442 Publications (Page 11 of 18)
Equation-error closed-loop system identification using cyclic spectral analysisTontiruttananon, Channarong and Tugnait, Jitendra K.(pp. 473-477)
Highlights of statistical signal and array processingHero, Alfred O⋅Messer Yaron, Hagit⋅Goldberg, J.⋅Thomson, David⋅Amin, Moeness G⋅Giannakis, Georgios B⋅Swami, A.⋅Tugnait, Jitendra K⋅Nehorai, A.⋅Swindlehurst, A. L⋅Cardoso, J-F⋅Tong, Lang and Krolik, Jeffrey LIEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 15, (no. 5), pp. 21-64, 1998.
| Journal Article
Identification of closed-loop linear systems via cyclic spectral analysis: an equation-error formulationTontiruttananon, Channarong and Tugnait, Jitendra K.(pp. 2077-2080)
Identification of linear systems via spectral analysis given time-domain data: consistency, reduced-order approximation, and performance analysis
Tugnait, Jitendra K and Tontiruttananon, C.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 43, (no. 10), pp. 1354-1373, 1998. | Journal Article
Identification of multivariable stochastic linear systems via polyspectral analysis given noisy input-output time-domain dataTugnait, J.K.(pp. 1084-1100)
Identification of multivariable stochastic linear systems via polyspectral analysis given noisy input-output time-domain data
Tugnait, Jitendra K
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 43, (no. 8), pp. 1084-1100, 1998. | Journal Article
Identification of multivariable stochastic linear systems via spectral analysis given time-domain data
Tugnait, Jitendra K
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 46, (no. 5), pp. 1458-1463, 1998. | Journal Article
Interacting Multiple Model fixed-lag smoothing algorithm for Markovian switching systemsChen, Bing and Tugnait, Jitendra K.(pp. 269-274)
On blind separation of convolutive mixtures of independent linear signals in unknown additive noiseTugnait, J.K.(pp. 3109-3111)
On blind separation of convolutive mixtures of independent linear signals in unknown additive noise
Tugnait, Jitendra K
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 46, (no. 11), pp. 3117-3123, 1998. | Journal Article
On closed-loop system identification using polyspectral analysisTugnait, Jitendra K. and Zhou, Yi(pp. 3417-3422)
On closed-loop system identification using polyspectral analysisTugnait, Jitendra K and Zhou, YiIEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 37th, Tampa, FL; UNITED STATES; 16-18 Dec. 1998. 1998. | Conference Proceeding
On direct blind equalization of S.I.M.O. I.I.R. channels with common zeros using second-order statisticsTugnait, Jitendra K. and Huang, Bin(pp. 1614-1618)
On linear predictors for MIMO channels and related blind identification and equalization
Tugnait, Jitendra K
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 5, (no. 11), pp. 289-291, 1998. | Journal Article
On second-order statistics-based blind equalization of FIR/IIR multiple-input multiple-output channels with common zerosTugnait, J.K. and Huang, B.(pp. 35-46)
Parametric identification of closed-loop linear systems using cyclic-spectral analysisTontiruttananon, C. and Tugnait, J.K.(pp. 3597-3601)
Parametric identification of closed-loop linear systems using cyclic-spectral analysisTontiruttananon, Channarong and Tugnait, Jitendra K1998 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA; UNITED STATES; 24-26 June 1998. 1998. | Conference Proceeding
Stability of multivariable least-squares models: a solution via spectral analysis
Tugnait, Jitendra K
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 5, (no. 6), pp. 150-152, 1998. | Journal Article
Blind equalization and channel estimation with partial response input signals
Tugnait, Jitendra K and Gummadavelli, U.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 45, (no. 9), pp. 1025-1031, 1997. | Journal Article
Blind spatio-temporal equalization and impulse response estimation for MIMO channels using a Godard cost function
Tugnait, Jitendra K
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 45, (no. 1), pp. 268-271, 1997. | Journal Article
FIR inverses to MIMO rational transfer functions with application to blind equalizationTugnait, Jitendra K.(pp. 295-299)
Fitting MA models to linear non-Gaussian random fields using higher order cumulants
Tugnait, Jitendra K
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 45, (no. 4), pp. 1045-1050, 1997. | Journal Article
Identification and deconvolution of multichannel linear non-Gaussian processes using higher order statistics and inverse filter criteria
Tugnait, Jitendra K
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 45, (no. 3), pp. 658-672, 1997. | Journal Article
Identification of multivariable stochastic linear systems using integrated polyspectrum given noisy input-output dataTugnait, Jitendra K.(pp. 239-243)
Identification of multivariable stochastic linear systems using integrated polyspectrum given noisy input-output dataTugnait, Jitendra KThe 1997 IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics, SPW-HOS; Banff; Can; 21-23 July 1997. 1997. | Conference Proceeding