

  • 19th-and early 20th-century Latin American literature
  • Hispanic modernismo
  • Transnational modernism(s)/modernities
  • Transatlantic Studies
  • Postcolonial Studies
  • Gender and sexuality

My research combines Latin American and Transatlantic Studies and seeks new ways to approach the study of modernism and modernity in Spanish America, Spain, and Western culture more broadly. I have published on modernismo, modernist fiction, and the imperial legacies of Hispanism.

My current book project significantly expands on this line of research and aims to challenge standard views of Hispanic literary and cultural history. Focusing on evolving concepts of cosmopolitanism, empire, and nation, among others, I posit that Spanish American letters, from Inca Garcilaso to Rubén Darío to the post-boom, have been a constant modernizing force in Spanish Peninsular literary culture, a force, however, consistently unrecognized by nationalist, postcolonial, and post-imperial critical traditions. From within the fields of Latin American and Transatlantic studies, my research remains critical of a practice of transatlanticism that leaves traditional power structures in place.

At the graduate level, I typically teach the Introduction to 19th-Century Spanish American literature as well as more specialized courses and seminars on topics such as modernism, modernity, postcoloniality, transatlanticism, cosmopolitanism, and emerging theories of world literature.

Current research projects

  • Re-discovering America: Postcoloniality, Literary Authority, and the Untold History of Transatlantic Relations.
  • Global Fictions: Modernismo and the Novel in Spanish America (1880-1930).  (Nearing completion)

Research Interests

  • Spanish American literature and culture; Transatlantic Studies; Modernism

Subject Area: Spanish & Portuguese


  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Literature
  • Modernism
European Studies, Portuguese, Chicano/a Studies, Spanish
PhD, University of Michigan, 1995
MA, University of Michigan, 1992
BA, Universidad de Sevilla, 1990