52 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Binzhou Perpetual Pavement Test Road
Yang, Yongshun⋅Wei, Jincheng⋅Lin, Wang⋅Timm, David and Huber, Gerald
Road Materials and Pavement Design, vol. 10, (no. sup1), pp. 165, 1/1/2009. | Journal Article
Binzhou Perpetual Pavement Test Road. Dynamic Response of Pavement under Very Heavy Loads
Yang, Yongshun⋅Wei, Jincheng⋅Lin, Wang⋅Timm, David and Huber, Gerald
Road Materials and Pavement Design, vol. 10, (no. SI), pp. 165, 2009-06-30. | Journal Article
Evaluation of Resilient Moduli of Pavement Layers at an Instrumented Section on I-35 in Oklahoma
Solanki, Pranshoo⋅Zaman, Musharraf⋅Muraleetharan, Kanthasamy K and Timm, David
Road Materials and Pavement Design, vol. 10, (no. SI), pp. 188, 2009-06-30. | Journal Article
Forensic Investigation and Validation of Energy Ratio Concept
Timm, David H⋅Sholar, Gregory A⋅Kim, Jaeseung and Willis, J. R
Transportation Research Record, vol. 2127, pp. 43-51, 2009. | Journal Article
Repeatability of Asphalt Strain Measurements Under Falling Weight Deflectometer Loading
Willis, J. R and Timm, David H
Transportation Research Record, vol. 2094, pp. 3-11, 2009. | Journal Article
Highway Pavement Damage and Cost Due to Routine Permitted AxlesTimm, David H⋅Peters, K. D and Turochy, Rod EProceedings of the 2008 Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference: Efficient Pavements Supporting Transportation's Future; Bellevue, WA; USA; 15-18 Oct. 2008. 2008.
| Conference Proceeding
Perpetual Pavements: Applying the Approach to Very Heavy LoadsZhang, Xishun⋅Huber, Gerald A⋅Timm, David H and Yang, YongshunProceedings of the Seventh International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICCTP); Shanghai, China; USA; May 2007. 2008. | Conference Proceeding
Repeatability of Asphalt Strain Measurements Under Full-Scale Dynamic LoadingWillis, James R and Timm, David HTransportation Research Record, vol. 2087, (no. 2087), pp. 40-48, 2008.
| Journal Article
Forensic Investigation of Debonding in Rich Bottom PavementWillis, James R and Timm, David HTransportation Research Record, vol. 2040, (no. 2040), pp. 107-114, 2007.
| Journal Article
Closure to "Axle Load Spectra Characterization by Mixed Distribution Modeling" by David H. Timm, S. Michelle Tisdale, and Rod E. TurochyTimm, David H and Turochy, Rod EJournal of Transportation Engineering, vol. 132, (no. 3), pp. 267, 2006.
| Journal Article
Design Comparisons Using the New Mechanistic-Empirical Rigid Pavement Design GuideTimm, David HProceedings of the 2006 Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference. Airfield and Highway Pavement: Meeting Today's Challenges With Emerging Technologies; Atlanta, GA; USA; 30 Apr.-3 May 2006. 2006. | Conference Proceeding
Design Comparisons Using the New Mechanistic-Empirical Rigid Pavement Design GuideTimm, David HProceedings of the 2006 Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference. Airfield and Highway Pavement: Meeting Today's Challenges With Emerging Technologies; Atlanta, GA; USA; 30 Apr.-3 May 2006. 2006. | Conference Proceeding
Effect of Load Spectra on Mechanistic-Empirical Flexible Pavement DesignTimm, David H⋅Bower, Julia M and Turochy, Rod ETransportation Research Record, vol. 1947, (no. 1947), pp. 146-154, 2006.
| Journal Article
Measured and Theoretical Pressures in Base and Subgrade Layers under Dynamic Truck LoadingImmanuel, S. and Timm, David HProceedings of the 2006 Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference. Airfield and Highway Pavement: Meeting Today's Challenges With Emerging Technologies; Atlanta, GA; USA; 30 Apr.-3 May 2006. 2006. | Conference Proceeding
Measured and Theoretical Pressures in Base and Subgrade Layers under Dynamic Truck LoadingImmanuel, S. and Timm, David HProceedings of the 2006 Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference. Airfield and Highway Pavement: Meeting Today's Challenges With Emerging Technologies; Atlanta, GA; USA; 30 Apr.-3 May 2006. 2006. | Conference Proceeding
Mechanistic Comparison of Wide-Base Single Versus Standard Dual Tire Configurations
Priest, Angela L and Timm, David H
Transportation Research Record, vol. 1949, (no. 1949), pp. 155-163, 2006. | Journal Article
Perpetual pavement design for flexible pavements in the US
Timm, David H and Newcomb, David E
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, vol. 7, (no. 2), pp. 119, 6/13/2006. | Journal Article
Axle load spectra characterization by mixed distribution modelingTimm, David H⋅Tisdale, S. M and Turochy, Rod EJournal of Transportation Engineering, vol. 131, (no. 2), pp. 83-88, Feb 2005.
| Journal Article
Spatial and Temporal Variations in Axle Load Spectra and Impacts on Pavement DesignTurochy, Rod E⋅Baker, S. M and Timm, David HJournal of Transportation Engineering, vol. 131, (no. 10), pp. 802-808, Oct 2005.
| Journal Article
Statistical Analysis of Automated versus Manual Pavement Condition Surveys
McQueen, Jason M and Timm, David H
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol. 1940, (no. 1), pp. 62, 2005-01-00. | Journal Article
Calibration of flexible pavement performance equations for Minnesota road research project.
Timm, David H and Newcomb, D. E
Transportation Research Record, (no. 1853), pp. 134-142, 2003. | Journal Article
Impact of Assumed Versus Measured Vehicle Distributions on County Road Flexible Pavement Design
Timm, David H and Skok, Eugene L
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol. 1819, (no. 1), pp. 250, 2003-01-00. | Journal Article
Prediction of thermal crack spacing.Timm, David H⋅Timm, D.H.⋅Guzina, B.B.⋅Guzina, Bojan B⋅Voller, V. R and Voller, V.R.International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 40, (no. 1), pp. 125-142, 2003.
| Journal Article
A phenomenological model to predict thermal crack spacing of asphalt pavements (Dissertation)
Timm, David H (2001).
Calcool: A multi-layer Asphalt Pavement Cooling Tool for Temperature Prediction During Construction
Timm, David H⋅Voller, Vaughan R⋅Lee, Eul-bum and Harvey, John
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, vol. 2, (no. 3), pp. 185, 11/1/2001. | Journal Article