52 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
New Mass Spec Method for Blood and Urine Screening
Wiseman, Justin M and Manicke, Nicholas E
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, vol. 34, (no. 5), pp. 21, 2014-03-01. | Journal Article
Paper Spray and Extraction Spray Mass Spectrometry for the Direct and Simultaneous Quantification of Eight Drugs of Abuse in Whole Blood
Espy, Ryan DTeunissen, Sebastiaan FManicke, Nicholas ERen, YueOuyang, Zhengvan Asten, Arian and Cooks, Robert G
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 86, (no. 15), Aug 5, 2014. | Journal Article
Direct quantitative analysis of nicotine alkaloids from biofluid samples using paper spray mass spectrometry.
Wang, HeWang, HeRen, YueRen, YueMcLuckey, Morgan NMcLuckey, Morgan NManicke, Nicholas EManicke, NicholasPark, JonghyuckPark, JonghyuckZheng, LingxingZheng, LingxingShi, RiyiShi, RiyiCooks, R. GCooks, R GrahamOuyang, Zheng and Ouyang, Zheng
Analytical chemistry, vol. 85, (no. 23), pp. 11540-4, 2013/Dec/3. | Journal Article
High throughput paper spray mass spectrometry analysis.
Shen, LuhouZhang, JohnnyYang, QianManicke, Nicholas and Ouyang, Zheng
Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, vol. 420, pp. 28-33, 2013/May. | Journal Article
Direct and quantitative analysis of underivatized acylcarnitines in serum and whole blood using paper spray mass spectrometry.
Yang, QianManicke, NicholasWang, HePetucci, ChristopherCooks, Robert G and Ouyang, Zheng
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, vol. 404, (no. 5), pp. 1389-97, 2012/Sep. | Journal Article
Paper spray ionization devices for direct, biomedical analysis using mass spectrometry.
Yang, QianWang, HeMaas, Jeffrey DChappell, William JManicke, Nicholas ECooks, R Graham and Ouyang, Zheng
International journal of mass spectrometry, vol. 312, pp. 201-207, February 15, 2012. | Journal Article
Rapid analysis of whole blood by paper spray mass spectrometry for point-of-care therapeutic drug monitoring.
Espy, Ryan DManicke, NicholasOuyang, Zheng and Cooks, R. G
The Analyst, vol. 137, (no. 10), pp. 2344-9, 2012/May/21. | Journal Article
Silica coated paper substrate for paper-spray analysis of therapeutic drugs in dried blood spots.
Zhang, ZhipingXu, WeiManicke, NicholasCooks, R. G and Ouyang, Zheng
Analytical chemistry, vol. 84, (no. 2), pp. 931-8, 2012/Jan/17. | Journal Article
Assessment of paper spray ionization for quantitation of pharmaceuticals in blood spots
Manicke, Nicholas E.Manicke, Nicholas EYang, QianYang, QianWang, HeWang, HeOradu, SheranOradu, SheranOuyang, ZhengOuyang, ZhengCooks, R. Graham and Cooks, R. Graham
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 300, (no. 2), pp. 129, 2011. | Journal Article
Direct analysis of biological tissue by paper spray mass spectrometry.
Wang, HeManicke, NicholasYang, QianZheng, LingxingShi, RiyiCooks, R. G and Ouyang, Zheng
Analytical chemistry, vol. 83, (no. 4), pp. 1197-201, 2011/Feb/15. | Journal Article
New ionization methods and miniature mass spectrometers for biomedicine: DESI imaging for cancer diagnostics and paper spray ionization for therapeutic drug monitoring
Cooks, RGrahamCooks, R GrahamManicke, Nicholas EManicke, Nicholas EDill, Allison LDill, Allison LIfa, Demian RIfa, Demian REberlin, Livia SEberlin, Livia SCosta, Anthony BCosta, Anthony BWang, HeWang, HeHuang, GuangmingHuang, GuangmingOuyang, Zheng and Ouyang, Zheng
Faraday discussions, vol. 149, pp. 267, 2011-00-00. | Journal Article
New ionization methods and miniature mass spectrometers for biomedicine: DESI imaging for cancer diagnostics and paper spray ionization for therapeutic drug monitoring
Cooks, R. GrahamCooks, Robert GManicke, Nicholas EManicke, Nicholas EDill, Allison LDill, Allison LIfa, Demian RIfa, Demian REberlin, Livia SEberlin, Livia SCosta, Anthony BCosta, Anthony BWang, HeWang, HeHuang, GuangmingHuang, GuangmingOuyang, Zheng and Ouyang, Zheng
Faraday Discussions, vol. 149, pp. 267, 20110121. | Journal Article
Quantitative analysis of therapeutic drugs in dried blood spot samples by paper spray mass spectrometry: an avenue to therapeutic drug monitoring.
Manicke, NicholasAbu-Rabie, PaulSpooner, NeilOuyang, Zheng and Cooks, R. G
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 22, (no. 9), pp. 1501-7, 2011/Sep. | Journal Article
Development, characterization, and application of paper spray ionization.
Liu, JiangjiangWang, HeManicke, NicholasLin, Jin-MingCooks, R. G and Ouyang, Zheng
Analytical chemistry, vol. 82, (no. 6), pp. 2463-71, 2010/Mar/15. | Journal Article
High-resolution tissue imaging on an orbitrap mass spectrometer by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Manicke, NicholasDill, A LIfa, Demian R and Cooks, R. G
Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS, vol. 45, (no. 2), pp. 223-6, 2010/Feb. | Journal Article
Miniaturization of Mass Spectrometry Analysis Systems.
Xu, WeiManicke, Nicholas ECooks, Graham R and Ouyang, Zheng
JALA (Charlottesville, Va.), vol. 15, (no. 6), pp. 433-439, December 2010. | Journal Article
Molecular imaging of adrenal gland by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
Wu, ChunpingWu, ChunpingIfa, Demian RIfa, Demian RManicke, Nicholas EManicke, Nicholas ECooks, R Graham and Cooks, Robert G
The Analyst, vol. 135, (no. 1), pp. 32, 2010-Jan. | Journal Article
Article: High-Throughput Quantitative Analysis by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Manicke, NicholasKistler, ThomasIfa, Demian RCooks, Robert G and Ouyang, Zheng
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 20, (no. 2), pp. 321-325, 2009. | Journal Article
High-Throughput Quantitative Analysis by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Manicke, Nicholas EManicke, Nicholas EKistler, ThomasKistler, ThomasIfa, Demian RIfa, Demian RCooks, R. GrahamCooks, Robert GOuyang, Zheng and Ouyang, Zheng
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 20, (no. 2), pp. 325, 2009. | Journal Article
Imaging of lipids in atheroma by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Manicke, NicholasNefliu, MarcelaWu, ChunpingWoods, John WReiser, VladimirHendrickson, Ronald C and Cooks, R. G
Analytical chemistry, vol. 81, (no. 21), pp. 8702-7, 2009/Nov/1. | Journal Article
Lipid profiles of canine invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder and adjacent normal tissue by desorption electrospray ionization imaging mass spectrometry.
Dill, Allison LDill, Allison LIfa, Demian RIfa, Demian RManicke, Nicholas EManicke, Nicholas ECosta, Anthony BCosta, Anthony BRamos-Vara, José ARamos-Vara, José AKnapp, Deborah WKnapp, Deborah WCooks, R. Graham and Cooks, R. G
Analytical chemistry, vol. 81, (no. 21), pp. 8758-64, 2009/Nov/1. | Journal Article
Mass spectrometric imaging of lipids using desorption electrospray ionization.
Dill, Allison LIfa, Demian RManicke, Nicholas EOuyang, Zheng and Cooks, R. G
Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, vol. 877, (no. 26), pp. 2883-9, 2009/Sep/15. | Journal Article
Rapid, direct analysis of cholesterol by charge labeling in reactive desorption electrospray ionization.
Wu, ChunpingIfa, Demian RManicke, Nicholas E and Cooks, R. G
Analytical chemistry, vol. 81, (no. 18), pp. 7618-24, 2009/Sep/15. | Journal Article
Desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) of phospholipids and sphingolipids: ionization, adduct formation, and fragmentation.
Manicke, NicholasWiseman, Justin MIfa, Demian R and Cooks, Robert G
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 19, (no. 4), pp. 531-43, 2008/Apr. | Journal Article
Desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry: Imaging drugs and metabolites in tissues.
Wiseman, Justin MIfa, Demian RZhu, YongxinKissinger, Candice BManicke, NicholasKissinger, Peter T and Cooks, R. G
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 105, (no. 47), pp. 18120-5, 2008/Nov/25. | Journal Article