50 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Telephone-based motivational interviewing for medication adherence: a systematic review.
Teeter, Benjamin S and Kavookjian, Jan
Translational behavioral medicine, vol. 4, (no. 4), pp. 372-381, December 2014. | Journal Article
Child psychiatrists' self-reported treatment and monitoring of children and adolescents with major depressive disorder
Pfalzgraf, Andrea R⋅Scott, Virginia⋅Makela, Eugene⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Hartsock, Steven L and Miller, Lesley-Ann
Journal of psychiatric practice, vol. 18, (no. 4), pp. 261, 2012-Jul. | Journal Article
Motivational interviewing as a behavioral intervention to increase HAART adherence in patients who are HIV-positive: a systematic review of the literature.
Hill, Seth and Kavookjian, Jan
AIDS care, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 583-592, 2012. | Journal Article
Pediatricians' self-reported role in treating children and adolescents with major depressive disorder: a national random survey.
Pfalzgraf, Andrea R⋅Scott, Virginia⋅Makela, Eugene H⋅Hartsock, Steven L⋅Kavookjian, Jan and Miller, Lesley-Ann
The primary care companion for CNS disorders, vol. 14, (no. 4), 2012. | Journal Article
Impact of Visual Impairment on Health-Related Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis
Pawar, Vivek S⋅Pawar, Gauri⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann⋅Kalsekar, Iftekhar⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Scott, Virginia and Madhavan, S. Suresh
International Journal of MS Care, vol. 12, (no. 2), pp. 90, 2010-05-00. | Journal Article
Health-Related Quality of Life and Quality of Life in Type 2 Diabetes
Sundaram, Murali⋅Kavookjian, Jan and Patrick, Julie
The Patient, vol. 2, (no. 2), pp. 121-133, Jun 2009. | Journal Article
Health-related quality of life and quality of life in type 2 diabetes: relationships in a cross-sectional study.
Sundaram, Murali⋅Kavookjian, Jan and Patrick, Julie Hicks
The patient, vol. 2, (no. 2), pp. 121-133, June 1, 2009. | Journal Article
Using the theory of reasoned action to determine physicians' intention to measure body mass index in children and adolescentsKhanna, Rahul⋅Khanna, Rahul⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Scott, Virginia G⋅Scott, Virginia (Ginger)⋅Kamal, Khalid M⋅Kamal, Khalid M⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann N⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann N⋅Neal, William A and Neal, William AResearch in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, vol. 5, (no. 2), pp. 181, 2009.
| Journal Article
Prescribing of beta-blockers after myocardial infarction: a preliminary study of physician motivations and barriers.
Kavookjian, Jan and Mamidi, Sekhar
Clinical therapeutics, vol. 30 Pt 2, pp. 2241-9, 2008. | Journal Article
Comparing adherence to and persistence with antipsychotic therapy among patients with bipolar disorder.Hassan, Mariam⋅Madhavan, Suresh⋅Kalsekar, Iftekhar D⋅Makela, Eugene H⋅Rajagopalan, Kitty⋅Islam, Syed⋅Kavookjian, Jan and Miller, Lesley-AnnThe Annals of pharmacotherapy, vol. 41, (no. 11), pp. 1812-8, 2007/Nov.
| Journal Article
Economic impact of cardiovascular co-morbidity in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Mody, Reema⋅Kalsekar, Iftekhar⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Iyer, Shrividya⋅Rajagopalan, Rukmini and Pawar, Vivek
Journal of diabetes and its complications, vol. 21, (no. 2), pp. 75-83, 2007 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
Interventions for Being Active Among Individuals With Diabetes: A Systematic Review of the LiteratureKavookjian, Jan⋅Elswick, Betsy M and Whetsel, Tara RDiabetes educator., vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 962-988, 2007.
| Journal Article
Quality of life, health status and clinical outcomes in Type 2 diabetes patientsSundaram, Murali⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Patrick, Julie⋅Miller, Lesley-ann⋅Madhavan, S and Scott, Virginia (ginger)Quality of Life Research, vol. 16, (no. 5), pp. 907, Jun 2007.
| Journal Article
Quality of life, health status and clinical outcomes in Type 2 diabetes patients.Sundaram, Murali⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Patrick, Julie H⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann⋅Madhavan, Suresh and Scott, Virginia GQuality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, vol. 16, (no. 2), pp. 165-77, 2007/Mar.
| Journal Article
Alternative Decision Analysis Modeling in the Economic Evaluation of Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors for Rheumatoid ArthritisKamal, Khalid M⋅Kamal, Khalid M⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Madhavan, Suresh and Madhavan, SureshSeminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, vol. 36, (no. 1), pp. 60, 2006.
| Journal Article
An Appraisal of Pharmacoeconomic Evidence of Maintenance Therapy for COPDD'Souza, Anna O⋅D’Souza, Anna O⋅Smith, Michael J⋅Smith, Michael J⋅Miller, Lesley A⋅Miller, Lesley Ann⋅Kavookjian, Jan and Kavookjian, JanChest, vol. 129, (no. 6), pp. 1708, June 2006.
| Journal Article
Use of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis: a national survey of practicing United States rheumatologists.Kamal, Khalid M⋅Kamal, Khalid M⋅Madhavan, Suresh⋅Madhavan, S Suresh⋅Hornsby, Jo A⋅Hornsby, Jo Ann Allen⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Scott, Virginia and Scott, VirginiaJoint bone spine, vol. 73, (no. 6), pp. 718-724, December 2006.
| Journal Article
Use of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis: a national survey of practicing United States rheumatologists
Kamal, Khalid M⋅Madhavan, S. Suresh⋅Hornsby, Jo Ann Allen⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann⋅Kavookjian, Jan and Scott, Virginia
Joint Bone Spine, vol. 73, (no. 6), pp. 724, December 2006. | Journal Article
Utilisation des inhibiteurs du TNF alpha au cours de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde : enquête nationale sur la pratique des rhumatologues aux États-Unis
Kamal, Khalid Mustafa⋅Madhavan, Sundareswaran Suresh⋅Hornsby, Jo Ann Allen⋅Miller, Lesley-Ann⋅Kavookjian, Jan and Scott, Virginia
Revue du rhumatisme, vol. 73, (no. 12), pp. 1394, 2006. | Journal Article
Utilization and costs for compliant patients initiating therapy with pioglitazone or rosiglitazone versus insulin in a Medicaid fee-for-service population
Kalsekar, Iftekhar⋅Iyer, Shrividya⋅Mody, Reema⋅Rajagopalan, Rukmini and Kavookjian, Jan
Journal of managed care pharmacy : JMCP, vol. 12, (no. 2), pp. 129, 2006-Mar. | Journal Article
Clinical Predictors and Co-Morbid Conditions in a Population Study of Depression and Motivation for Exercise in Type 2 Diabetes
Kavookjian, Jan and Sundaram, Murali
pp. A473, 20050601. | Journal Article
P-29/1641/Quality of Life and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Sundaram, Murali and Kavookjian, Jan
Quality of Life Research, vol. 14, (no. 9), pp. 2033, 20051101. | Journal Article
Patient decision making: strategies for diabetes diet adherence intervention.
Kavookjian, Jan⋅Berger, Bruce A⋅Grimley, Diane M⋅Villaume, William A⋅Anderson, Heidi M and Barker, Kenneth N
Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP, vol. 1, (no. 3), pp. 389-407, 2005/Sep. | Journal Article
The relationship between stages of change and glycemic control in patients with diabetes (Dissertation)
Kavookjian, Jan (2001).
Teaching students to develop a Web Site as a tool for marketing pharmaceutical care services
Anderson-Harper, Heidi⋅Kavookjian, Jan and Munden, C
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, vol. 62, (no. 3), pp. 284, Fall 1998. | Journal Article