Social and political philosophy.
Workplace Ethical Issues
Public Intellectuals and Political Deceit
Corporate Priorities as Basis of US Domestic and Foreign Policy
The status of nonprofits in social and political theory, the role of groups in formation and implementation of public policy (ethical and legal considerations), normative uses of the public/private distinction.
Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology.
Workplace Ethical Issues
Public Intellectuals and Political Deceit
Corporate Priorities as Basis of US Domestic and Foreign Policy
Elder Law (volunteer work with Legal Services Organization)
Business Ethics, Ethics/Values in Science and Technology, France, Political Parties, United Kingdom (Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
Key question underlying my work: are there no ethical limits on how completely corporate interests can override legitimate concerns for society's well-being?
Corporate Social Responsibility: Have Its Good Intentions Been Coopted by the Arms Industry?