42 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Prevalence of and beliefs about electronic cigarettes and hookah among high school students with asthma
Fedele, David AFedele, David ABarnett, Tracey EBarnett, Tracey EDekevich, DavidDekevich, DavidGibson Young, Linda MGibson-Young, Linda MMartinasek, MaryMartinasek, MaryJagger, Meredith A and Jagger, Meredith A
Annals of Epidemiology, vol. 26, (no. 12), pp. 869, December 2016. | Journal Article
Waterpipe tobacco smoking impact on public health: implications for policy
Martinasek, Mary PMartinasek, Mary PGibson Young, Linda MGibson-Young, Linda MDavis, Janiece NDavis, Janiece NMcDermott, Robert J and Mc Dermott, Robert J
Risk management and healthcare policy, vol. 8, pp. 129, 2015-00-00. | Journal Article
Are students with asthma at increased risk for being a victim of bullying in school or cyberspace? Findings from the 2011 Florida youth risk behavior survey
Gibson‐Young, L.Martinasek, M. P.Clutter, M. and Forrest, J.
Journal of school health, vol. 84, pp. 429–434. | Journal Article
Examining the Use of a Digital Clinical Patient in the Online Classroom Environment
Gibson Young, L. M.
Examining the Use of a Digital Clinical Patient in the Online Classroom Environment
Gibson Young, L. M.
Hookah smoking and harm perception among asthmatic adolescents: findings from the Florida youth tobacco survey
Martinasek, M. P.Gibson‐Young, L. and Forrest, J.
Journal of school health, vol. 84, pp. 334–341. | Journal Article
The Relationships Among Family Management Behaviors and Asthma Morbidity in Maternal Caregivers of Children With Asthma
Gibson-Young, L.Gibson-Young, LindaGibson Young, LindaTurner-Henson, AnneTurner-Henson, A.Turner-Henson, AnneGerald, Lynn BGerald, Lynn BGerald, L. B.Vance, David EVance, David EVance, D. E.Lozano, DavidLozano, D. and Lozano, David
Journal of Family Nursing, vol. 20, (no. 4), pp. 461, 20141100. | Journal Article
Should Homeopathy Be Used for Children With Chronic Conditions?
Beal, JudyForlaw, LorettaGibson Young, Linda and Gibson Young, Linda
MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, vol. 38, (no. 2), pp. 71, 2013-March/April. | Journal Article
Should Families Be Present During Pediatric Resuscitation?
Beal, JudyDecker, Jon WDecker, Jonathan and Gibson Young, Linda
MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, vol. 37, (no. 4), pp. 217, 2012-July/August. | Journal Article
The novice nurse and clinical decision‐making: how to avoid errors
Saintsing, D.Gibson, L. M. and Pennington, A. W.
Journal of Nursing Management, vol. 19, pp. 354–359. | Journal Article
Changes in Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Asthma Morbidity Among Urban School Children
Gerald, Lynn BGerald, Joe KGibson, LindaPatel, KarnaZhang, Sijian and Mc Clure, Leslie A
Chest. | Journal Article
Increasing Adherence to Inhaled Steroid Therapy Among Schoolchildren: Randomized, Controlled Trial of School-Based Supervised Asthma Therapy
Gerald, L.B.Gerald, Lynn BMc Clure, Leslie AMcClure, L.A.Mangan, Joan MMangan, J.M.Harrington, K.F.Harrington, Kathy FGibson, LindaGibson, L.Erwin, SueErwin, S.Atchison, J.Atchison, JodyGrad, R. and Grad, Roni
PEDIATRICS. | Journal Article
Peak Flow Measurements in Children with Asthma: What Happens at School?
Grad, RoniMcClure, LeslieZhang, SijonMangan, JoanGibson, Linda and Gerald, Lynn
Journal of Asthma. | Journal Article
Design of the supervised asthma therapy study: Implementing an adherence intervention in urban elementary schools
Gerald, L.B.Gerald, Lynn BMc Clure, Leslie AMcClure, L.A.Harrington, Kathy FHarrington, K.F.Mangan, J.M.Mangan, Joan MGibson, LindaGibson, L.Atchison, J.Atchison, JodyGrad, R. and Grad, Roni
Contemporary Clinical Trials. | Journal Article
Maturing Responsibility in Young Teens Participating in an Asthma Camp: Adaptive Mechanisms and Outcomes
Buckner, Ellen BSimmons, SharonBrakefield, Jennifer AHawkins, Ashley KFeeley, ChristineKilgore, Laura AHolmes, SuzanneBibb, Melissa and Gibson, Linda
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. | Journal Article
Stomach pain: Pediatric management problems
Pediatric Nursing. | Journal Article
Stomach pain: Pediatric management problems. Pediatric Nursing