68 Publications (Page 3 of 3)
The second hyperpolarizability of the N-2 molecule calculated using the approximate coupled cluster triples model CC3Pawlowski, F⋅JORGENSEN, P and HATTIG, C(pp. 272-279)
Gauge invariance of oscillator strengths in the approximate coupled cluster triples model CC3Pawlowski, F⋅JORGENSEN, P and HATTIG, C(pp. 413-420)
The Cotton-Mouton effect of neon and argon: A benchmark study using highly correlated coupled cluster wave functionsRIZZO, A⋅KALLAY, M⋅GAUSS, J and al.(pp. 9461-9473)
The hyperpolarizability of the Ne atom in the approximate coupled cluster triples model CC3Pawlowski, F⋅JORGENSEN, P and HATTIG, C(pp. 27-32)
Accuracy of spectroscopic constants of diatomic molecules from ab initio calculationsPawlowski, F⋅HALKIER, A⋅JORGENSEN, P and al.(pp. 2539-2549)
Calculation of frequency-dependent polarizabilities using the approximate coupled-cluster triples model CC3HALD, K⋅Pawlowski, F⋅JORGENSEN, P and al.(pp. 1292-1300)
The equilibrium structure of trans-glyoxal from experimental rotational constants and calculated vibration-rotation interaction constantsLARSEN, RW⋅Pawlowski, F⋅HEGELUND, F and al.(pp. 5031-5037)
Molecular equilibrium structures from experimental rotational constants and calculated vibration-rotation interaction constantsPawlowski, F⋅JORGENSEN, P⋅OLSEN, J and al.(pp. 6482-6496)
Relative K x-ray intensity studies of the valence electronic structure of 3d transition metalsRAJ, S⋅PADHI, HC⋅PALIT, P and al.
Studies on the valence electronic structure of Fe and Ni in FexNi1-x alloysBASA, DK⋅RAJ, S⋅PADHI, HC and al.(pp. 783-786)
Valence electronic structure of Ti, Cr, Fe and Co in some alloys from Kappa beta-to-Kappa alpha X-ray intensity ratio studiesPawlowski, F⋅POLASIK, M⋅RAJ, S and al.(pp. 367-373)
K beta-to-K alpha x-ray intensity ratio studies of the valence electronic structure of Fe and Ni in FexNi1-x alloysRAJ, S⋅PADHI, HC⋅POLASIK, M and al.
Valence electronic structure of Mn in undoped and doped lanthanum manganites from relative K X-ray intensity studiesRAJ, S⋅PADHI, HC⋅RAYCHAUDHURY, P and al.(pp. 344-350)
Effect of L- and M-shell ionization on the K X-ray spectra parameters of sulphurSLABKOWSKA, K⋅Pawlowski, F and POLASIK, M(pp. 507-510)
Interpretation of K X-ray spectra from highly ionized sulphur projectiles passing through thin carbon foilsMAJEWSKA, U⋅BRAZIEWICZ, J⋅BANAS, D and al.(pp. 511-516)
K beta/K alpha X-ray intensity ratio studies on the valence electronic states of 3d-transition metals in some of their compoundsPawlowski, F⋅POLASIK, M⋅RAJ, S and al.(pp. 495-499)
Valence electronic structure of Fe and Ni in FexNi1-x alloys from relative K X-ray intensity studiesRAJ, S⋅PADHI, HC⋅POLASIK, M and al.(pp. 563-567)
K beta-to-K alpha X-ray intensity ratio studies on the changes of valence electronic structures of Ti, V, Cr, and Co in their disilicide compoundsRAJ, S⋅PADHI, HC⋅BASA, DK and al.(pp. 417-424)