32 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
The Effect of Weekly Therapeutic Massage on Soleus Motor Neuron Pool Excitability in Older Individuals
Yarar, CerenYarar, CerenSefton, Jo Ellen M and Sefton, JoEllen M
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 43, (no. Suppl 1), pp. 928, 2011-05-00. | Journal Article
Mechanical Joint Laxity Associated With Chronic Ankle Instability
Cordova, Mitchell LCordova, Mitchell LSefton, Joellen MSefton, Joellen MHubbard, Tricia J and Hubbard, Tricia J
Sports Health, vol. 2, (no. 6), pp. 459, 2010-01-01. | Journal Article
Therapeutic Massage Effects on Skin and Muscle Blood Flow
Yarar, CerenYarar, CerenPascoe, David DPascoe, David DSefton, Jo Ellen M and Sefton, JoEllen M
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 42, (no. 5), pp. 244, 2010-05-00. | Journal Article
Therapeutic Massage of the Neck and Shoulders Produces Changes in Peripheral Blood Flow When Assessed with Dynamic Infrared Thermography
Sefton, JoEllen MSefton, Joellen MYarar, CerenYarar, CerenBerry, Jack WBerry, Jack WPascoe, David D and Pascoe, David D
Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), vol. 16, (no. 7), pp. 732, 2010-Jul. | Journal Article
Sensorimotor function as a predictor of chronic ankle instability
Sefton, JoEllenSefton, JoEllenSefton, Joellen MHicks-Little, CharlieHicks Little, Charlie AHicks-Little, CharlieHubbard, TriciaHubbard, Tricia JHubbard, TriciaClemens, MarkClemens, Mark GClemens, MarkYengo, ChristopherYengo, Christopher MYengo, ChristopherKoceja, DavidKoceja, David MKoceja, DavidCordova, MitchellCordova, Mitchell and Cordova, Mitchell L
Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 458, 2009. | Journal Article
Influence of Stance and Support Surface Variations on Soleus Presynaptic Inhibition
Sefton, JoEllen MSefton, JoEllen MSefton, Jo Ellen MSefton, JoEllen MHicks-Little, Charlie AHicks-Little, Charlie AHicks-Little, Charlie AHicks Little, Charlie AKoceja, David MKoceja, David MKoceja, David MKoceja, David MCordova, Mitchell LCordova, Mitchell LCordova, Mitchell L and Cordova, Mitchell L
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 38, (no. Supplement), pp. S441, 2006-05-00. | Journal Article
Effect Of Ankle Support And Inversion Perturbation On The Peroneus Longus Hoffmann Reflex
Sefton, JoEllen MSefton, JoEllen MSefton, Jo Ellen MSefton, JoEllen MHicks-Little, CharlieHicks-Little, CharlieHicks-Little, CharlieHicks-Little, CharlieKoceja, David MKoceja, David MKoceja, David MKoceja, David MCordova, Mitchell LCordova, Mitchell LCordova, Mitchell L and Cordova, Mitchell L
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 37, (no. Supplement), pp. S398, 2005-05-00. | Journal Article