95 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling in a Model Longleaf Pine Community as Affected by Elevated Atmospheric CO2Torbert, Henry A⋅Torbert, H. Allen⋅Torbert, H. Allen⋅Torbert, H. Allen⋅Torbert, H. Allen⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Prior, S.A.⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Runion, G. Brett⋅Runion, G. Brett⋅Runion, G.B.⋅Runion, G. Brett⋅Runion, G. Brett⋅Davis, Micheal A⋅Davis, Micheal A⋅Davis, Micheal A⋅Davis, Micheal A⋅Davis, M.A.⋅Pritchard, Seth G⋅Pritchard, S.G.⋅Pritchard, Seth G⋅Pritchard, Seth G⋅Pritchard, Seth G⋅Rogers, H.H.⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Rogers, Hugo H and Rogers, Hugo HEnvironmental Management, vol. 33, (no. S1), pp. S138, 20040700.
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Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling in a Model Longleaf Pine Community as Affected by Elevated Atmospheric CO2Torbert, H Allen⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Runion, G Brett⋅Davis, Micheal A⋅Pritchard, Seth G and Rogers, Hugo HEnvironmental Management, vol. 33, pp. S132-S138, Jul 2004.
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The effects of elevated atmospheric CO₂ and soil P placement on cotton root deployment.Prior, Stephen A⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Mullins, G.L. and Runion, G.B.Plant and soil., vol. 255, (no. 1), pp. 179-187, 2003.
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Elevated atmospheric CO2 affects structure of a model regenerating longleaf pine community.Davis, Micheal A⋅Pritchard, Seth G⋅Mitchell, R.J.⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Rogers, Hugo H and Runion, George BJournal of ecology., vol. 90, (no. 1), pp. 130-140, 2002.
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Global Climate Change And Community Structure: Effects Of Elevated Atmospheric Co2 On Competition In A Model Longleaf Pine CommunityMicheal A Davis, Seth G Pritchard, Robert J Mitchell, Stephen A Prior, Hugo H Rogers, George B Runion and Rogers, Hugo H3/19/01
Implications Of Elevated Co2-Induced Changes In Agroecosystem ProductivityStephen A Prior, Henry Allen Torbert, George B Runion, Hugo H Rogers and Rogers, Hugo H2/21/01
Root Dynamics In An Artifically Constructed Regenerating Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Are Affected By Atmospheric Co2 EnrichmentSeth G Pritchard, Micheal A. Davis, Robert J. Mitchell, Stephen A Prior, Deborah L Boykin, Hugo H Rogers, George B Runion and Rogers, Hugo H3/8/01
Root dynamics in an artificially constructed regenerating longleaf pine ecosystem are affected by atmospheric CO2 enrichmentPritchard, Seth G⋅Pritchard, Seth G⋅Davis, Micheal A⋅Davis, Micheal A⋅Mitchell, Robert J⋅Mitchell, Robert J⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Boykin, Debbie L⋅Boykin, Debbie L⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Runion, G.Brett and Runion, G.BrettEnvironmental and Experimental Botany, vol. 46, (no. 1), pp. 69, 2001-08-00.
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The Effects Of Elevated Atmospheric Co2 And Soil P Placement On Cotton RootdeploymentStephen A Prior, Hugo H Rogers, G L Mullins, George B Runion and Rogers, Hugo H11/7/01
The influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 on fine root dynamics in an intact temperate forest.Pritchard, Seth G⋅Pritchard, Seth G⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Davis, M.A.⋅Davis, Micheal A⋅Van Santen, Edzard⋅Van Santen, Edzard⋅Prior, S.A.⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Schlesinger, W.H. and Schlesinger, William HGlobal change biology., vol. 7, (no. 7), pp. 829-837, 2001.
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The Influence Of Elevated Atmospheric Co2 On Fine Root Dynamics In An Intact Temperate ForestSeth G Pritchard, Hugo H Rogers, M A Davis, Stephen A Prior, William H Schlesinger and Rogers, Hugo H1/19/01
Calcium Sulfate Deposits Associated with Needle Substomatal Cavities of Container‐Grown Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) SeedlingsPritchard, Seth⋅Pritchard, Seth⋅Prior, Stephen⋅Prior, Stephen⋅Rogers, Hugo⋅Rogers, Hugo⋅Peterson, Curt and Peterson, CurtInternational Journal of Plant Sciences, vol. 161, (no. 6), pp. 923, 20001100.
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Calcium sulfate deposits associated with needle substomatal cavities of container-growtn longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) seedlingsPritchard, Seth G⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Rogers, Hugo H and Peterson, Curt MInternational Journal of Plant Sciences, vol. 161, (no. 6), pp. 917-923, Nov 2000.
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Free-Air Co2 Enrichment Of Sorghum: Soil Carbon And Nitrogen DynamicsStephen A Prior, Henry Allen Torbert, Bruce A. Kimball, Hugo H Rogers and Rogers, Hugo H7/7/00
Spatial and temporal deployment of crop roots in CO2-enriched environments.Pritchard, Seth G and Rogers, Hugo HNew phytologist., vol. 147, (no. 1), pp. 55-71, 2000.
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A Field Method Of Determining Nh4 And N03 Uptake Kinetics In Intact Roots: Effects Of C02 Enrichment On Trees And Crop Species, Stephen A Prior, Rich J Norby, Hugo H Rogers and Rogers, Hugo H2/24/99
A field method of determining$NH_4^ + $and$NO_3^ - $uptake kinetics in intact roots: Effects of CO₂ enrichment on trees and crop speciesBassiriRad, Hormoz⋅Bassirirad, Hormoz⋅Prior, Stephen⋅Prior, Stephen⋅Norby, Rich⋅Norby, Rich⋅Rogers, Hugo and Rogers, HugoPlant and Soil, vol. 217, (no. 1/2), pp. 204, 19990101.
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Common GroundRogers, Hugo H7/1/99
Effect Of Elevated Co2 And Temperature On Soil C And N CyclingHenry Allen Torbert, Stephen A Prior, Hugo H Rogers and Rogers, Hugo H10/12/99
Effects Of Elevated Atmospheric Co2 On Agroecosystems: Conventional Vs. Sustainable Cropping SystemStephen A Prior, Donald W Reeves, Hugo H Rogers, Henry Allen Torbert, W A Dugas and Rogers, Hugo H1/27/99
Effects Of Elevated Atmospheric Co2 On Agroecosystems: Soil Physical PropertiesStephen A Prior, Hugo H Rogers, Donald W Reeves, Henry Allen Torbert and Rogers, Hugo H7/21/99
Elevated Co2 Impacts On Microbial Activity And Soil Organic Matter In A Southeastern U.S. SoilDiane E Stott, Hugo H Rogers, Stephen A Prior and Rogers, Hugo H5/5/99
Elevated CO sub(2) and plant structure: a reviewPritchard, Seth G⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Prior, Stephen A and Peterson, Curt MGlobal Change Biology, Oxford, UK, vol. 5, (no. 7), pp. 807-837, 1999.
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Longleaf Pine Photosynthetic Response to Soil Resource Availability and Elevated Atmospheric Carbon DioxideRunion, George B⋅Mitchell, RJ⋅Green, TH⋅Prior, Stephen A⋅Rogers, Hugo H and Gjerstad, DHJournal of Environmental Quality, vol. 28, (no. 3), pp. 880-887, 1999.
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