70 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
A Meta-Analysis to Determine if Lower Extremity Muscle Strengthening Should Be Included in Military Knee-Overuse Injury-Prevention Programs.Kollock, Roger O⋅Kollock, Roger O⋅Andrews, Corey⋅Andrews, Corey⋅Johnston, Ashlyn⋅Johnston, Ashlyn⋅Elliott, Teresa⋅Elliott, Teresa⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Games, Kenneth E⋅Games, Kenneth E⋅Sefton, Jo Ellen M and Sefton, JoEllen MJournal of athletic training, March 31, 2016.
| Journal Article
Eutrophication mediates a common off-flavor compound, 2-methylisoborneol, in a drinking water reservoir.
Olsen, Brianna K⋅Chislock, Michael F and Wilson, Alan E
Water research, vol. 92, pp. 228-234, April 1, 2016. | Journal Article
The Importance of Carotenoid Dose in Supplementation Studies with Songbirds.Koch, Rebecca E⋅Koch, Rebecca E⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Hill, Geoffrey E and Hill, Geoffrey EPhysiological and biochemical zoology : PBZ, vol. 89, (no. 1), pp. 61-71.
| Journal Article
The interaction between cyanobacteria and zooplankton in a more eutrophic world.Ger, K.A.⋅Ger, K.A.⋅Ger, Kemal Ali⋅Urrutia-Cordero, Pablo⋅Urrutia-Cordero, P.⋅Urrutia Cordero, P.⋅Frost, Paul C⋅Frost, P.C.⋅Frost, P.C.⋅Hansson, Lars-Anders⋅Hansson, L.-A.⋅Hansson, L. A.⋅Sarnelle, O.⋅Sarnelle, O.⋅Sarnelle, Orlando⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Wilson, A.E.⋅Wilson, A.E.⋅Lürling, M.⋅Lürling, M. and Lürling, MiquelHarmful algae, vol. 54, pp. 128-144, April 2016.
| Journal Article
Vehicle Exposure and Spinal Musculature Fatigue in Military Warfighters: A Meta-Analysis.Kollock, Roger O⋅Kollock, Roger O⋅Kollock, Roger O⋅Games, Kenneth E⋅Games, Kenneth E⋅Games, Kenneth E⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Sefton, JoEllen M⋅Sefton, Jo Ellen M and Sefton, Jo Ellen MJournal of athletic training, vol. 51, (no. 11), pp. 981-990, November 2016.
| Journal Article
Arginine kinase in the cladoceran Daphnia magna: cDNA sequencing and expression is associated with resistance to toxic Microcystis.
Lyu, Kai⋅Zhang, Lu⋅Zhu, Xuexia⋅Cui, Guilian⋅Wilson, Alan E and Yang, Zhou
Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands), vol. 160, pp. 13-21, March 2015. | Journal Article
Benchtop fluorometry of phycocyanin as a rapid approach for estimating cyanobacterial biovolume
Kasinak, Jo-Marie E⋅Holt, Brittany M⋅Chislock, Michael F and Wilson, Alan E
Journal of Plankton Research, vol. 37, (no. 1), pp. 257, 2015-01-01. | Journal Article
Effects of vehicle-ride exposure on cervical pathology: a meta-analysis.KOLLOCK, Roger⋅Kollock, Roger⋅Games, Kenneth⋅GAMES, Kenneth⋅WILSON, Alan E⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Sefton, Jo Ellen M and Sefton, JoEllen MIndustrial health, vol. 53, (no. 3), pp. 197-205, 2015.
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Efficacy of bovine viral diarrhea virus vaccination to prevent reproductive disease: a meta-analysis.Newcomer, Benjamin W⋅Newcomer, Benjamin W⋅Newcomer, Benjamin W⋅Walz, Paul H⋅Walz, Paul H⋅Walz, Paul H⋅Givens, M. Daniel⋅Givens, M. Daniel⋅Givens, M Daniel⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Wilson, Alan E and Wilson, Alan ETheriogenology, vol. 83, (no. 3), pp. 360-365.e1, February 2015.
| Journal Article
Formalizing the definition of meta-analysis in Molecular Ecology.
ArchMiller, Althea A⋅Bauer, Eric F⋅Koch, Rebecca E⋅Wijayawardena, Bhagya K⋅Anil, Ammu⋅Kottwitz, Jack J⋅Munsterman, Amelia S and Wilson, Alan E
Molecular ecology, vol. 24, (no. 16), pp. 4042-4051, August 2015. | Journal Article
Whole-body vibration and blood flow and muscle oxygenation: a meta-analysis.Games, Kenneth E⋅Games, Kenneth E⋅Games, Kenneth E⋅Sefton, Jo Ellen M⋅Sefton, Jo Ellen M⋅Sefton, JoEllen M⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Wilson, Alan E and Wilson, Alan EJournal of athletic training, vol. 50, (no. 5), pp. 542-549, May 2015.
| Journal Article
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii dominates under very low and high nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios.
Chislock, Michael F⋅Sharp, Katherine L and Wilson, Alan E
Water research, vol. 49, pp. 207-14, 2014/Feb/1. | Journal Article
Recognition of an important water quality issue at zoos: prevalence and potential threat of toxic cyanobacteria.
Doster, Enrique⋅Chislock, Michael F⋅Roberts, John F⋅Kottwitz, Jack J and Wilson, Alan E
Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine : official publication of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, vol. 45, (no. 1), pp. 165-8, 2014/Mar. | Journal Article
Altered expression of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and other osmoregulatory genes in the gills of euryhaline animals in response to salinity transfer: a meta-analysis of 59 quantitative PCR studies over 10 years.Havird, Justin C⋅Havird, Justin C⋅Henry, Raymond P⋅Henry, Raymond P⋅Wilson, Alan E and Wilson, Alan EComparative biochemistry and physiology. Part D, Genomics & proteomics, vol. 8, (no. 2), pp. 131-40, 2013/Jun.
| Journal Article
Do high concentrations of microcystin prevent Daphnia control of phytoplankton?Chislock, Michael F⋅Sarnelle, Orlando⋅Jernigan, Lauren M and Wilson, Alan EWater Research, vol. 47, (no. 6), pp. 1961-1970, 2013.
| Journal Article
Large effects of consumer offense on ecosystem structure and functionChislock, Michael F⋅Sarnelle, Orlando⋅Olsen, Brianna K⋅Doster, Enrique and Wilson, Alan EEcology, vol. 94, (no. 11), Nov 2013.
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Biomagnification or biodilution of microcystins in aquatic foodwebs? Meta-analyses of laboratory and field studies
Kozlowsky-Suzuki, Betina⋅Kozlowsky-Suzuki, B.⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Wilson, A.E.⋅Ferrao-Filho, Aloysio d and Silva Ferrão-Filho, A.
Harmful Algae, vol. 18, pp. 47-55, 2012. | Journal Article
Getting the fundamentals of movement: a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of motor skill interventions in childrenLogan, S. W⋅Robinson, L. E⋅Wilson, Alan E and Lucas, W. AChild: Care, Health and Development, vol. 38, (no. 3), pp. 305-315, 2012.
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Bioaccumulation of microcystins by fish associated with a persistent cyanobacterial bloom in Lago de Patzcuaro (Michoacan, Mexico)Berry, John⋅Lee, Elisha⋅Walton, Katherine⋅Wilson, Alan E and Bernal-Brooks, FernandoEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 30, (no. 7), pp. 1621-1628, 2011.
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Large variation in vulnerability to grazing within a population of the colonial phytoplankter, Microcystis aeruginosaWhite, Jeffrey D⋅Kaul, RajReni B⋅Knoll, Lesley⋅Wilson, Alan E and Sarnelle, OrlandoLimnology and Oceanography, vol. 56, (no. 5), pp. 1714-1724, 2011.
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Growth Rate Consequences of Coloniality in a Harmful PhytoplankterWilson, Alan E⋅Kaul, RajReni B and Sarnelle, OrlandoPLoS ONE, vol. 5, (no. 1), 2010.
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Corrigendum: Invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) increase cyanobacterial toxin concentrations in low-nutrient lakesKnoll, Lesley⋅Sarnelle, Orlando⋅Hamilton, Stephen K⋅E.H. Kissman, Carrie⋅Wilson, Alan E⋅Rose, Joan B and Morgan, Mechelle RCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 65, (no. 11), pp. 2552-2552, 2008.
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Evaluation of the human health threat associated with the hepatotoxin microcystin in the muscle and liver tissues of yellow perch (Perca flavescens)Wilson, Alan E⋅Gossiaux, Duane C⋅Hoeoek, Tomas O⋅Berry, John P⋅Landrum, Peter F⋅Dyble, Julianne and Guildford, Stephanie JCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 65, (no. 7), pp. 1487-1497, 2008.
| Journal Article
Evaluation of the human health threat associated with the hepatotoxin microcystin in the muscle and liver tissues of yellow perch (Perca flavescens)Wilson, Alan E⋅Gossiaux, Duane C⋅Höök, Tomas O⋅Berry, John P⋅Landrum, Peter F⋅Dyble, Julianne and Guildford, Stephanie JCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 65, (no. 7), Jul 2008.
| Journal Article
Evaluation of the human health threat associated with the hepatotoxin microcystin in the muscle and liver tissues of yellow perch (Perca flavescens)Wilson, Alan E⋅Gossiaux, DC⋅Höök, Tomas O⋅Berry, JP⋅Landrum, PF⋅Dyble, J. and Guildford, Stephanie JCanadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences/Journal canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques, vol. 65, (no. 07), pp. 1487-1497, 2008.
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