical assay for measuring different substances including neuropeptides, (c) in situ receptor binding assays, (d) quantitative autoradiography, (e) behavioral pharmacology, as well as (f) electron microscopic immunocytochemistry, to study different questions on: (i) role of amygdaloid neuropeptides in anxiety, depression and alcoholism, (ii) role of hypothalamic peptides in obesity, (iii) chronic pain, hyperalgesia and analgesia, and (iv) neurobiology of aging. - to study the roles of Peptides in the brain on obesity, alcoholism/anxiety and hypertension;

- to use modern methods in neuroscientific approaches to examine and quantitate different mRNAs, peptide contents and binding of receptors in conjunction with pharmacobehavioral evaluation to study questions related to obesity, alcoholism/anxiety and hypertension.
Anxiety/depression/alcoholism, Hypertension, Obesity and Anorexia, Peptides in the Brain, Stress
Past Affiliations
hypertension stress anatomy cell & developmental biology