111 Publications (Page 5 of 5)
Photoperiod and population density interact to affect reproductive and immune function in male prairie voles.
Nelson, Randy JFine, J BDemas, Gregory E and Moffatt, C A
The American journal of physiology, vol. 270, (no. 3 Pt 2), pp. R571-7, 1996/Mar. | Journal Article
Photoperiod and temperature interact to affect immune parameters in adult male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus).
Demas, G.E.Demas, Gregory ENelson, R.J. and Nelson, Randy J
Journal of biological rhythms, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. 94-102, 1996/Jun. | Journal Article
Reproductive and immune responses to photoperiod and melatonin are linked in Peromyscus subspecies.
Demas, G.E.Demas, Gregory EKlein, S.L.Klein, Sabra LNelson, R.J. and Nelson, Randy J
Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, vol. 179, (no. 6), pp. 819-25, 1996/Dec. | Journal Article
Seasonal changes in immune function.
Nelson, R.J.Nelson, Randy JDemas, G.E. and Demas, Gregory E
The Quarterly review of biology, vol. 71, (no. 4), pp. 511-48, 1996/Dec. | Journal Article
Spatial memory deficits in segmental trisomic Ts65Dn mice.
Demas, G.E.Demas, Gregory ENelson, Randy JNelson, R.J.Krueger, B KKrueger, B.K.Yarowsky, Paul J and Yarowsky, P.J.
Behavioural Brain Research, vol. 82, (no. 1), pp. 85-92, 1996/Dec. | Journal Article
Behavioural abnormalities in male mice lacking neuronal nitric oxide synthase
Nelson, Randy JNelson, R.J.Demas, Gregory EDemas, G.E.Huang, Paul LHuang, P.L.Fishman, MCFishman, M.C.Dawson, Valina LDawson, V.L.Dawson, Ted MDawson, T.M.Snyder, Solomon H and Snyder, S.H.
Nature, vol. 378, (no. 6555), pp. 383-386, 1995. | Journal Article
Honey bees are predisposed to win-shift but can learn to win-stay
Demas, Gregory E and Brown, Michael
Animal Behaviour, vol. 50, (no. 4), pp. 1041-1045, 1995. | Journal Article
Honey bees are predisposed to win-shift but can learn to win-stay
Demas, Gregory E and Brown, Michael
Animal Behaviour, vol. 50, pp. 1041, Oct 1995. | Journal Article
Honey bees are predisposed to win-shift but can learn to win-stay.
Demas, Gregory E and Brown, Michael
Animal behaviour., vol. 50, pp. 1041-1045, 1995. | Journal Article
The influence of season, photoperiod, and pineal melatonin on immune function.
Nelson, Randy JNelson, R.J.Demas, G.E.Demas, Gregory EKlein, Sabra LKlein, S.L.Kriegsfeld, Lance J and Kriegsfeld, L.J.
Journal of pineal research, vol. 19, (no. 4), pp. 149-65, 1995/Nov. | Journal Article
Evidence for spatial working memory in honeybees (Apis mellifera)
Brown, Michael and Demas, Gregory E
Journal of Comparative Psychology, vol. 108, (no. 4), pp. 344, Dec 1994. | Journal Article