83 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Associations between eating disorder symptoms and suicidal ideation through thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness among eating disorder patients.Forrest, Lauren N⋅Bodell, Lindsay P⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Goodwin, Natalie⋅Bartlett, Mary L⋅Siegfried, Nicole⋅Eddy, Kamryn T⋅Thomas, Jennifer J⋅Franko, Debra L and Smith, April RJournal of affective disorders, vol. 195, pp. 127-135, May 2016.
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College Students' Responses to Suicidal Content on Social Networking Sites: An Examination Using a Simulated Facebook Newsfeed.Corbitt-Hall, Darcy J⋅Gauthier, Jami M⋅Davis, Margaret T and Witte, Tracy KSuicide & life-threatening behavior, March 21, 2016.
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Demonstration and validation of a new pressure-based MRI-safe pain tolerance deviceDavis, Margaret T⋅Davis, Margaret T⋅Daniel, Thomas A⋅Daniel, Thomas A⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Beyers, Ronald J⋅Willis, J. Zachary⋅Willis, J Zachary⋅Wang, Yun⋅Wang, Yun⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Katz, Jeffrey S⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Salibi, Nouha⋅Deshpande, Gopikrishna and Deshpande, GopikrishnaJournal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 271, pp. 168, 2016-09-15.
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Does the interpersonal-Psychological theory of suicide provide a useful framework for understanding suicide risk among eating disorder patients? A test of the validity of the IPTSSmith, April R⋅Smith, April R⋅Dodd, Dorian R⋅Dodd, Dorian R⋅Forrest, Lauren N⋅Forrest, Lauren N⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Bodell, Lindsay⋅Bodell, Lindsay⋅Ribeiro, Jessica D⋅Ribeiro, Jessica D⋅Goodwin, Natalie⋅Goodwin, Natalie⋅Siegfried, Nicole⋅Siegfried, Nicole⋅Bartlett, Mary and Bartlett, MaryInternational Journal of Eating Disorders, vol. 49, (no. 12), pp. 1086, 2016-12-00.
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Individuals at High Risk for Suicide Are Categorically Distinct From Those at Low Risk.Witte, Tracy K⋅Holm-Denoma, Jill M⋅Zuromski, Kelly L⋅Gauthier, Jami M and Ruscio, JohnPsychological assessment, June 9, 2016.
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Suicide Ideation, Alcohol Consumption, Motives, and Related Problems: Exploring the Association in College Students.Gauthier, Jami M⋅Witte, Tracy K and Correia, Christopher JSuicide & life-threatening behavior, June 13, 2016.
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Associations among depressive symptoms, drinking motives, and risk for alcohol-related problems in veterinary students.Diulio, Andrea R⋅Diulio, Andrea R⋅Dutta, Nicole M⋅Dutta, Nicole M⋅Gauthier, Jami M⋅Gauthier, Jami M⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Correia, Christopher J⋅Correia, Christopher J⋅Angarano, Donna and Angarano, DonnaJournal of veterinary medical education, vol. 42, (no. 1), pp. 11-17, 2015.
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Emotion Regulation Strategy Use and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Associations Between Multiple Strategies and Specific Symptom ClustersLee, Daniel J⋅Lee, Daniel⋅Witte, Tracy⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Weathers, Frank⋅Weathers, Frank W⋅Davis, Margaret T and Davis, MargaretJournal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, vol. 37, (no. 3), pp. 533-544, Sep 2015.
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Fasting and acquired capability for suicide: a test of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide in an undergraduate sample.Zuromski, Kelly L and Witte, Tracy KPsychiatry research, vol. 226, (no. 1), pp. 61-67, March 30, 2015.
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Increased prevalence of vegetarianism among women with eating pathologyZuromski, Kelly L⋅Zuromski, Kelly L⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Smith, April R⋅Smith, April R⋅Goodwin, Natalie⋅Goodwin, Natalie⋅Bodell, Lindsay P⋅Bodell, Lindsay P⋅Bartlett, Mary⋅Bartlett, Mary⋅Siegfried, Nicole and Siegfried, NicoleEating Behaviors, vol. 19, pp. 27, December 2015.
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Item order effects in the evaluation of posttraumatic stress disorder symptom structure.Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Domino, Jessica L⋅Domino, Jessica L⋅Weathers, Frank W and Weathers, Frank WPsychological assessment, vol. 27, (no. 3), pp. 852-864, September 2015.
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Notes from the field: prevalence of risk factors for suicide among veterinarians - United States, 2014Nett, Randall J⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Holzbauer, Stacy M⋅Elchos, Brigid L⋅Campagnolo, Enzo R⋅Musgrave, Karl J⋅Carter, Kris K⋅Kurkjian, Katie M⋅Vanicek, Cole⋅O'Leary, Daniel R⋅Pride, Kerry R and Funk, Renee HMMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, vol. 64, (no. 5), pp. 131, 2015-Feb-13.
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Perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and suicide ideation: Re-examination of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory in two samples.Cero, Ian⋅Zuromski, Kelly L⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Ribeiro, Jessica D and Joiner, Thomas EPsychiatry research, vol. 228, (no. 3), pp. 544-550, August 30, 2015.
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Prevalence of Risk Factors for Suicide Among Veterinarians — United States, 2014Nett, Randall J⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Holzbauer, Stacy M⋅Elchos, Brigid L⋅Campagnolo, Enzo R⋅Musgrave, Karl J⋅Carter, Kris K⋅Kurkjian, Katie M⋅Vanicek, Cole⋅O’leary, Daniel R⋅Pride, Kerry R and Funk, Renee HMMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 64, (no. 5), pp. 132, 2015-02-01.
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Restrictive eating: Associated with suicide attempts, but not acquired capability in residential patients with eating disordersWitte, Tracy⋅Witte, Tracy⋅Zuromski, Kelly⋅Zuromski, Kelly⋅Gauthier, Jami⋅Gauthier, Jami⋅Smith, April⋅Smith, April⋅Bartlett, Mary⋅Bartlett, Mary⋅Siegfried, Nicole⋅Siegfried, Nicole⋅Bodell, Lindsay⋅Bodell, Lindsay⋅Goodwin, Natalie and Goodwin, NataliePsychiatry Research, vol. 235, pp. 96, 2015.
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Risk factors for suicide, attitudes toward mental illness, and practice-related stressors among US veterinarians.Nett, Randall J⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Holzbauer, Stacy M⋅Elchos, Brigid L⋅Campagnolo, Enzo R⋅Musgrave, Karl J⋅Carter, Kris K⋅Kurkjian, Katie M⋅Vanicek, Cole F⋅O'Leary, Daniel R⋅Pride, Kerry R and Funk, Renee HJournal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 247, (no. 8), pp. 945-955, October 15, 2015.
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The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM‐5 (PCL‐5): Development and Initial Psychometric EvaluationBlevins, Christy A⋅Blevins, Christy A⋅Weathers, Frank W⋅Weathers, Frank W⋅Davis, Margaret T⋅Davis, Margaret T⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Domino, Jessica L and Domino, Jessica LJournal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 28, (no. 6), pp. 498, December 2015.
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Alcohol-related problems and life satisfaction predict motivation to change among mandated college students.Diulio, Andrea R⋅Cero, Ian⋅Witte, Tracy K and Correia, Christopher JAddictive behaviors, vol. 39, (no. 4), pp. 811-7, 2014/Apr.
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Dissociation and posttraumatic stress disorder: a latent profile analysis.Blevins, Christy A⋅Blevins, Christy A⋅Weathers, Frank W⋅Weathers, Frank W⋅Witte, Tracy K and Witte, Tracy KJournal of traumatic stress, vol. 27, (no. 4), pp. 388-396, August 2014.
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Fearlessness about death: The psychometric properties and construct validity of the revision to the Acquired Capability for Suicide ScaleRibeiro, Jessica D⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Van Orden, Kimberly A⋅Selby, Edward⋅Gordon, Kathryn H⋅Bender, Theodore William and Joiner, Thomas EPsychological Assessment, vol. 26, (no. 1), Mar 2014.
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Posttraumatic stress disorder and suicidal ideation: The role of specific symptoms within the framework of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicideDavis, Margaret T⋅Davis, Margaret T⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Weathers, Frank W and Weathers, Frank WPsychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 6, (no. 6), pp. 618, 2014-11-00.
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PTSD symptom clusters are differentially associated with components of the acquired capability for suicide.Zuromski, Kelly L⋅Zuromski, Kelly⋅Davis, Margaret⋅Davis, Margaret T⋅Witte, Tracy⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Weathers, Frank⋅Weathers, Frank⋅Blevins, Christy and Blevins, ChristySuicide & life-threatening behavior, vol. 44, (no. 6), pp. 682-697, December 2014.
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The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide and Exposure to Video Game ViolenceGauthier, Jami M⋅Gauthier, Jami M⋅Gauthier, Jami M⋅Gauthier, Jami⋅Zuromski, Kelly L⋅Zuromski, Kelly L⋅Zuromski, Kelly⋅Zuromski, Kelly L⋅Gitter, Seth A⋅Gitter, Seth A⋅Gitter, Seth⋅Gitter, Seth A⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Cero, Ian J⋅Cero, Ian⋅Cero, Ian J⋅Cero, Ian J⋅Gordon, Kathryn H⋅Gordon, Kathryn H⋅Gordon, Kathryn H⋅Gordon, Kathryn⋅Ribeiro, Jessica⋅Ribeiro, Jessica⋅Ribeiro, Jessica⋅Ribeiro, Jessica⋅Anestis, Michael⋅Anestis, Michael⋅Anestis, Michael⋅Anestis, Michael⋅Joiner, Thomas⋅Joiner, Thomas⋅Joiner, Thomas and Joiner, ThomasJournal of Social and Clinical Psychology, vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 512-535, Jun 2014.
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The role of posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters in the prediction of passive suicidal ideationDavis, Margaret T⋅Davis, Margaret T⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Weathers, Frank W⋅Weathers, Frank W⋅Blevins, Christy A and Blevins, Christy APsychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 6, (no. Suppl 1), pp. S91, 2014-00-00.
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Experience with euthanasia is associated with fearlessness about death in veterinary students.Witte, Tracy K⋅Witte, Tracy K⋅Correia, Christopher J⋅Correia, Christopher J⋅Angarano, Donna and Angarano, DonnaSuicide & life-threatening behavior, vol. 43, (no. 2), pp. 125-38, 2013/Apr.
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