206 Publications (Page 4 of 9)
Extreme Stabilization and Redox Switching of Organic Anions and Radical Anions by Large-Cavity, CH Hydrogen-Bonding Cyanostar Macrocycles.
Benson, Christopher RBenson, Christopher RFatila, Elisabeth MFatila, Elisabeth MLee, SeminLee, SeminMarzo, Matthew GMarzo, Matthew GPink, MarenPink, MarenMills, Michelle BMills, Michelle BPreuss, Kathryn EPreuss, Kathryn EFlood, Amar H and Flood, Amar H
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 138, (no. 45), pp. 15057-15065, November 16, 2016. | Journal Article
Flexibility Coexists with Shape-Persistence in Cyanostar Macrocycles.
Liu, YunLiu, YunSingharoy, AbhishekSingharoy, AbhishekMayne, Christopher GMayne, Christopher GSengupta, ArkajyotiSengupta, ArkajyotiRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanSchulten, KlausSchulten, KlausFlood, Amar H and Flood, Amar H
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 138, (no. 14), pp. 4843-4851, April 13, 2016. | Journal Article
Multifunctional Tricarbazolo Triazolophane Macrocycles: One‐Pot Preparation, Anion Binding, and Hierarchical Self‐Organization of Multilayers
Lee, SeminLee, SeminHirsch, Brandon EHirsch, Brandon ELiu, YunLiu, YunDobscha, James RDobscha, James RBurke, David WBurke, David WTait, Steven LTait, Steven LFlood, Amar H and Flood, Amar H
Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 22, (no. 2), pp. 569, January 11, 2016. | Journal Article
Size-matched recognition of large anions by cyanostar macrocycles is saved when solvent-bias is avoided.
Qiao, BoQiao, BoAnderson, Joseph. RAnderson, Joseph RPink, MarenPink, MarenFlood, Amar H and Flood, Amar H
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), vol. 52, (no. 56), pp. 8683-8686, July 5, 2016. | Journal Article
Electrostatic and Allosteric Cooperativity in Ion-Pair Binding: A Quantitative and Coupled Experiment-Theory Study with Aryl-Triazole-Ether Macrocycles.
Qiao, BoQiao, BoQiao, BoSengupta, ArkajyotiSengupta, ArkajyotiSengupta, ArkajyotiLiu, YunLiu, YunLiu, YunMcDonald, Kevin PMcDonald, Kevin PMcDonald, Kevin PPink, MarenPink, MarenPink, MarenAnderson, Joseph RAnderson, Joseph RAnderson, Joseph RRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanRaghavachari, KrishnanFlood, Amar HFlood, Amar H and Flood, Amar H
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 137, (no. 30), pp. 9746-9757, August 5, 2015. | Journal Article
Living on the edge: Tuning supramolecular interactions to design two-dimensional organic crystals near the boundary of two stable structural phases.
Hirsch, Brandon EMcDonald, Kevin PFlood, Amar H and Tait, Steven L
The Journal of chemical physics, vol. 142, (no. 10), pp. 101914, March 14, 2015. | Journal Article
Macromolecular Crystallography for Synthetic Abiological Molecules: Combining xMDFF and PHENIX for Structure Determination of Cyanostar Macrocycles.
Singharoy, AbhishekVenkatakrishnan, BalasubramanianLiu, YunMayne, Christopher GLee, SeminChen, Chun-HsingZlotnick, AdamSchulten, Klaus and Flood, Amar H
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 137, (no. 27), pp. 8810-8818, July 15, 2015. | Journal Article
Anion-induced dimerization of 5-fold symmetric cyanostars in 3D crystalline solids and 2D self-assembled crystals.
Hirsch, Brandon ELee, SeminQiao, BoChen, Chun-HsingMcDonald, Kevin PTait, Steven L and Flood, Amar H
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), vol. 50, (no. 69), pp. 9827-9830, September 7, 2014. | Journal Article
An Overlooked yet Ubiquitous Fluoride Congenitor: Binding Bifluoride in Triazolophanes Using Computer-Aided Design.
Ramabhadran, Raghunath OLiu, YunHua, YuranCiardi, MoiraFlood, Amar H and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 136, (no. 13), pp. 5078-89, 2014/Apr/2. | Journal Article
C vs N: which end of the cyanide anion is a better hydrogen bond acceptor?
Ramabhadran, Raghunath OHua, YuranFlood, Amar H and Raghavachari, Krishnan
The journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 118, (no. 35), pp. 7418-7423, September 4, 2014. | Journal Article
How to print a crystal structure model in 3D
Chen, Teng-HaoLee, SeminFlood, Amar H and Miljanić, Ognjen Š
CrystEngComm, vol. 16, (no. 25), pp. 5493, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
How to print a crystal structure model in 3DElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: (a) Source files (.cif, .pdb, .x3d, .wrl) for all stages of production of the MOFF-3 3D structure model; (b) an addendum on 3D printing of dynamic models of supramolecular complexes and mechanically interlocked molecules; and (c) movies of those complexes/molecules in motion. See DOI: 10.1039/c4ce00371c
Chen, Teng-HaoLee, SeminFlood, Amar H and Miljani, Ognjen Š
(no. 25), pp. 5493, 20140602. | Journal Article
Mechanistic evaluation of motion in redox-driven rotaxanes reveals longer linkers hasten forward escapes and hinder backward translations.
Andersen, Sissel SShare, Andrew IPoulsen, Bjørn La CourKørner, MadsDuedal, TroelsBenson, Christopher RHansen, Stinne WJeppesen, Jan O and Flood, Amar H
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 136, (no. 17), pp. 6373-6384, April 30, 2014. | Journal Article
Multiplying the electron storage capacity of a bis-tetrazine pincer ligand.
Benson, Christopher RHui, Alice KParimal, KumarCook, Brian JChen, Chun-HsingLord, Richard LFlood, Amar H and Caulton, Kenneth G
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), vol. 43, (no. 17), pp. 6513-24, 2014/Apr/1. | Journal Article
Quantifying chloride binding and salt extraction with poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymers bearing aryl-triazoles as anion receptor side chains.
McDonald, Kevin PQiao, BoTwum, Eric BLee, SeminGamache, Patrick JChen, Chun-HsingYi, Yi and Flood, Amar H
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), vol. 50, (no. 87), pp. 13285-13288, November 11, 2014. | Journal Article
Selective anion-induced crystal switching and binding in surface monolayers modulated by electric fields from scanning probes.
Hirsch, Brandon EMcDonald, Kevin PQiao, BoFlood, Amar H and Tait, Steven L
ACS nano, vol. 8, (no. 10), pp. 10858-10869, October 28, 2014. | Journal Article
Self-assembly snapshots of a 2 × 2 copper(I) grid
Manck, Lauren EBenson, Christopher RShare, Andrew IPark, HyunsooVander Griend, Douglas A and Flood, Amar H
Supramolecular Chemistry, vol. 26, (no. 3-4), pp. 279, 3/18/2014. | Journal Article
β-sheet-like hydrogen bonds interlock the helical turns of a photoswitchable foldamer to enhance the binding and release of chloride.
Lee, SeminHua, Yuran and Flood, Amar H
The Journal of organic chemistry, vol. 79, (no. 17), pp. 8383-8396, September 5, 2014. | Journal Article
A pentagonal cyanostar macrocycle with cyanostilbene CH donors binds anions and forms dialkylphosphate [3]rotaxanes.
Lee, SeminChen, Chun-Hsing and Flood, Amar H
Nature chemistry, vol. 5, (no. 8), pp. 704-10, 2013/Aug. | Journal Article
ChemInform Abstract: Binding Anions in Rigid and Reconfigurable Triazole Receptors
Lee, Semin and Flood, Amar H
ChemInform, vol. 44, (no. 9), pp. no, 2013-02-26. | Journal Article
Hydrophobic collapse of foldamer capsules drives picomolar-level chloride binding in aqueous acetonitrile solutions.
Hua, YuranLiu, YunChen, Chun-Hsing and Flood, Amar H
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 135, (no. 38), pp. 14401-12, 2013/Sep/25. | Journal Article
Photoresponsive receptors for binding and releasing anions
Lee, Semin and Flood, Amar H
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, vol. 26, (no. 2), pp. 86, February 2013. | Journal Article
Pressure effects in the synthesis of isomeric rotaxanes.
Sørensen, AnneAndersen, Sissel SFlood, Amar H and Jeppesen, Jan O
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), vol. 49, (no. 53), pp. 5936-8, 2013/Jul/7. | Journal Article
Anion effects on the cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) host.
Andersen, Sissel SAndersen, S.S.Jensen, MortenJensen, M.Sørensen, AnneS?rensen, A.Miyazaki, EigoMiyazaki, E.Takimiya, K.Takimiya, KazuoLaursen, B.W.Laursen, Bo WFlood, Amar HFlood, A.H.Jeppesen, J.O. and Jeppesen, Jan O
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), vol. 48, (no. 42), pp. 5157-9, 2012/May/25. | Journal Article
A stereodynamic and redox-switchable encapsulation-complex containing a copper ion held by a tris-quinolinyl basket
Stojanović, SandraStojanovic, SandraTurner, Daniel AShare, Andrew IFlood, Amar HHadad, Christopher MBadjic, Jovica D and Badjić, Jovica D
Chemical Communications: Chem Comm, vol. 48, (no. 37), pp. 4429-4431, 2012. | Journal Article