139 Publications (Page 5 of 6)
Peer group victimization as a predictor of children's behavior problems at home and in school.SCHWARTZ, DAVID⋅Schwartz, D⋅MCFADYEN-KETCHUM, STEVEN A⋅Mc Fadyen Ketchum, Steve A⋅Dodge, Kenneth A⋅DODGE, KENNETH A⋅Pettit, Gregory S⋅PETTIT, GREG S⋅Bates, John E and Bates, J EDevelopment and psychopathology, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 87-99, 1998.
| Journal Article
Differential play patterns of mothers and fathers of sons and daughters: implications for children's gender role developmentLindsey, Eric⋅Mize, Jacquelyn and Pettit, Gregory SSex Roles: A Journal of Research, vol. 37, (no. 9/10), pp. 643-61, 1997.
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Differential Play Patterns of Mothers and Fathers of Sons and Daughters: Implications for Children's Gender Role DevelopmentLindsey, Eric⋅Mize, Jacquelyn and Pettit, Gregory SSex Roles, vol. 37, (no. 9-10), pp. 643-661, 1997.
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Mothers' Social Coaching, Mother-Child Relationship Style, and Children's Peer Competence: Is the Medium the Message?Mize, Jacquelyn and Pettit, Gregory SChild Development, vol. 68, (no. 2), pp. 312-332, 1997.
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Mutuality in Parent-Child Play: Consequences for Children's Peer CompetenceLindsey, Eric⋅Mize, Jacquelyn and Pettit, Gregory SJournal of Social and Personal Relationships, vol. 14, (no. 4), pp. 523-538, 1997.
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Patterns of After-School Care in Middle Childhood: Risk Factors and Developmental Outcomes.Pettit, Gregory S⋅Laird, Robert D⋅Dodge, Kenneth A and Bates, John EMerrill-Palmer Quarterly, vol. 43, (no. 3), pp. 515-38, Jul 1997.
| Journal Article
Reactive and proactive aggression in school children and psychiatrically impaired chronically assaultive youth.Dodge, Kenneth A⋅Lochman, John E⋅Harnish, J D⋅Bates, John E and Pettit, Gregory SJournal of abnormal psychology, vol. 106, (no. 1), pp. 37-51, 1997/Feb.
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Subtypes of Social Withdrawal in Early Childhood: Sociometric Status and Social-Cognitive Differences across Four YearsHarrist, Amanda W⋅Zaia, Anthony F⋅Bates, John E⋅Dodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory SChild Development, vol. 68, (no. 2), pp. 278-294, 1997.
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Supportive Parenting, Ecological Context, and Children's Adjustment: A Seven-Year Longitudinal StudyPettit, Gregory S⋅Bates, John E and Dodge, Kenneth AChild Development, vol. 68, (no. 5), pp. 908-923, 1997.
| Journal Article
The developmental course of violence and aggression. Mechanisms of family and peer influence.
Pettit, Gregory S
The Psychiatric clinics of North America, vol. 20, (no. 2), pp. 283-99, 1997/Jun. | Journal Article
Patterns of change in early childhood aggressive-disruptive behavior: gender differences in predictions from early coercive and affectionate mother-child interactions.Mc Fadyen Ketchum, Steve A⋅Bates, John E⋅Dodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory SChild development, vol. 67, (no. 5), pp. 2417-33, 1996/Oct.
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Physical discipline among African American and European American mothers: Links to children's externalizing behaviorsDeater Deckard, Kirby⋅Bates, John E⋅Dodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory SDevelopmental Psychology, vol. 32, (no. 6), pp. 1065-1072, Nov 1996.
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Stability and Change in Peer-Rejected Status: The Role of Child Behavior, Parenting, and Family EcologyPettit, Gregory S⋅Clawson, Mellisa A⋅Dodge, Kenneth A and Bates, John EMerrill-Palmer Quarterly, vol. 42, (no. 2), pp. 267-294, 1996.
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Mothers' supervision of their children's peer play: relations with beliefs, perceptions, and knowledgeMize, Jacquelyn⋅Pettit, Gregory S and Brown, E. GDevelopmental Psychology, vol. 31, (no. 2), pp. 311-21, 1995.
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Social information-processing patterns partially mediate the effect of early physical abuse on later conduct problems.Dodge, Kenneth A⋅Pettit, Gregory S⋅Bates, John E and Valente, EJournal of abnormal psychology, vol. 104, (no. 4), pp. 632-43, 1995/Nov.
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Encounters with aggressive peers in early childhood: frequency, age differences, and correlates of risk for behaviour problemsSinclair, J. J⋅Pettit, Gregory S⋅Harrist, Amanda W and Dodge, Kenneth AInternational Journal of Behavioral Development, vol. 17, (no. 4), pp. 675-96, 1994.
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Mother-child conversations about peersLaird, Robert D⋅Pettit, Gregory S⋅Mize, Jacquelyn⋅Brown, E. G and Lindsey, EricFamily Relations, vol. 43, (no. 4), pp. 425, Oct 1994.
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Socialization mediators of the relation between socioeconomic status and child conduct problems.Dodge, Kenneth A⋅Pettit, Gregory S and Bates, John EChild development, vol. 65, (no. 2 Spec No), pp. 649-65, 1994/Apr.
| Journal Article
Family Interaction Patterns and Children's Conduct Problems at Home and School: A Longitudinal Perspective.
Pettit, Gregory S and Others, And
School Psychology Review, vol. 22, (no. 3), pp. 403-20, 1993. | Journal Article
Some consequences of early harsh discipline: child aggression and a maladaptive social information processing style.Weiss, B⋅Dodge, Kenneth A⋅Bates, John E and Pettit, Gregory SChild development, vol. 63, (no. 6), pp. 1321-35, 1992/Dec.
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The Longitudinal Relation between Parental Conflict Strategies and Children's Sociometric Standing in KindergartenStrassberg, Zvi⋅Dodge, Kenneth A⋅Bates, John E and Pettit, Gregory SMerrill-Palmer Quarterly, vol. 38, (no. 4), pp. 477-493, 1992.
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Family interaction, social cognition and children's subsequent relations with peers at kindergartenPettit, Gregory S⋅Bates, John E⋅Harrist, Amanda W and Dodge, Kenneth AJournal of Social and Personal Relationships, vol. 8, (no. Aug 91), pp. 383-402, 1991.
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