
Research Areas:

  • Qualitative Research Methodologies/Methods; Discourse Studies; Critical Disability Studies.

My research comprises of two intersecting strands. The first strand of my research program focuses on the study and development of qualitative research methodologies and methods at a theoretical, conceptual, and technical level. More particularly, within this strand of my research program, I focus on five broad lines of inquiry, including: 1) theoretical and practical considerations when engaging in qualitative research; 2) digital tools for/in qualitative research; 3) teaching research methodologies and methods; 4) the practice and implications of centering disability in critical qualitative research; and 5) the epistemological and ontological implications of discursive constructionism.

The second strand of my research program is focused on the study of everyday and institutional social interactions. In the broadest sense, this strand of my research follows two context-specific lines of inquiry: 1) child mental health and 2) education as broadly defined.

PhD, University of Tennessee, Educational Psychology and Research, 2011
MEd, University of Mary, Education, 2005
BA, Jamestown College, Biology, 2000