225 Publications (Page 2 of 9)
A Comprehensive Performance Assessment of the Modified Philip–Dunne Infiltrometer
Alakayleh, Zuhier and Fang, Xing
Water, vol. 11, (no. 9), 2019. | Journal Article
A deep learning framework for predicting cyber attacks rates
Fang, XingFang, XingFang, XingXu, MaochaoXu, MaochaoXu, MaochaoXu, ShouhuaiXu, ShouhuaiXu, ShouhuaiZhao, PengZhao, Peng and Zhao, Peng
EURASIP Journal on Information Security, vol. 2019, (no. 1), pp. 11, 20191200. | Journal Article
A Downhole Hydrocyclone for the Recovery of Natural Gas Hydrates and Desanding: The CFD Simulation of the Flow Field and Separation Performance
Qiu, ShunzuoWang, GuorongWang, Leizhen and Fang, Xing
Energies, vol. 12, (no. 17), pp. 3257, 2019-08-23. | Journal Article
Alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, betel quid chewing and oral health associations with hypopharyngeal cancer among men in Central South China: a case–control study
Zeng, JunfengTang, YaoyunWu, PingFang, XingWang, WeiFan, YuhuaLi, Xin and Zhao, Suping
Cancer Management and Research, 2019-07-10. | Journal Article
A Multilayer Reservoir Thermal Stratification Module for Earth System Models
Yigzaw, WondmagegnLi, Hong‐YiFang, XingLeung, L. RubyVoisin, NathalieHejazi, Mohamad I and Demissie, Yonas
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol. 11, (no. 10), pp. 3283, October 2019. | Journal Article
Construction of the peanut-like Co3O4 as anode materials for high-performance lithium-ion batteries
Dai, YuFang, XingYang, Ting and Wang, Wenlei
Ionics, 2019-11-25. | Journal Article
Continuous full-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode control for systems with matched and mismatched disturbances
Du, XudongFang, Xing and Liu, Fei
IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 1, 20190913. | Journal Article
Coupling and disturbance characterization based robust control for manned submersibles
Fang, Xing and Liu, Fei
Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 356, (no. 15), pp. 8483, October 2019. | Journal Article
Curdione inhibits thrombin-induced platelet aggregation via regulating the AMP-activated protein kinase-vinculin/talin-integrin αIIbβ3 sign pathway
Fang, HuiFang, XingGao, BeibeiZhao, YingliBian, Maohong and Xia, Quan
Phytomedicine, vol. 61, pp. 152859, August 2019. | Journal Article
Design of a Pressurized Rainfall Simulator for Evaluating Performance of Erosion Control Practices
Ricks, Matthew DRicks, Matthew DHorne, Matthew AHorne, Matthew AFaulkner, BrianFaulkner, BrianZech, Wesley CZech, Wesley CFang, XingFang, XingDonald, Wesley NDonald, Wesley NPerez, Michael A and Perez, Michael A
Water, vol. 11, (no. 11), pp. 2386, 2019-11-14. | Journal Article
Evaluating Curb Inlet Efficiency for Urban Drainage and Road Bioretention Facilities. Water
High-order mismatched disturbance rejection control for small-scale unmanned helicopter via continuous nonsingular terminal sliding-mode approach
Fang, Xing and Liu, Fei
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 29, (no. 4), pp. 948, 2019-03-10. | Journal Article
How the node’s vital and tie strength effect rumor spreading on social network
Huo, Liang’anLin, TingtingLiu, Chen and Fang, Xing
International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol. 30, (no. 6), pp. 1950046, 20190600. | Journal Article
Hydrometeorological data from Marmot Creek Research Basin, Canadian Rockies
Fang, XingFang, XingPomeroy, John WPomeroy, JohnDeBeer, Chris MDeBeer, ChrisHarder, PhillipHarder, PhillipSiemens, Evan and Siemens, Evan
Earth System Science Data, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. 471, 2019-04-10. | Journal Article
Improvement Effect of Rainfall Source Control Facilities on Urban Drainage Capacity in Different Regions of China
Zhang, ZhimingMiao, YuhongLi, JunqiLiu, Di and Fang, Xing
Journal of Hydrology, vol. 579, pp. 124127, 2019-12-00. | Journal Article
Large-Scale Performance Testing of Temporary Sediment Basin Treatments and High-Rate Lamella Settlers
Perez, Michael APerez, MichaelPerez, Michael AZech, Wesley CZech, Wesley CZech, WesleyVasconcelos, Jose GVasconcelos, JoseVasconcelos, Jose GFang, XingFang, Xing and Fang, Xing
Water, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. 316, 2019-02-13. | Journal Article
Modelling the effects of permafrost loss on discharge from a wetland‐dominated, discontinuous permafrost basin
Stone, Lindsay EFang, XingHaynes, Kristine MHelbig, ManuelPomeroy, John WSonnentag, Oliver and Quinton, William L
Hydrological Processes, vol. 33, (no. 20), pp. 2626, 30 September 2019. | Journal Article
Performance assessment of extensive green roof runoff flow and quality control capacity based on pilot experiments.
Gong, YongweiYin, DingkunLi, JunqiZhang, XianweiWang, WenhaiFang, XingShi, Honghong and Wang, Qi
The Science of the total environment, vol. 687, pp. 505-515, June 11, 2019. | Journal Article
Performance enhancing techniques for deep learning models in time series forecasting
Fang, Xing and Yuan, Zhuoning
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 85, pp. 542, October 2019. | Journal Article
Spatiotemporal patterns of recent PM 2.5 concentrations over typical urban agglomerations in China
Shen, YangZhang, LianpengFang, XingJi, HanyuLi, Xing and Zhao, Zhuowen
The Science of the total environment, vol. 655, pp. 13, 2019-Mar-10. | Journal Article
Spatiotemporal patterns of recent PM.sub.2.5 concentrations over typical urban agglomerations in China
Shen, YangZhang, LianpengFang, XingJi, HanyuLi, Xing and Zhao, Zhuowen
The Science of the Total Environment, vol. 655, pp. 13, 20190310. | Journal Article
The influence of external conditions on runoff quality control of grass swale in Beijing and Shenzhen, China
Gong, YongweiYin, DingkunLiu, ChaoLi, JunqiShi, Honghong and Fang, Xing
Water Practice and Technology, vol. 14, (no. 2), pp. 494, 2019-06-00. | Journal Article
Trajectory tracking control for manned submersible system with disturbances via disturbance characterization index approach
Fang, XingLiu, Fei and Zhao, Shengya
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 29, (no. 16), pp. 5653, 10 November 2019. | Journal Article
Trajectory Tracking Control for Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopters with Mismatched Disturbances Based on a Continuous Sliding Mode Approach
Fang, Xing and Shang, Yujia
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 2019, pp. 15, 2019-04-22. | Journal Article
Accurate coupled lines fitting in an errors-in-variables framework
Zhou, YongjunGong, Jinghai and Fang, Xing
Survey Review, vol. 50, (no. 362), pp. 396, 9/3/2018. | Journal Article