434 Publications (Page 2 of 18)
Does entrepreneurial activity matter for economic growth in developing countries? The role of the institutional environment
Urbano, DavidAudretsch, DavidAparicio, Sebastian and Noguera, Maria
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2019-12-20. | Journal Article
Does Everyone Benefit from Participating in Accelerator Programs?
Chowdhury, Farzana and Audretsch, David
Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2019, (no. 1), pp. 10094, 2019-08-00. | Journal Article
Does Low Cost Import Competition Effect Entrepreneurial Activity?
Venancio, AnaChowdhury, Farzana and Audretsch, David
Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2019, (no. 1), pp. 17541, 2019-08-00. | Journal Article
Aparicio, SebastianUrbano, DavidAudretsch, David and Noguera, Maria
Revista de Economia Mundial (Magazine of World Economy (ies), (no. 51), pp. 163, 20190501. | Journal Article
Entrepreneurial ecosystems: economic, technological, and societal impacts
Audretsch, DavidAudretsch, DavidAudretsch, DavidAudretsch, DavidAudretsch, DavidCunningham, JamesCunningham, JamesCunningham, JamesCunningham, JamesCunningham, JamesKuratko, DonaldKuratko, DonaldKuratko, DonaldKuratko, DonaldKuratko, DonaldLehmann, ErikLehmann, ErikLehmann, ErikLehmann, ErikLehmann, ErikMenter, MatthiasMenter, MatthiasMenter, MatthiasMenter, Matthias and Menter, Matthias
The Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 325, 20190401. | Journal Article
Entrepreneurship and culture
Audretsch, David B
Eurasian Economic Review, 2019-07-30. | Journal Article
Entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers from the public sector
Audretsch, David BAudretsch, David BLink, Albert N and Link, Albert N
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, vol. 15, (no. 1), pp. 208, 2019-03-00. | Journal Article
Female and male entrepreneurship during the economic crisis: an institutional tale of european countries
Aparicio, SebastianUrbano, DavidAudretsch, David and Noguera, María
Revista de Economía Mundial, vol. 51, 20190101. | Journal Article
From latent to emergent entrepreneurship: the knowledge spillover construction circle
Caiazza, RosaCaiazza, RosaBelitski, MaksimBelitski, MaksimAudretsch, David B and Audretsch, David B
The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2019-03-15. | Journal Article
Have we oversold the Silicon Valley model of entrepreneurship?
Audretsch, David B
Small Business Economics, 2019-10-21. | Journal Article
Institutions and Entrepreneurship Quality
Chowdhury, FarzanaChowdhury, FarzanaAudretsch, David BAudretsch, David BBelitski, Maksim and Belitski, Maksim
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol. 43, (no. 1), pp. 81, 20190100. | Journal Article
Audretsch, David BAudretsch, David BLink, Albert NLink, Albert NWright, Mike and Wright, Mike
Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship, vol. 15, (no. 3-4), pp. 327, 2019-00-00. | Journal Article
Knowledge as growth
Audretsch, David B
The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2019-07-29. | Journal Article
Public cluster policy and firm performance: evaluating spillover effects across industries
Audretsch, David BAudretsch, David BAudretsch, David BLehmann, Erik ELehmann, Erik ELehmann, Erik EMenter, MatthiasMenter, MatthiasMenter, MatthiasSeitz, NikolausSeitz, Nikolaus and Seitz, Nikolaus
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, vol. 31, (no. 1-2), pp. 165, 1/1/2019. | Journal Article
Public sector innovation: the effect of universities
Demircioglu, Mehmet ADemircioglu, MehmetAudretsch, David and Audretsch, David B
Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 596-614, Apr 2019. | Journal Article
Sources of innovation and innovation type: firm-level evidence from the United States
Demircioglu, Mehmet AkifDemircioglu, Mehmet AkifAudretsch, David BAudretsch, David BSlaper, Timothy F and Slaper, Timothy F
Industrial and Corporate Change, 2019-03-15. | Journal Article
The Foundations of the Entrepreneurial Society
Audretsch, David B
Management international, vol. 23, (no. 5), pp. 25, 2019. | Journal Article
The fountain of knowledge: an epistemological perspective on the growth of U.S. SBIR-funded firms
Audretsch, David BAudretsch, David BLink, Albert N and Link, Albert N
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, pp. 11, 2019-07-09. | Journal Article
The influence of trust and collaboration with external partners on appropriability in open service firms
Corral de Zubielqui, GracielaJones, Janice and Audretsch, David
The Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 558, 20190401. | Journal Article
The Limits to Collaboration Across Four of the Most Innovative UK Industries
Audretsch, David BAudretsch, David BBelitski, Maksim and Belitski, Maksim
British Journal of Management, 2019-04-02. | Journal Article
Twenty-five years of research on institutions, entrepreneurship, and economic growth: what has been learned?
Urbano, DavidAparicio, Sebastian and Audretsch, David
Small Business Economics, vol. 53, (no. 1), pp. 49, 20190615. | Journal Article
Who Will Set the Rules for Smart Factories? Leadership in information governance will provide a first-mover advantage to the nation's manufacturing sector
Belton, KeithBelton, KeithBelton, KeithBelton, KeithAudretsch, DavidAudretsch, DavidAudretsch, DavidAudretsch, DavidGraham, JohnGraham, JohnGraham, JohnGraham, JohnRupp, JohnRupp, JohnRupp, John and Rupp, John
Issues in Science and Technology, vol. 35, (no. 3), pp. 70, 20190322. | Journal Article
Conditions for complex innovations: evidence from public organizations
Demircioglu, Mehmet AkifDemircioglu, Mehmet AkifAudretsch, David B and Audretsch, David B
The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2018-10-06. | Journal Article
Creating an entrepreneurial society in Europe
Audretsch, DavidMamtora, Apexa and Menendez, Hugo
Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 43, (no. 6), pp. 1437-1448, Dec 2018. | Journal Article
Entrepreneurship culture, knowledge spillovers and the growth of regions
Stuetzer, MichaelAudretsch, David BObschonka, MartinGosling, Samuel DRentfrow, Peter J and Potter, Jeff
Regional Studies, vol. 52, (no. 5), pp. 618, 5/4/2018. | Journal Article