43 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Higher soluble CD14 levels are associated with lower visuospatial memory performance in youth with HIV
Kim-Chang, Julie JKim-Chang, Julie JKim-Chang, J.J.Donovan, KevinDonovan, KevinDonovan, K.Loop, Matthew ShaneLoop, M.S.Loop, Matthew ShaneHong, SuziHong, SuziHong, S.Fischer, BernardFischer, B.Fischer, BernardVenturi, GuglielmoVenturi, GuglielmoVenturi, G.Garvie, Patricia AGarvie, P.A.Garvie, Patricia AKohn, JordanKohn, J.Kohn, JordanRendina, H JonathonRendina, H JonathonRendina, H.J.Woods, Steven PWoods, Steven PWoods, S.P.Goodenow, Maureen MGoodenow, M.M.Goodenow, Maureen MNichols, S.L.Nichols, Sharon LNichols, Sharon LSleasman, J.W.Sleasman, John W and Sleasman, John W
AIDS, vol. 33, pp. 2363-2374. | Journal Article
Low Utilization of Beta-Blockers Among Medicare Beneficiaries Hospitalized for Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction
Loop, Matthew ShaneLoop, M.S.van Dyke, Melissa KDyke, M.K.Chen, LigongChen, L.Safford, Monika MSafford, M.M.Kilgore, Meredith LKilgore, M.L.Brown, Todd MBrown, T.M.Durant, R.W.Durant, Raegan WLevitan, Emily B and Levitan, E.B.
Journal of Cardiac Failure, vol. 25, pp. 343-351. | Journal Article
Patterns of Treatment in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke study
Poudel, BharatLoop, Matthew S.Brown, Todd M.Durant, Raegan W.Safford, Monika M.Goyal, ParagChen, Ligong and Levitan, Emily B.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Causes and temporal patterns of 30-day readmission among older adults hospitalized with heart failure with preserved or reduced ejection fraction
Goyal, ParagGoyal, P.Loop, M.Loop, MatthewChen, L.Chen, LigongBrown, Todd MBrown, T.M.Durant, Raegan WDurant, R.W.Safford, Monika MSafford, M.M.Levitan, Emily B and Levitan, E.B.
Journal of the American Heart Association, vol. 7. | Journal Article
Evaluating different criteria for defining a complete ambulatory blood pressure monitoring recording: Data from the Jackson Heart Study
Bromfield, S.G.Booth, J.N.Loop, M.S.Schwartz, J.E.Seals, S.R.Thomas, S.J.Min, Y.-I.Ogedegbe, G.Shimbo, D. and Muntner, P.
Blood Pressure Monitoring, vol. 23, pp. 103-111. | Journal Article
Factors associated with undiagnosed diabetes among adults with diabetes: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
Casagrande, Sarah StarkMenke, AndyAviles-Santa, LarissaGallo, Linda CDaviglus, Martha LTalavera, Gregory ACastañeda, Sheila FPerreira, KristaLoop, Matthew ShaneTarraf, WassimGonzález, Hector M and Cowie, Catherine C
Diabetes research and clinical practice, vol. 146, pp. 258-266, November 9, 2018. | Journal Article
Fine particulate matter and incident coronary heart disease in the REGARDS cohort
Loop, Matthew SMcClure, Leslie ALevitan, Emily BAl-Hamdan, Mohammad ZCrosson, William L and Safford, Monika M
The American Heart Journal, vol. 197, pp. 94-102, Mar 1, 2018. | Journal Article
Free and bioavailable 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with disease activity in pediatric patients with newly diagnosed treatment naive ulcerative colitis
Sauer, C.G.Loop, M.S.Venkateswaran, S.Tangpricha, V.Ziegler, T.R.Dhawan, A.McCall, C.Bonkowski, E.Mack, D.R.Boyle, B.Griffiths, A.M.Leleiko, N.S.Keljo, D.J.Markowitz, J.Baker, S.S.Rosh, J.Baldassano, R.N.Davis, S.Patel, S.Wang, J.Marquis, A.Spada, K.L.Kugathasan, S.Walters, T.Hyams, J.S. and Denson, L.A.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, vol. 24, pp. 641-650. | Journal Article
Low Utilization of Beta-Blockers Among Medicare Beneficiaries Hospitalized for Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction
Loop, Matthew ShaneDyke, Melissa KChen, LigongSafford, Monika MKilgore, Meredith LBrown, Todd MDurant, Raegan W and Levitan, Emily B
J. Card. Fail.. | Journal Article
The association of employment status with ideal cardiovascular health factors and behaviors among Hispanic/Latino adults: Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)
Estrella, Mayra LEstrella, Mayra LEstrella, Mayra LEstrella, Mayra LRosenberg, Natalya IRosenberg, Natalya IRosenberg, Natalya IRosenberg, Natalya IDurazo-Arvizu, Ramon AGonzalez, Hector MGonzalez, Hector MGonzalez, Hector MGonzalez, Hector MLoop, Matthew SLoop, Matthew SLoop, Matthew SLoop, Matthew SSinger, Richard HSinger, Richard HSinger, Richard HSinger, Richard HLash, James PLash, James PLash, James PLash, James PCastañeda, Sheila FCastañeda, Sheila FCastaneda, Sheila FCastañeda, Sheila FCastañeda, Sheila FPerreira, Krista MPerreira, Krista MPerreira, Krista MPerreira, Krista MEldeirawi, KamalEldeirawi, KamalEldeirawi, KamalEldeirawi, KamalDaviglus, Martha LDaviglus, Martha LDaviglus, Martha L and Daviglus, Martha L
PLoS One, vol. 13, (no. 11), Nov 2018. | Journal Article
Barriers to Beta-Blocker Use and Up-Titration Among Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction
Levitan, Emily BVan Dyke, Melissa KLoop, Matthew SO?Beirne, R. and Safford, Monika M
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, vol. 31, (no. 5-6), pp. 559-564, Dec 2017. | Journal Article
Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and the Risk of Stroke in the REGARDS Cohort
McClure, Leslie ALoop, Matthew SCrosson, WilliamKleindorfer, DawnKissela, Brett and Al-Hamdan, Mohammad
J. Stroke Cerebrovasc. Dis., vol. 26, pp. 1739–1744. | Journal Article
Heat Maps of Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, and Smoking in the Continental United States
Loop, M.S.Howard, G.De Los Campos, G.Al-Hamdan, M.Z.Safford, M.M.Levitan, E.B. and McClure, L.A.
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, vol. 10. | Journal Article
Comparison of Length of Stay, 30-Day Mortality, and 30-Day Readmission Rates in Medicare Patients With Heart Failure and With Reduced Versus Preserved Ejection Fraction
Loop, Matthew ShaneVan Dyke, Melissa KChen, LigongBrown, Todd MDurant, Raegan WSafford, Monika M and Levitan, Emily B
Am. J. Cardiol., vol. 118, pp. 79–85. | Journal Article
Testing for clustering at many ranges inflates family-wise error rate (FWE)
Loop, Matthew Shane and McClure, Leslie A
Int. J. Health Geogr., vol. 14, pp. 4. | Journal Article
Testing for clustering at many ranges inflates family-wise error rate (FWE).
Loop, Matthew Shane and McClure, Leslie A
International journal of health geographics, vol. 14, pp. 4, 2015. | Journal Article
Fine particulate matter and incident cognitive impairment in the REasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) cohort.
Loop, Matthew SLoop, Matthew SLoop, Matthew SKent, Shia TKent, Shia TKent, Shia TAl-Hamdan, Mohammad ZAl-Hamdan, Mohammad ZAl-Hamdan, Mohammad ZCrosson, William LCrosson, William LCrosson, William LEstes, Sue MEstes, Sue MEstes, Sue MEstes, Maurice GEstes, Maurice GEstes, Maurice GQuattrochi, Dale AQuattrochi, Dale AQuattrochi, Dale AHemmings, Sarah NHemmings, Sarah NHemmings, Sarah NWadley, Virginia GWadley, VirginiaWadley, Virginia GMc Clure, Leslie AMcClure, Leslie A and Mc Clure, Leslie A
PloS one, vol. 8, (no. 9), pp. e75001, 2013. | Journal Article
Submitted for your consideration: potential advantages of a novel clinical trial design and initial patient reaction.
Loop, Matthew SFrazier-Wood, Alexis CThomas, Amy SDhurandhar, Emily JShikany, James MGadbury, Gary L and Allison, David B
Frontiers in genetics, vol. 3, pp. 145, 2012. | Journal Article