232 Publications (Page 4 of 10)
M1293 Central Administration of Orexin-A Changes Basal Motor Pattern From the Interdigestive to the Postprandial, via a Vagal Cholinergic Pathway in Conscious RatsBulbul, Mehmet⋅Babygirija, Reji⋅Ludwig, Kirk and Takahashi, TokuGastroenterology, vol. 138, (no. 5), pp. S-373, 2010.
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DavidsonLepore, Ernie and Ludwig, Kirk(pp. 54–75). Wiley-Blackwell
Does Every Question Deserve a Randomized Controlled Trial?: Comment on “Endolaparoscopic Approach vs Conventional Open Surgery in the Treatment of Obstructing Left-Sided Colon Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial”Ludwig, Kirk and Ridolfi, Timothy JArchives of Surgery, vol. 144, (no. 12), pp. 1132, 2009-12-21.
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Donald Davidson: Essays on Actions and EventsLudwig, Kirk(pp. 146–165). Acumen Publishing Limited
Fodor’s Challenge to the Classical Computational Theory of MindLudwig, Kirk and SCHNEIDER, SUSANMind & Language, vol. 23, (no. 1), pp. 143, February 2008.
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M1674 Time Course of Gastric Emptying, Plasma Ghrelin Levels and Autonomic Nerves Function in the Chronic Stage of Diabetes in RatsAriga, Hajime⋅Imai, Kenji⋅Ludwig, Kirk⋅Mantyh, Christopher⋅Pappas, Theodore and Takahashi, TokuGastroenterology, vol. 134, (no. 4), pp. A-395, 2008.
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Semantics for NondeclarativesBoisvert, Daniel and Ludwig, KirkOxford University Press. 2008
Collective Intentional Behavior from the Standpoint of Semantics*Ludwig, Kirk ANous, vol. 41, (no. 3), pp. 355-393, Sep 2007.
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Complete pathological response to bevacizumab and chemoradiation in advanced rectal cancerLauwers, Gregory Y⋅Bendell, Johanna⋅Boucher, Yves⋅Duda, Dan G⋅Wong, Terence Z⋅Vujaskovic, Zeljko⋅Czito, Brian G⋅Poleski, Martin⋅Cohen, Kenneth S⋅Paulson, Erik⋅di Tomaso, Emmanuelle⋅Willett, Christopher G⋅Jain, Rakesh K⋅Vlahovic, Gordana⋅Hurwitz, Herbert I⋅Bentley, Rex⋅Ludwig, Kirk A⋅Willett, Christopher G⋅Willett, Christopher G⋅Duda, Dan G⋅Duda, Dan G⋅Di Tomaso, Emmanuelle⋅Di Tomaso, Emmanuelle⋅Boucher, Yves⋅Boucher, Yves⋅Czito, Brian G⋅Czito, Brian G⋅Vujaskovic, Zeljko⋅Vujaskovic, Zeljko⋅Vlahovic, Gordana⋅Vlahovic, Gordana⋅Bendell, Johanna⋅Bendell, Johanna⋅Cohen, Kenneth S⋅Cohen, Kenneth⋅Hurwitz, Herbert I⋅Hurwitz, Herbert I⋅Bentley, Rex C⋅Bentley, Rex⋅Lauwers, Gregory Y⋅Lauwers, Gregory Y⋅Poleski, Martin⋅Poleski, Martin⋅Wong, Terence⋅Wong, Terence Z⋅Paulson, Erik⋅Paulson, Erik K⋅Ludwig, Kirk A⋅Ludwig, Kirk A⋅Jain, Rakesh K and Jain, Rakesh KNature Clinical Practice Oncology, vol. 4, (no. 5), pp. 321, 200705.
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Donald Davidson’s Truth-Theoretic SemanticsLepore, Ernest and Ludwig, KirkOxford University Press. 2007
Foundations of Social Reality in Collective Intentional BehaviorLudwig, Kirk(pp. 49–71). Springer Netherlands
Radical Misinterpretation: A Reply to StoutlandLepore, Ernie and Ludwig, KirkInternational Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 585, 12/1/2007.
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The Argument from Normative Autonomy for Collective AgentsLudwig, KirkJournal of Social Philosophy, vol. 38, (no. 3), pp. 427, Fall 2007.
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The Concept of Truth and the Semantics of the Truth PredicateBadici, Emil and Ludwig, Kirk AInquiry, vol. 50, (no. 6), Dec 2007.
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The Epistemology of Thought Experiments: First Person versus Third Person ApproachesLudwig, KirkMidwest Studies In Philosophy, vol. 31, (no. 1), pp. 159, September 2007.
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Critical NoticesLudwig, KirkPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 72, (no. 2), pp. 494, March 2006.
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Donald Davidson: Essays on actions and eventsLudwig, K.2006
Donald Davidson: Essays on actions and eventsLudwig, K.(pp. 146-165)
Ontology in the Theory of MeaningLepore, Ernest⋅Lepore, Ernest⋅Ludwig, Kirk and Ludwig, KirkInternational Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 14, (no. 3), pp. 335, 9/1/2006.
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Donald DavidsonLepore, Ernie and Ludwig, KirkOxford University Press. 2005
Kirk Ludwig (éd.), Donald Davidson, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, 240 pages.
Sinclair, Robert
Philosophiques, vol. 32, pp. 271. | Journal Article
Prevention of Postoperative Abdominal Adhesions by a Novel, Glycerol/Sodium Hyaluronate/Carboxymethylcellulose-Based Bioresorbable Membrane: A Prospective, Randomized, Evaluator-Blinded Multicenter StudyCohen, Zane⋅Cohen, Zane⋅Senagore, Anthony J⋅Senagore, Anthony J⋅Dayton, Merril T⋅Dayton, Merril T⋅Koruda, Mark J⋅Koruda, Mark J⋅Beck, David E⋅Beck, David E⋅Wolff, Bruce G⋅Wolff, Bruce G⋅Fleshner, Phillip R⋅Fleshner, Phillip R⋅Thirlby, Richard C⋅Thirlby, Richard C⋅Ludwig, Kirk A⋅Ludwig, Kirk A⋅Larach, Sergio W⋅Larach, Sergio W⋅Weiss, Eric G⋅Weiss, Eric G⋅Bauer, Joel J⋅Bauer, Joel J⋅Holmdahl, Lena and Holmdahl, LenaDiseases of the Colon & Rectum, vol. 48, (no. 6), pp. 1139, 20050600.
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Davidson's objection to Horwich's minimalism about truthLudwig, Kirk AJournal of Philosophy, vol. 101, (no. 8), pp. 429-437, Aug 2004.
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Davidson’s objection to Horwich’s minimalism about truthLudwig, K.(pp. 429-437)
Davidson s Objection to Horwich s Minimalism about Truth
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