116 Publications (Page 4 of 5)
Resistance training rejuvenates the mitochondrial methylome in aged human skeletal muscle
Ruple, B.A.Godwin, J.S.Mesquita, P.H.C.Osburn, S.C.Vann, C.G.Lamb, D.A.Sexton, C.L.Candow, D.G.Forbes, S.C.Frugé, A.D.Kavazis, A.N.Young, K.C.Seaborne, R.A.Sharples, A.P. and Roberts, M.D.
Acute and chronic effects of resistance training on skeletal muscle markers of mitochondrial remodeling in older adults
Mesquita, P.H.C.Lamb, D.A.Parry, H.A.Moore, J.H.Smith, M.A.Vann, C.G.Osburn, S.C.Fox, C.D.Ruple, B.A.Huggins, K.W.Fruge, A.D.Young, K.C.Kavazis, A.N. and Roberts, M.D.
Physiological Reports, vol. 8. | Journal Article
Associations between Dietary Fiber, the Fecal Microbiota and Estrogen Metabolism in Postmenopausal Women with Breast Cancer
Zengul, Ayse GZengul, Ayse GZengul, A.G.Zengul, Ayse G.Demark Wahnefried, WendyDemark-Wahnefried, W.Demark-Wahnefried, WendyDemark-Wahnefried, WendyBarnes, S.Barnes, StephenBarnes, StephenBarnes, StephenMorrow, C.D.Morrow, Casey DMorrow, Casey DMorrow, Casey D.Bertrand, BrendaBertrand, BrendaBertrand, BrendaBertrand, B.Berryhill, Taylor F.Berryhill, T.F.Berryhill, Taylor FBerryhill, Taylor FFrugé, A.D.Frugé, Andrew D.Frugé, Andrew D and Frugé, Andrew D
Nutrition and Cancer. | Journal Article
Biomarkers Associated With Tumor Ki67 and Cathepsin L Gene Expression in Prostate Cancer Patients Participating in a Presurgical Weight Loss Trial
Frugé, A.D.Smith, K.S.Bail, J.R.Rais-Bahrami, S. and Demark Wahnefried, W.
Frontiers in Oncology, vol. 10. | Journal Article
Characterizing Demographic and Geographical Differences in Health Beliefs and Dietary Habits Related to Colon Cancer Risk in US Adults
Schaberg, M.N.Schaberg, MeganSmith, KristenSmith, K.S.Greene, M.W.Greene, MichaelFruge, Andrew and Frugé, A.D.
Frontiers in Nutrition, vol. 7. | Journal Article
Epigenetic stratification of head and neck cancer survivors reveals differences in lycopene levels, alcohol consumption, and methylation of immune regulatory genes
Moody, LauraMoody, L.Moody, LauraCrowder, S.L.Crowder, Sylvia LCrowder, Sylvia LFruge, Andrew DFruge, A.D.Fruge, Andrew DLocher, Julie LLocher, Julie LLocher, J.L.Demark-Wahnefried, WendyDemark Wahnefried, W.Demark-Wahnefried, WendyRogers, Laura QRogers, Laura QRogers, L.Q.Delk-Licata, A.Delk-Licata, AshleyDelk-Licata, AshleyCarroll, William RCarroll, W.R.Carroll, William RSpencer, Sharon ASpencer, S.A.Spencer, Sharon ABlack, M.Black, MollyBlack, MollyErdman, John WErdman, John WErdman, J.W.Chen, H.Chen, HongChen, HongYuan-Xiang, PanYuan-Xiang, PanPan, Y.-X.Arthur, A.E.Arthur, Anna E and Arthur, Anna E
Clinical Epigenetics, vol. 12. | Journal Article
Fecal Akkermansia muciniphila Is Associated with Body Composition and Microbiota Diversity in Overweight and Obese Women with Breast Cancer Participating in a Presurgical Weight Loss Trial
Frugé, Andrew DFrugé, A.D.Pol, W.Van der Pol, WilliamRogers, L.Q.Rogers, Laura QMorrow, Casey DMorrow, C.D.Tsuruta, YukoTsuruta, Y.Demark Wahnefried, W. and Demark-Wahnefried, Wendy
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vol. 120, pp. 650-659. | Journal Article
Randomized trial of weight loss in primary breast cancer: Impact on body composition, circulating biomarkers and tumor characteristics
Demark Wahnefried, WendyDemark-Wahnefried, WendyDemark-Wahnefried, WendyDemark-Wahnefried, W.Rogers, Laura QRogers, L.Q.Rogers, Laura Q.Rogers, Laura QGibson, Justin TGibson, Justin TGibson, J.T.Gibson, Justin T.Harada, ShukoHarada, ShukoHarada, ShukoHarada, S.Frugé, Andrew D.Frugé, Andrew DFrugé, Andrew DFrugé, A.D.Oster, Robert AOster, Robert AOster, R.A.Oster, Robert A.Grizzle, William E.Grizzle, William EGrizzle, W.E.Grizzle, William ENorian, Lyse A.Norian, Lyse ANorian, L.A.Norian, Lyse AYang, Eddy SYang, Eddy SYang, Eddy S.Yang, E.S.Della Manna, DeborahDella Manna, DeborahDella Manna, D.Manna, Deborah DellaJones, Lee WJones, Lee W.Jones, L.W.Jones, Lee WAzrad, MariaAzrad, M.Azrad, MariaAzrad, MariaKrontiras, H.Krontiras, HelenKrontiras, Helen and Krontiras, Helen
International Journal of Cancer, vol. 146, pp. 2784-2796. | Journal Article
Resistance training increases muscle NAD+ and NADH concentrations as well as NAMPT protein levels and global sirtuin activity in middle-aged, overweight, untrained individuals.
Aging. | Journal Article
The effects of resistance training with or without peanut protein supplementation on skeletal muscle and strength adaptations in older individuals
Lamb, D.A.Moore, J.H.Smith, M.A.Vann, C.G.Osburn, S.C.Ruple, B.A.Fox, C.D.Smith, K.S.Altonji, O.M.Power, Z.M.Cerovsky, A.E.Ross, C.O.Cao, A.T.Goodlett, M.D.Huggins, K.W.Fruge, A.D.Young, K.C. and Roberts, M.D.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, vol. 17. | Journal Article
Development and Validation of the Dietary Habits and Colon Cancer Beliefs Survey (DHCCBS): An Instrument Assessing Health Beliefs Related to Red Meat and Green Leafy Vegetable Consumption
Smith, K.S.Raney, S.V.Greene, M.W. and Frugé, A.D.
Journal of Oncology, vol. 2019. | Journal Article
Feasibility Outcomes of a Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial to Increase Cruciferous and Green Leafy Vegetable Intake in Posttreatment Head and Neck Cancer Survivors
Crowder, S.L.Frugé, A.D.Douglas, K.G.Chen, Y.T.Moody, L.Delk-Licata, A.Erdman, J.W.Black, M.Carroll, W.R.Spencer, S.A.Locher, J.L.Demark Wahnefried, W.Rogers, L.Q. and Arthur, A.E.
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vol. 119, pp. 659-671. | Journal Article
Head and neck cancer survivors’ preferences for and evaluations of a post-treatment dietary intervention
Crowder, Sylvia LCrowder, Sylvia LCrowder, S.L.Douglas, Katherine GDouglas, K.G.Douglas, Katherine GFrugé, Andrew DFrugé, Andrew DFrugé, A.D.Carroll, William RCarroll, W.R.Carroll, William RSpencer, S.A.Spencer, Sharon ASpencer, Sharon ALocher, J.L.Locher, Julie LLocher, Julie LDemark-Wahnefried, WendyDemark-Wahnefried, WendyDemark Wahnefried, W.Rogers, L.Q.Rogers, Laura QRogers, Laura QArthur, A.E.Arthur, Anna E and Arthur, Anna E
Nutrition Journal, vol. 18. | Journal Article
Primary outcomes of a randomized controlled crossover trial to explore the effects of a high chlorophyll dietary intervention to reduce colon cancer risk in adults: The meat and three greens (M3G) feasibility trial
Frugé, A.D.Smith, K.S.Riviere, A.J.Demark Wahnefried, W.Arthur, A.E.Murrah, W.M.Morrow, C.D.Arnold, R.D. and Braxton-Lloyd, K.
Nutrients, vol. 11. | Journal Article
Psychobiotics as treatment for anxiety, depression, and related symptoms: a systematic review
Smith, K.S.Smith, Kristen S.Greene, Michael W.Greene, M.W.Babu, Jeganathan RameshRamesh Babu, J.Frugé, Andrew D. and Frugé, A.D.
Nutritional Neuroscience. | Journal Article
The mediterranean diet in the stroke belt: A cross-sectional study on adherence and perceived knowledge, barriers, and benefits
Knight, C.J.Knight, Caroline JKnight, Caroline JKnight, Caroline JJackson, O.Jackson, OliviaJackson, OliviaJackson, OliviaRahman, ImranRahman, I.Rahman, ImranRahman, ImranBurnett, Donna OBurnett, D.O.Burnett, Donna OBurnett, Donna OFrugé, Andrew DFrugé, A.D.Frugé, Andrew DFrugé, Andrew DGreene, M.W.Greene, Michael WGreene, Michael W and Greene, Michael W
Nutrients, vol. 11. | Journal Article
A home-based mentored vegetable gardening intervention demonstrates feasibility and improvements in physical activity and performance among breast cancer survivors
Bail, J.R.Bail, Jennifer RBail, Jennifer R.Frugé, Andrew D.Frugé, A.D.Frugé, Andrew DCases, Mallory GCases, Mallory G.Cases, M.G.De Los Santos, Jennifer FDe Los Santos, J.F.Santos, Jennifer F. De LosLocher, Julie LLocher, J.L.Locher, Julie L.Smith, K.P.Smith, Kerry PSmith, Kerry P.Cantor, A.B.Cantor, Alan B.Cantor, Alan BCohen, Harvey JCohen, H.J.Cohen, Harvey J.Demark Wahnefried, WendyDemark-Wahnefried, W. and Demark-Wahnefried, Wendy
Cancer, vol. 124, pp. 3427-3435. | Journal Article
Dietary Changes Impact the Gut Microbe Composition in Overweight and Obese Men with Prostate Cancer Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy
Frugé, Andrew DFrugé, A.D.Ptacek, T.Ptacek, TravisTsuruta, Y.Tsuruta, YukoMorrow, C.D.Morrow, Casey DAzrad, M.Azrad, MariaDesmond, Renee ADesmond, R.A.Hunter, G.R.Hunter, Gary RRais-Bahrami, SoroushRais-Bahrami, S.Demark Wahnefried, W. and Demark-Wahnefried, Wendy
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vol. 118, pp. 714-723.e1. | Journal Article
Estimation of energy balance and training volume during Army Initial Entry Training
Mcadam, JeremyMcAdam, J.Mcadam, JeremyMcGinnis, K.Mcginnis, KaitlinMcginnis, KaitlinOry, R.Ory, RianOry, RianYoung, KaelinYoung, KaelinYoung, K.Frugé, Andrew DFrugé, Andrew DFrugé, A.D.Roberts, MichaelRoberts, MichaelRoberts, M.Sefton, J.E.Sefton, Joellen and Sefton, Joellen
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, vol. 15. | Journal Article
Fingernail and toenail clippings as a non-invasive measure of chronic cortisol levels in adult cancer survivors
Frugé, A.D.Frugé, Andrew DFrugé, A.D.Cases, Mallory GCases, M.G.Cases, M.G.Howell, C.R.Howell, C.R.Howell, Carrie RTsuruta, YukoTsuruta, Y.Tsuruta, Y.Smith-Johnston, KelleySmith-Johnston, K.Smith-Johnston, K.Moellering, Douglas RMoellering, D.R.Moellering, D.R.Demark-Wahnefried, W.Demark-Wahnefried, W. and Demark Wahnefried, Wendy
Cancer Causes and Control, vol. 29, pp. 185-191. | Journal Article
Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Home Vegetable Gardening Intervention among Older Cancer Survivors Shows Feasibility, Satisfaction, and Promise in Improving Vegetable and Fruit Consumption, Reassurance of Worth, and the Trajectory of Central Adiposity
Demark-Wahnefried, W.Cases, M.G.Cantor, A.B.Frugé, A.D.Smith, K.P.Locher, J.Cohen, H.J.Tsuruta, Y.Daniel, M.Kala, R. and De Los Santos, J.F.
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vol. 118, pp. 689-704. | Journal Article
Reply to "phase II prospective randomized trial of weight loss prior to radical prostatectomy
Demark-Wahnefried, W.Demark Wahnefried, W.Demark-Wahnefried, W.Rais-Bahrami, S.Rais-Bahrami, S.Rais-Bahrami, S.Desmond, R.A.Desmond, R.A.Desmond, R. A.Gordetsky, J.B.Gordetsky, J. B.Gordetsky, J.B.Azrad, M.Azrad, M.Azrad, M.Frugé, A. D.Frugé, A.D.Frugé, A.D.Yang, E.S.Yang, E. S.Yang, E.S.Norian, L. A.Norian, L.A.Norian, L.A.Grizzle, W.E.Grizzle, W. E. and Grizzle, W.E.
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, vol. 21, pp. 293-294. | Journal Article
Characteristics of cancer patients participating in presurgical lifestyle intervention trials exploring effects on tumor biology
Dasher, J.A.Frugé, A.D.Snyder, D.C. and Demark Wahnefried, W.
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, vol. 8, pp. 209-212. | Journal Article
Erratum: Feasibility outcomes of a presurgical randomized controlled trial exploring the impact of caloric restriction and increased physical activity versus a wait-list control on tumor characteristics and circulating biomarkers in men electing prostatectomy for prostate cancer. [BMC Cancer, 16 (2016) (61)]
Demark Wahnefried, W.Nix, J.W.Hunter, G.R.Rais-Bahrami, S.Desmond, R.A.Chacko, B.Morrow, C.D.Azrad, M.Frugé, A.D.Tsuruta, Y.Ptacek, T.Tully, S.A.Segal, R. and Grizzle, W.E.
BMC Cancer, vol. 17. | Journal Article
Physiological Effort in Submaximal Fitness Tests Predicts Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Men with Prostate Cancer in a Weight Loss Trial. International Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research
. | Journal Article