72 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Differences in predictors of academic success using multi- and individual year student admissions dataEiland, L.S.⋅Gaillard, P.R.⋅Fan, S. and Jungnickel, P.W.Pharmacy Education, vol. 18, pp. 255-258.
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Ozenoxacin: A Novel Topical Quinolone for ImpetigoWren, C.⋅Bell, E. and Eiland, L.S.Annals of Pharmacotherapy, vol. 52, pp. 1233-1237.
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Providing an Academic APPE Elective via Videoconference Between Off-campus Faculty and Students.Eiland, Lea S⋅Staton, April G and Stevenson, T LynnAmerican journal of pharmaceutical education, vol. 82, (no. 8), pp. 6645, October 2018.
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Student Perceptions of Active-Learning Strategies Utilized in a Drugs in Pregnancy Elective Delivered Synchronously Across Multiple CampusesEiland, Lea STechTrends, vol. 62, (no. 3), pp. 265, 2018-05-00.
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Appropriate Use of Ceftriaxone in the Emergency Department of a Veteran’s Health Care SystemDurham, Spencer H⋅Durham, Spencer H⋅Wingler, Mary J⋅Wingler, Mary J⋅Eiland, Lea S and Eiland, Lea SJournal of Pharmacy Technology, vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 218, 20171200.
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Characteristics of Pediatric Clinical Interventions Documented by a School of PharmacyEiland, Lea SThe journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG, vol. 22, (no. 3), pp. 192, 2017 May-Jun.
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Incorporating age-related special populations into a pharmacy skills laboratory course sequenceHutchison, Amber M⋅Hutchison, Amber M⋅Eiland, Lea S and Eiland, Lea SCurrents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, vol. 9, (no. 5), pp. 827, September 2017.
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Documentation of clinical interventions by pharmacy students and recent pharmacy graduatesAndrus, Miranda R⋅Andrus, Miranda R⋅Stevenson, T Lynn⋅Stevenson, T Lynn⋅Eiland, Lea S and Eiland, Lea SAmerican journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, vol. 73, (no. 23), pp. 1918, 2016-Dec-01.
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Relationship between vancomycin dosage and serum trough vancomycin concentrations in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosisDurham, Spencer H⋅Durham, Spencer⋅Durham, Spencer⋅Garza, Kimberly B⋅Garza, Kimberly⋅Garza, Kimberly⋅Eiland, Lea S⋅Eiland, Lea and Eiland, LeaAmerican Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 73, (no. 13), pp. 974, 2016-July-1.
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Student perspectives and learning outcomes with implementation of team-based learning into a videoconferenced electiveEiland, Lea S⋅Eiland, Lea S⋅Eiland, Lea S⋅Garza, Kimberly B⋅Garza, Kimberly B⋅Garza, Kimberly B⋅Hester, E. Kelly⋅Hester, E. Kelly⋅Hester, E. Kelly⋅Carroll, Dana G⋅Carroll, Dana G⋅Carroll, Dana G⋅Kelley, Kristi W⋅Kelley, Kristi W and Kelley, Kristi WCurrents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, vol. 8, (no. 2), pp. 172, March-April 2016.
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Accuracy of Pharmacy Benefit Manager Medication Formularies in an Electronic Health Record System and the Epocrates Mobile ApplicationAndrus, Miranda R⋅Andrus, Miranda R⋅Forrester, Jeanne B⋅Forrester, Jeanne B⋅Germain, Kenda E⋅Germain, Kenda E⋅Eiland, Lea S and Eiland, Lea SJournal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, vol. 21, (no. 4), pp. 286, 2015-04-00.
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A Review of Antibiotic Use in PregnancyBookstaver, P. Brandon⋅Bookstaver, P Brandon⋅Bland, Christopher M⋅Bland, Christopher M⋅Griffin, Brooke⋅Griffin, Brooke⋅Stover, Kayla R⋅Stover, Kayla R⋅Eiland, Lea S⋅Eiland, Lea S⋅McLaughlin, Milena and McLaughlin, MilenaPharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, vol. 35, (no. 11), pp. 1062, November 2015.
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Cranberry Products for the Prophylaxis of Urinary Tract Infections in Pediatric PatientsDurham, S.H.⋅Stamm, P.L. and Eiland, L.S.Annals of Pharmacotherapy, vol. 49, pp. 1349-1356.
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Development of faculty mentor teams in a pharmacy practice departmentEiland, Lea S⋅Eiland, Lea S⋅Marlowe, Karen F⋅Marlowe, Karen F⋅Sacks, Gordon S and Sacks, Gordon SCurrents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, vol. 6, (no. 6), pp. 766, November-December 2014.
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Priapism Associated With the Use of Stimulant Medications and Atomoxetine for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in ChildrenEiland, Lea S⋅Eiland, L.S.⋅Bell, E.A.⋅Bell, Edward A⋅Erramouspe, John and Erramouspe, J.Annals of Pharmacotherapy, vol. 48, pp. 1350-1355.
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Vancomycin dosing in healthy-weight, overweight, and obese pediatric patientsEiland, Lea S and Sonawane, Kalyani BThe journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG, vol. 19, (no. 3), pp. 188, 2014-Jul.
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Treatment of Acute Seizures: Is Intranasal Midazolam a Viable Option?Humphries, Lesley K and Eiland, Lea SThe journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG, vol. 18, (no. 2), pp. 87, 2013-Apr.
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ASHP Practitioner Recognition Program - 2012 Fellows of the American Society of Health-System PharmacistsAdams, S.C.⋅Ayers, P.⋅Britton, M.L.⋅Brown, T.R.⋅Cassano, A.T.⋅Clark, J.S.⋅Couldry, R.J.⋅Driver, P.S.⋅Eiland III, E.H.⋅Eiland, L.S.⋅Farthing, K.⋅Fox, E.R.⋅Garey, K.W.⋅Gullickson, K.K.⋅Hennenfent, J.A.⋅Hola, E.T.⋅Karpinski, T.A.⋅Knoer, S.J.⋅Kozakiewicz, J.M.⋅Metting, T.L.⋅Murphy, J.A.⋅Neuhauser, M.M.⋅Pastor III, J.D.⋅Pendleton, K.C.⋅Poole, R.L.⋅Ross, L.A.⋅Rough, S.S.⋅Sincak, C.A.⋅Slain, D. and Stroup, T.J.American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 69, pp. 1166.
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Caregivers' baseline understanding and expectations of antibiotic use for their children.Salazar, Maria L⋅English, Thomas M and Eiland, Lea SClinical pediatrics, vol. 51, (no. 7), pp. 632-7, 2012/Jul.
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Glycopyrrolate for chronic drooling in children.Eiland, Lea SClinical therapeutics, vol. 34, (no. 4), pp. 735-42, 2012/Apr.
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Assessment of vancomycin dosing and subsequent serum concentrations in pediatric patients.Eiland, Lea S⋅English, Thomas M and Eiland, Edward HThe Annals of pharmacotherapy, vol. 45, (no. 5), pp. 582-9, 2011/May.
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A comparative study of student and faculty perspectives regarding career opportunities in pharmacy academiaEiland, Lea S⋅Flowers, Schwanda K⋅Andurkar, Shridhar V⋅O'Brocta, Richard⋅Prabhu, Sunil and Medon, Philip JCurrents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, vol. 2, (no. 1), pp. 51, 2010-01-00.
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Availability of “Drugs in Pregnancy” electives in pharmacy schoolsEiland, Lea S⋅Eiland, Lea S⋅Kelley, Kristi W and Kelley, Kristi WCurrents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, vol. 2, (no. 3), pp. 170, 2010.
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The Use of Triptans for Pediatric MigrainesEiland, Lea S and Hunt, Melissa OPaediatric Drugs, vol. 12, (no. 6), pp. 379-389, Dec 2010.
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Treating Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in epileptic pediatric patients with third-generation rufinamideGresham, Jessica⋅Eiland, Lea S and Chung, Allison MNeuropsychiatric disease and treatment, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 645, 2010-Oct-05.
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