10 Publications
Layered Structure and Complex Mechanochemistry Underlie Strength and Versatility in a Bacterial Adhesive
Hernando-Pérez, MercedesHernando-Pérez, MercedesHernando-Pérez, MercedesHernando-Pérez, MercedesSetayeshgar, SimaSetayeshgar, SimaSetayeshgar, SimaSetayeshgar, SimaHou, YifengHou, YifengHou, YifengHou, YifengTemam, RogerTemam, RogerTemam, RogerTemam, RogerBrun, Yves VBrun, Yves VBrun, Yves VBrun, Yves VDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanBerne, CécileBerne, CécileBerne, Cécile and Berne, Cécile
mBio, vol. 9, (no. 1), 2018-02-01. | Journal Article
Diffusion of Bacterial Cells in Porous Media.
Licata, Nicholas ALicata, Nicholas AMohari, BitanMohari, BitanFuqua, ClayFuqua, ClaySetayeshgar, Sima and Setayeshgar, Sima
Biophysical journal, vol. 110, (no. 1), pp. 247-257, January 5, 2016. | Journal Article
Novel pseudotaxis mechanisms improve migration of straight-swimming bacterial mutants through a porous environment.
Mohari, BitanLicata, Nicholas AKysela, David TMerritt, Peter MMukhopadhay, SuchetanaBrun, Yves VSetayeshgar, Sima and Fuqua, Clay
mBio, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. e00005, 2015. | Journal Article
Physiochemical properties of Caulobacter crescentus holdfast: a localized bacterial adhesive.
Berne, CécileMa, XiangLicata, Nicholas ANeves, Bernardo RSetayeshgar, SimaBrun, Yves V and Dragnea, Bogdan
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 117, (no. 36), pp. 10492-503, 2013/Sep/12. | Journal Article
Cooperativity, Sensitivity, and Noise in Biochemical Signaling
Bialek, WilliamBialek, WilliamSetayeshgar, Sima and Setayeshgar, Sima
Physical review letters, vol. 100, (no. 25), pp. 258101, 2008-Jun-27. | Journal Article
A nutrient uptake role for bacterial cell envelope extensions
Wagner, Jennifer KHerman, Jennifer KSetayeshgar, SimaSharon, Laura AReilly, James P and Brun, Yves V
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 103, (no. 31), pp. 11772, Aug 1, 2006. | Journal Article
Cooperativity, sensitivity and noise in biochemical signaling
Bialek, William and Setayeshgar, Sima
2005-12-31. | Journal Article
Physical limits to biochemical signaling
Bialek, William and Setayeshgar, Sima
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 102, (no. 29), pp. 10040-10045, Jul 19, 2005. | Journal Article
Scroll waves in the presence of slowly varying anisotropy with application to the heart
Setayeshgar, SimaSetayeshgar, SimaBernoff, Andrew J and Bernoff, Andrew
Physical Review Letters, vol. 88, (no. 2), pp. 281014, 20020114. | Journal Article
Turing pattern formation in the chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction-diffusion system (Dissertation)
Setayeshgar, Sima (1998).