107 Publications (Page 2 of 5)
Erratum for Yin et al., “Novel Plasmid-Mediated Colistin Resistance Gene mcr-3 in Escherichia coli ”
Yin, Wenjuan⋅Li, Hui⋅Shen, Yingbo⋅Liu, Zhihai⋅Wang, Shaolin⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Zhang, Rong⋅Walsh, Timothy R⋅Shen, Jianzhong and Wang, Yang
mBio, vol. 8, (no. 4), pp. e01166-17, 2017-09-06. | Journal Article
Insights into the Mechanistic Basis of Plasmid-Mediated Colistin Resistance from Crystal Structures of the Catalytic Domain of MCR-1P, Hinchliffe⋅Hinchliffe, Philip⋅Hinchliffe, Philip⋅Hinchliffe, Philip⋅Hinchliffe, Philip⋅Yang, Qiu E⋅Yang, Qiu E⋅Yang, Qiu⋅QE, Yang⋅Portal, Edward⋅E, Portal⋅Portal, Edward⋅Portal, Edward⋅Portal, Edward⋅Young, Tom⋅T, Young⋅Young, Tom⋅Young, Tom⋅Young, Tom⋅Li, Hui⋅Li, Hui⋅Li, Hui⋅H, Li⋅Li, Hui⋅Tooke, Catherine⋅Tooke, Catherine L⋅CL, Tooke⋅Tooke, Catherine L⋅MJ, Carvalho⋅Carvalho, Maria J⋅Mendes de Carvalho, Maria⋅Carvalho, Maria J⋅NG, Paterson⋅Paterson, Neil⋅Paterson, Neil G⋅Paterson, Neil G⋅J, Brem⋅Brem, Jürgen⋅Brem, Jürgen⋅Brem, Juergen⋅Ritivirool, Pannika⋅Niumsup, Pannika R⋅PR, Niumsup⋅Niumsup, Pannika R⋅Tansawai, Uttapoln⋅Tansawai, Uttapoln⋅Tansawai, Uttapoln⋅U, Tansawai⋅Tansawai, Uttapoln⋅Lei, Lei⋅Lei, Lei⋅L, Lei⋅Lei, Lei⋅Lei, Lei⋅Li, Mei⋅M, Li⋅Li, Mei⋅Li, Mei⋅Li, Mei⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Z, Shen⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Wang, Yang⋅Wang, Yang⋅Wang, Yang⋅Wang, Yang⋅Y, Wang⋅Schofield, Christopher⋅Schofield, Christopher J⋅Schofield, Christopher J⋅J, Spencer⋅Mulholland, Adrian J⋅Mulholland, Adrian J⋅Mulholland, Adrian⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Fey, Natalie⋅Fey, Natalie⋅Walsh, Timothy⋅Walsh, Timothy R⋅Walsh, Timothy R⋅Fey, Natalie⋅Spencer, James⋅Spencer, James⋅Spencer, James and Spencer, JamesScientific reports, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 39392, 2017-01-06.
| Journal Article
Novel Plasmid-Mediated Colistin Resistance Gene mcr-3 in Escherichia coli
Yin, Wenjuan⋅Li, Hui⋅Shen, Yingbo⋅Liu, Zhihai⋅Wang, Shaolin⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Zhang, Rong⋅Walsh, Timothy R⋅Shen, Jianzhong and Wang, Yang
mBio, vol. 8, (no. 3), pp. e00543-17, 2017-06-27. | Journal Article
Plasmid-Mediated Novel bla NDM-17 Gene Encoding a Carbapenemase with Enhanced Activity in a Sequence Type 48 Escherichia coli Strain
Liu, Zhihai⋅Wang, Yang⋅Walsh, Timothy R⋅Liu, Dejun⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Zhang, Rongmin⋅Yin, Wenjuan⋅Yao, Hong⋅Li, Jiyun and Shen, Jianzhong
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol. 61, (no. 5), 2017-05-00. | Journal Article
Plasmid-Mediated Novel blaNDM-17 Gene Encoding a Carbapenemase with Enhanced Activity in a Sequence Type 48 Escherichia coli Strain
Liu, Zhihai⋅Wang, Yang⋅Walsh, Timothy Rutland⋅Liu, Dejun⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Zhang, Rongmin⋅Yin, Wenjuan⋅Yao, Hong⋅Li, Jiyun and Shen, Jianzhong
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol. 61, (no. 5), 20170501. | Journal Article
Teuvincenone F Suppresses LPS-Induced Inflammation and NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation by Attenuating NEMO Ubiquitination
Zhao, Xibao⋅Pu, Debing⋅Zhao, Zizhao⋅Zhu, Huihui⋅Li, Hongrui⋅Shen, Yaping⋅Zhang, Xingjie⋅Zhang, Ruihan⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Xiao, Weilie and Chen, Weilin
Frontiers in pharmacology, vol. 8, pp. 565, 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
Estrogen and testosterone in concert with EFNB3 regulate vascular smooth muscle cell contractility and blood pressureWang, Yujia⋅Lavoie, Julie⋅Wu, Zenghui⋅Thorin, Eric⋅Tremblay, Johanne⋅Lavoie, Julie L⋅Luo, Hongyu⋅Peng, Junzheng⋅Qi, Shijie⋅Wu, Tao⋅Chen, Fei⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Hu, Shenjiang and Wu, JiangpingAmerican journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, vol. 310, (no. 7), pp. H872, 2016-Apr-01.
| Journal Article
Estrogen and testosterone in concert with EFNB3 regulate vascular smooth muscle cell contractility and blood pressure.(Report)(Author abstract)
Wang, Yujia⋅Wu, Zenghui⋅Thorin, Eric⋅Tremblay, Johanne⋅Lavoie, Julie⋅Luo, Hongyu⋅Peng, Junzheng⋅Qi, Shijie⋅Wu, Tao⋅Chen, Fei⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Hu, Shenjiang and Wu, Jiangping
American Journal of Physiology (Consolidated), vol. 310, (no. 4), pp. H861, 20160401. | Journal Article
Molecular basis of rifampicin resistance in multiresistant porcine livestock-associated MRSA: Table 1
Li, Jun⋅Feßler, Andrea T⋅Jiang, Nansong⋅Fan, Run⋅Wang, Yang⋅Wu, Congming⋅Shen, Jianzhong and Schwarz, Stefan
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, vol. 71, (no. 11), pp. 3315, 2016-11-00. | Journal Article
Purinergic P2Y2 Receptor Control of Tissue Factor Transcription in Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells: NEW AP-1 TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR SITE AND NEGATIVE REGULATOR.
Liu, Yiwei⋅Zhang, Lingxin⋅Wang, Chuan⋅Roy, Shama and Shen, Jianzhong
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 291, (no. 4), pp. 1553-1563, January 22, 2016. | Journal Article
Species shift and multidrug resistance of Campylobacter from chicken and swine, China, 2008-14
Wang, Yang⋅Dong, Yanni⋅Deng, Fengru⋅Liu, Dejun⋅Yao, Hong⋅Zhang, Qijing⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Liu, Zhihai⋅Gao, Yanan⋅Wu, Congming and Shen, Zhangqi
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, vol. 71, (no. 3), pp. 669, 2016-Mar. | Journal Article
A novel gene, optrA, that confers transferable resistance to oxazolidinones and phenicols and its presence in Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium of human and animal origin
Wang, Yang⋅Lv, Yuan⋅Cai, Jiachang⋅Schwarz, Stefan⋅Cui, Lanqing⋅Hu, Zhidong⋅Zhang, Rong⋅Li, Jun⋅Zhao, Qin⋅He, Tao⋅Wang, Dacheng⋅Wang, Zheng⋅Shen, Yingbo⋅Li, Yun⋅Feßler, Andrea T⋅Wu, Congming⋅Yu, Hao⋅Deng, Xuming⋅Xia, Xi and Shen, Jianzhong
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, vol. 70, (no. 8), pp. 2190, 2015-Aug. | Journal Article
A one-step chemiluminescence immunoassay for 20 fluoroquinolone residues in fish and shrimp based on a single chain Fv-alkaline phosphatase fusion protein
Yu, Xuezhi⋅Tao, Xiaoqi⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Zhang, Suxia⋅Cao, Xingyuan⋅Chen, Min⋅Wang, Wenjun⋅Wang, Zhanhui and Wen, Kai
(no. 21), pp. 939, 20151022. | Journal Article
Carbohydrate derivative-functionalized biosensing toward highly sensitive electrochemical detection of cell surface glycan expression as cancer biomarker
Zhang, Xinai⋅Lu, Wenjie⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Jiang, Yuxiang⋅Han, En⋅Dong, Xiaoya and Huang, Jiali
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 74, pp. 298, 2015-12-15. | Journal Article
Characterization of NDM-1-producing carbapenemase in Acinetobacter spp. and E. coli isolates from diseased pigs
ZHANG, Rongmin⋅WANG, Yang⋅LIU, Zhihai⋅LI, Jiyun⋅YIN, Wenjuan⋅LEI, Lei⋅WU, Congming and SHEN, Jianzhong
Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, vol. 2, (no. 3), pp. 229, 2015-00-00. | Journal Article
Comparative metabolism of Lappaconitine in rat and human liver microsomes and in vivo of rat using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography–quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Yang, Shupeng⋅Zhang, Suxia⋅Zhang, Huiyan⋅Beier, Ross C⋅Sun, Feifei⋅Cao, Xingyuan⋅Shen, Jianzhong and Wang, Zhanhui
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, vol. 110, pp. 11, 2015-06-10. | Journal Article
Development of a multiplex flow-through immunoaffinity chromatography test for the on-site screening of 14 sulfonamide and 13 quinolone residues in milk
Jiang, Haiyang⋅Jiang, Wenxiao⋅Beloglazova, Natalia V⋅Wang, Zhanhui⋅Wen, Kai⋅de Saeger, Sarah⋅Luo, Pengjie⋅Wu, Yongning and Shen, Jianzhong
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 66, pp. 128, 2015-04-15. | Journal Article
Direct determination of fatty acid esters of 3-chloro-1, 2-propanediol in edible vegetable oils by isotope dilution - ultra high performance liquid chromatography - triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
Li, Heli⋅Chen, Dawei⋅Miao, Hong⋅Zhao, Yunfeng⋅Shen, Jianzhong and Wu, Yongning
Journal of Chromatography A, vol. 1410, pp. 109, 2015-09-04. | Journal Article
Simultaneous Determination of Type A and B Trichothecenes and Their Main Metabolites in Food Animal Tissues by Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Yang, Shupeng⋅Wang, Ying⋅Beier, Ross C⋅Zhang, Huiyan⋅Ruyck, Karl De⋅Sun, Feifei⋅Cao, Xingyuan⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Zhang, Suxia and Wang, Zhanhui
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 63, (no. 38), pp. 8600, 20150930. | Journal Article
Unraveling the in vitro and in vivo metabolism of diacetoxyscirpenol in various animal species and human using ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry
Yang, Shupeng⋅De Boevre, Marthe⋅Zhang, Huiyan⋅De Ruyck, Karl⋅Sun, Feifei⋅Wang, Zhanhui⋅Cao, Xingyuan⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅De Saeger, Sarah and Zhang, Suxia
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol. 407, (no. 28), pp. 8583, 20151100. | Journal Article
Atorvastatin inhibits CXCR7 induction to reduce macrophage migration.
Ma, Wanshu⋅Liu, Yiwei⋅Wang, Chuan⋅Zhang, Lingxin⋅Crocker, Laura and Shen, Jianzhong
Biochemical pharmacology, vol. 89, (no. 1), pp. 99-108, 2014/May/1. | Journal Article
Development of a highly sensitive real-time immuno-PCR for the measurement of chloramphenicol in milk based on magnetic bead capturingElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4ay02158d
Tao, Xiaoqi⋅He, Zhifei⋅Cao, Xingyuan⋅Shen, Jianzhong and Li, Hongjun
(no. 23), pp. 9347, 20141106. | Journal Article
Development of a Novel Hexa-plex PCR Method for Identification and Serotyping of Salmonella Species
Li, Ruichao⋅Wang, Yang⋅Shen, Jianzhong and Wu, Congming
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 77, 2014-01-01. | Journal Article
Identification of a Novel G2073A Mutation in 23S rRNA in Amphenicol-Selected Mutants of Campylobacter jejuni
Ma, Licai⋅Shen, Zhangqi⋅Naren, Gaowa⋅Li, Hui⋅Xia, Xi⋅Wu, Congming⋅Shen, Jianzhong⋅Zhang, Qijing and Wang, Yang
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. e94503, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Identification of a novel vga(E) gene variant that confers resistance to pleuromutilins, lincosamides and streptogramin A antibiotics in staphylococci of porcine origin
Li, Jun⋅Li, Beibei⋅Wendlandt, Sarah⋅Schwarz, Stefan⋅Wang, Yang⋅Wu, Congming⋅Ma, Zhiyong and Shen, Jianzhong
The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, vol. 69, (no. 4), pp. 919, 20140401. | Journal Article