107 Publications (Page 2 of 5)
Erratum for Yin et al., “Novel Plasmid-Mediated Colistin Resistance Gene mcr-3 in Escherichia coli ”
Yin, WenjuanLi, HuiShen, YingboLiu, ZhihaiWang, ShaolinShen, ZhangqiZhang, RongWalsh, Timothy RShen, Jianzhong and Wang, Yang
mBio, vol. 8, (no. 4), pp. e01166-17, 2017-09-06. | Journal Article
Insights into the Mechanistic Basis of Plasmid-Mediated Colistin Resistance from Crystal Structures of the Catalytic Domain of MCR-1
P, HinchliffeHinchliffe, PhilipHinchliffe, PhilipHinchliffe, PhilipHinchliffe, PhilipYang, Qiu EYang, Qiu EYang, QiuQE, YangPortal, EdwardE, PortalPortal, EdwardPortal, EdwardPortal, EdwardYoung, TomT, YoungYoung, TomYoung, TomYoung, TomLi, HuiLi, HuiLi, HuiH, LiLi, HuiTooke, CatherineTooke, Catherine LCL, TookeTooke, Catherine LMJ, CarvalhoCarvalho, Maria JMendes de Carvalho, MariaCarvalho, Maria JNG, PatersonPaterson, NeilPaterson, Neil GPaterson, Neil GJ, BremBrem, JürgenBrem, JürgenBrem, JuergenRitivirool, PannikaNiumsup, Pannika RPR, NiumsupNiumsup, Pannika RTansawai, UttapolnTansawai, UttapolnTansawai, UttapolnU, TansawaiTansawai, UttapolnLei, LeiLei, LeiL, LeiLei, LeiLei, LeiLi, MeiM, LiLi, MeiLi, MeiLi, MeiShen, ZhangqiShen, ZhangqiZ, ShenShen, ZhangqiShen, ZhangqiWang, YangWang, YangWang, YangWang, YangY, WangSchofield, ChristopherSchofield, Christopher JSchofield, Christopher JJ, SpencerMulholland, Adrian JMulholland, Adrian JMulholland, AdrianShen, JianzhongShen, JianzhongShen, JianzhongShen, JianzhongFey, NatalieFey, NatalieWalsh, TimothyWalsh, Timothy RWalsh, Timothy RFey, NatalieSpencer, JamesSpencer, JamesSpencer, James and Spencer, James
Scientific reports, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 39392, 2017-01-06. | Journal Article
Novel Plasmid-Mediated Colistin Resistance Gene mcr-3 in Escherichia coli
Yin, WenjuanLi, HuiShen, YingboLiu, ZhihaiWang, ShaolinShen, ZhangqiZhang, RongWalsh, Timothy RShen, Jianzhong and Wang, Yang
mBio, vol. 8, (no. 3), pp. e00543-17, 2017-06-27. | Journal Article
Plasmid-Mediated Novel bla NDM-17 Gene Encoding a Carbapenemase with Enhanced Activity in a Sequence Type 48 Escherichia coli Strain
Liu, ZhihaiWang, YangWalsh, Timothy RLiu, DejunShen, ZhangqiZhang, RongminYin, WenjuanYao, HongLi, Jiyun and Shen, Jianzhong
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol. 61, (no. 5), 2017-05-00. | Journal Article
Plasmid-Mediated Novel blaNDM-17 Gene Encoding a Carbapenemase with Enhanced Activity in a Sequence Type 48 Escherichia coli Strain
Liu, ZhihaiWang, YangWalsh, Timothy RutlandLiu, DejunShen, ZhangqiZhang, RongminYin, WenjuanYao, HongLi, Jiyun and Shen, Jianzhong
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol. 61, (no. 5), 20170501. | Journal Article
Teuvincenone F Suppresses LPS-Induced Inflammation and NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation by Attenuating NEMO Ubiquitination
Zhao, XibaoPu, DebingZhao, ZizhaoZhu, HuihuiLi, HongruiShen, YapingZhang, XingjieZhang, RuihanShen, JianzhongXiao, Weilie and Chen, Weilin
Frontiers in pharmacology, vol. 8, pp. 565, 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
Estrogen and testosterone in concert with EFNB3 regulate vascular smooth muscle cell contractility and blood pressure
Wang, YujiaLavoie, JulieWu, ZenghuiThorin, EricTremblay, JohanneLavoie, Julie LLuo, HongyuPeng, JunzhengQi, ShijieWu, TaoChen, FeiShen, JianzhongHu, Shenjiang and Wu, Jiangping
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, vol. 310, (no. 7), pp. H872, 2016-Apr-01. | Journal Article
Estrogen and testosterone in concert with EFNB3 regulate vascular smooth muscle cell contractility and blood pressure.(Report)(Author abstract)
Wang, YujiaWu, ZenghuiThorin, EricTremblay, JohanneLavoie, JulieLuo, HongyuPeng, JunzhengQi, ShijieWu, TaoChen, FeiShen, JianzhongHu, Shenjiang and Wu, Jiangping
American Journal of Physiology (Consolidated), vol. 310, (no. 4), pp. H861, 20160401. | Journal Article
Molecular basis of rifampicin resistance in multiresistant porcine livestock-associated MRSA: Table 1
Li, JunFeßler, Andrea TJiang, NansongFan, RunWang, YangWu, CongmingShen, Jianzhong and Schwarz, Stefan
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, vol. 71, (no. 11), pp. 3315, 2016-11-00. | Journal Article
Purinergic P2Y2 Receptor Control of Tissue Factor Transcription in Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells: NEW AP-1 TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR SITE AND NEGATIVE REGULATOR.
Liu, YiweiZhang, LingxinWang, ChuanRoy, Shama and Shen, Jianzhong
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 291, (no. 4), pp. 1553-1563, January 22, 2016. | Journal Article
Species shift and multidrug resistance of Campylobacter from chicken and swine, China, 2008-14
Wang, YangDong, YanniDeng, FengruLiu, DejunYao, HongZhang, QijingShen, JianzhongLiu, ZhihaiGao, YananWu, Congming and Shen, Zhangqi
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, vol. 71, (no. 3), pp. 669, 2016-Mar. | Journal Article
A novel gene, optrA, that confers transferable resistance to oxazolidinones and phenicols and its presence in Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium of human and animal origin
Wang, YangLv, YuanCai, JiachangSchwarz, StefanCui, LanqingHu, ZhidongZhang, RongLi, JunZhao, QinHe, TaoWang, DachengWang, ZhengShen, YingboLi, YunFeßler, Andrea TWu, CongmingYu, HaoDeng, XumingXia, Xi and Shen, Jianzhong
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, vol. 70, (no. 8), pp. 2190, 2015-Aug. | Journal Article
A one-step chemiluminescence immunoassay for 20 fluoroquinolone residues in fish and shrimp based on a single chain Fv-alkaline phosphatase fusion protein
Yu, XuezhiTao, XiaoqiShen, JianzhongZhang, SuxiaCao, XingyuanChen, MinWang, WenjunWang, Zhanhui and Wen, Kai
(no. 21), pp. 939, 20151022. | Journal Article
Carbohydrate derivative-functionalized biosensing toward highly sensitive electrochemical detection of cell surface glycan expression as cancer biomarker
Zhang, XinaiLu, WenjieShen, JianzhongJiang, YuxiangHan, EnDong, Xiaoya and Huang, Jiali
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 74, pp. 298, 2015-12-15. | Journal Article
Characterization of NDM-1-producing carbapenemase in Acinetobacter spp. and E. coli isolates from diseased pigs
ZHANG, RongminWANG, YangLIU, ZhihaiLI, JiyunYIN, WenjuanLEI, LeiWU, Congming and SHEN, Jianzhong
Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, vol. 2, (no. 3), pp. 229, 2015-00-00. | Journal Article
Comparative metabolism of Lappaconitine in rat and human liver microsomes and in vivo of rat using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography–quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Yang, ShupengZhang, SuxiaZhang, HuiyanBeier, Ross CSun, FeifeiCao, XingyuanShen, Jianzhong and Wang, Zhanhui
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, vol. 110, pp. 11, 2015-06-10. | Journal Article
Development of a multiplex flow-through immunoaffinity chromatography test for the on-site screening of 14 sulfonamide and 13 quinolone residues in milk
Jiang, HaiyangJiang, WenxiaoBeloglazova, Natalia VWang, ZhanhuiWen, Kaide Saeger, SarahLuo, PengjieWu, Yongning and Shen, Jianzhong
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 66, pp. 128, 2015-04-15. | Journal Article
Direct determination of fatty acid esters of 3-chloro-1, 2-propanediol in edible vegetable oils by isotope dilution - ultra high performance liquid chromatography - triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
Li, HeliChen, DaweiMiao, HongZhao, YunfengShen, Jianzhong and Wu, Yongning
Journal of Chromatography A, vol. 1410, pp. 109, 2015-09-04. | Journal Article
Simultaneous Determination of Type A and B Trichothecenes and Their Main Metabolites in Food Animal Tissues by Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Yang, ShupengWang, YingBeier, Ross CZhang, HuiyanRuyck, Karl DeSun, FeifeiCao, XingyuanShen, JianzhongZhang, Suxia and Wang, Zhanhui
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 63, (no. 38), pp. 8600, 20150930. | Journal Article
Unraveling the in vitro and in vivo metabolism of diacetoxyscirpenol in various animal species and human using ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry
Yang, ShupengDe Boevre, MartheZhang, HuiyanDe Ruyck, KarlSun, FeifeiWang, ZhanhuiCao, XingyuanShen, JianzhongDe Saeger, Sarah and Zhang, Suxia
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol. 407, (no. 28), pp. 8583, 20151100. | Journal Article
Atorvastatin inhibits CXCR7 induction to reduce macrophage migration.
Ma, WanshuLiu, YiweiWang, ChuanZhang, LingxinCrocker, Laura and Shen, Jianzhong
Biochemical pharmacology, vol. 89, (no. 1), pp. 99-108, 2014/May/1. | Journal Article
Development of a highly sensitive real-time immuno-PCR for the measurement of chloramphenicol in milk based on magnetic bead capturingElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4ay02158d
Tao, XiaoqiHe, ZhifeiCao, XingyuanShen, Jianzhong and Li, Hongjun
(no. 23), pp. 9347, 20141106. | Journal Article
Development of a Novel Hexa-plex PCR Method for Identification and Serotyping of Salmonella Species
Li, RuichaoWang, YangShen, Jianzhong and Wu, Congming
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 77, 2014-01-01. | Journal Article
Identification of a Novel G2073A Mutation in 23S rRNA in Amphenicol-Selected Mutants of Campylobacter jejuni
Ma, LicaiShen, ZhangqiNaren, GaowaLi, HuiXia, XiWu, CongmingShen, JianzhongZhang, Qijing and Wang, Yang
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. e94503, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Identification of a novel vga(E) gene variant that confers resistance to pleuromutilins, lincosamides and streptogramin A antibiotics in staphylococci of porcine origin
Li, JunLi, BeibeiWendlandt, SarahSchwarz, StefanWang, YangWu, CongmingMa, Zhiyong and Shen, Jianzhong
The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, vol. 69, (no. 4), pp. 919, 20140401. | Journal Article