5 Publications
Genetic & Evolutionary Feature Selection for Author Identification of HTML Associated with Malware
Williams, Henry CCarter, Joi NCampbell, Willie LRoy, Kaushik and Dozier, Gerry V
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, vol. 4, (no. 3), pp. 255, 2014-06-00. | Journal Article
Solving constraint satisfaction problems using hybrid evolutionary search
Dozier, Gerry VBowen, J. and Homaifar, A. A
IEEE TRANS EVOL COMPUT, vol. 2, (no. 1), pp. 23-33, 1998. | Journal Article
Hybrid Co-Evolutionary Motion Planning via Visibility-Based Repair
Dozier, Gerry VMcCullough, ShaunBrown, EdwardHomaifar, Abdollah and Bikdash, Mar-wan
NASA University Research Centers Technical Advances in Education, Aeronautics, Space, Autonomy, Earth and Environment, Volume 1. 1997. | Conference Proceeding
Constraint satisfaction using a hybrid evolutionary hill-climbing algorithm that performs opportunistic arc and path revision
Bowen, James and Dozier, Gerry V
The 1996 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 96. Part 1 (of 2); Portland, OR; USA; 04-08 Aug. 1996. 1996. | Conference Proceeding
Constraint processing using adaptive microevolutionary/systematic hill climbing (Dissertation)
Dozier, Gerry V (1995).