36 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Forest seasonality shapes diet of limestone-living rhesus macaques at Nonggang, China
Tang, C.Huang, L.Huang, Z.Krzton, A.Lu, C. and Zhou, Q.
Primates, vol. 57, pp. 83-92. | Journal Article
Determinants of differences in the activity budgets of Rhinopithecus bieti by age/sex class at Xiangguqing in the Baimaxueshan nature reserve, China
Li, Y.Li, D.Ren, B.Hu, J.Li, B.Krzton, A. and Li, M.
Archives of Biological Sciences, vol. 67, pp. 675-683. | Journal Article
Factors Influencing Positional Behavior and Habitat Use of Sympatric Macaques in the Limestone Habitat of Nonggang, China
Huang, Z.Huang, C.Wei, H.Tang, H.Krzton, A.Ma, G. and Zhou, Q.
International Journal of Primatology, vol. 36, pp. 95-112. | Journal Article
Differences in the activity budgets of yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (rhinopithecus bieti) by age-sex class at xiangguqing in baimaxueshan nature reserve, China
Li, Y.Li, D.Ren, B.Hu, J.Li, B.Krzton, A. and Li, M.
Folia Primatologica, vol. 85, pp. 335-342. | Journal Article
Geophagy of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (rhinopithecus bieti) at Xiangguqing in the Baimaxueshan nature reserve, China
Li, D.Li, DayongRen, BaopingRen, B.Hu, JieHu, J.Zhang, Q.Zhang, QingyuY, Y.Y, YuminGrueter, C.C.Grueter, Cyril C.Krzton, A.Krzton, AliHe, X.He, XinmingLi, Ming and Li, M.
North-Western Journal of Zoology, vol. 10, pp. 293-299. | Journal Article
Geophagy of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (rhinopithecus bieti) at Xiangguqing in the Baimaxueshan nature reserve, China
Li, D.Ren, B.Hu, J.Zhang, Q.Y, Y.Grueter, C.C.Krzton, A.He, X. and Li, M.
(pp. 293-299)
High Altitude Primates
Springer New York. 2014
Niche separation of sympatric macaques, Macaca assamensis and M. mulatta, in limestone habitats of Nonggang, China
Zhou, Q.Wei, H.Tang, H.Huang, Z.Krzton, A. and Huang, C.
Primates, vol. 55, pp. 125-137. | Journal Article
Ranging behavior and habitat use of the Assamese macaque (Macaca assamensis) in limestone habitats of Nonggang, China
Zhou, Q.Wei, H.Huang, Z.Krzton, A. and Huang, C.
Mammalia, vol. 78, pp. 171-176. | Journal Article
Collaborative Ethics: Development and Implementation
Emmelhainz, CeliaCollins, Claire AlikiLaporte, Catharina and Krzton, Ali
Anthropology News, vol. 51, pp. 24–24. | Journal Article
n.d.no date or unknown
Effects of human activity on the habitat utilization of Himalayan marmot (Marmota himalayana) in Zoige wetland
Zhou, ShuailingKrzton, AliGao, ShuaiGuo, Cheng and Xiang, Zuofu
Authorea, Inc.