127 Publications (Page 5 of 6)
Effect of pore size and rope size on the mechanical properties of vapor grown carbon nanofiber - Unsaturated polyester resin nanocompositesRadhakrishnan, V.K.⋅Kayatin, M.J.⋅Yuan, R.L. and Davis, V.A.AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings.
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Modeling the phase behavior of polydisperse rodlike molecules with attractive interactionsGreen, M.J.⋅Parra-Vasquez, N.G.⋅Behabtu, N.⋅Davis, V.A. and Pasquali, M.
Modeling the phase behavior of polydisperse rodlike molecules with attractive interactionsGreen, M.J.⋅Parra-Vasquez, N.G.⋅Behabtu, N.⋅Davis, V.A. and Pasquali, M.AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings.
| Conference Proceeding
Strong Antimicrobial Coatings: Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Armored with BiopolymersDavis, Virginia A⋅Balasubramanian, Shankar⋅Nepal, Dhriti and Simonian, Aleksandr LNano Letters, vol. 8, (no. 7), pp. 1896-1901, 2008.
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Viscoelasticity and stability of single walled carbon nanotube- Unsaturated polyester resin dispersionsKayatin, M.J. and Davis, V.AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings.
| Conference Proceeding
Viscoelasticity and stability of single walled carbon nanotube- Unsaturated polyester resin dispersionsKayatin, M.J. and Davis, V.
Simple length determination of single-walled carbon nanotubes by viscosity measurements in dilute suspensionsParra-Vasquez, A.N.G.⋅Stepanek, I.⋅Davis, V.A.⋅Moore, V.C.⋅Haroz, E.H.⋅Shaver, J.⋅Hauge, R.H.⋅Smalley, R.E. and Pasquali, M.Macromolecules, vol. 40, pp. 4043-4047.
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Structure-processing-property interrelationships in carbon nanotube - Polypropylene nanocomposites: A statistically sound approach to maximum learning in minimum timeDavis, V.A.⋅Radhakrishan, V. and Zagarola, S.7th World Congress: Enabling Technologies and New Markets, Nanocomposites 2007.
| Conference Proceeding
Structure-processing-property interrelationships in carbon nanotube - Polypropylene nanocomposites: A statistically sound approach to maximum learning in minimum timeDavis, V.A.⋅Radhakrishan, V. and Zagarola, S.
Fuel cell car performance design project in a freshman introduction to engineering courseDuke, S.R. and Davis, V.A.AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings.
| Conference Proceeding
Fuel cell car performance design project in a freshman introduction to engineering courseDuke, S.R. and Davis, V.A.
Isotropic-nematic phase transition of single-walled carbon nanotubes in strong acids.Rai, Pradeep K⋅Pinnick, Robert A⋅Parra-Vasquez, A N⋅Davis, Virginia A⋅Schmidt, Howard K⋅Hauge, Robert H⋅Smalley, Richard E and Pasquali, MatteoJournal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 128, (no. 2), pp. 591-5, 2006/Jan/18.
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Phase behavior and rheology of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in superacids with application to fiber spinning (Dissertation)Davis, Virginia A (2006).
Controlling the phase behavior of single-walled carbon nanotube - Superacid dispersionsDavis, V.A.⋅Prieto, V.⋅Rai, P.⋅Parra-Vasquez, N.⋅Pinnick, R.⋅Hauge, R.H.⋅Smalley, R.E. and Pasquali, M.AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, pp. 14007.
| Conference Proceeding
Controlling the phase behavior of single-walled carbon nanotube - Superacid dispersionsDavis, V.A.⋅Prieto, V.⋅Rai, P.⋅Parra-Vasquez, N.⋅Pinnick, R.⋅Hauge, R.H.⋅Smalley, R.E. and Pasquali, M.(pp. 14007)
-Book chapter-Davis, V.A.⋅Dresselhaus, M.S.⋅Pasquali, M.⋅Jorio, A. and Rabin, O.In Macroscopic fibers of single-walled carbon nanotubes. (pp. 263-284). 2005
Single-walled carbon nanotubes in superacid: X-ray and calorimetric evidence for partly ordered H2SO4Zhou, W.⋅Fischer, J.E.⋅Heiney, P.A.⋅Fan, H.⋅Davis, V.A.⋅Pasquali, M. and Smalley, R.E.Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 72.
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Dissolution of pristine single walled carbon nanotubes in superacids by direct protonationRamesh, S.⋅Ericson, L.M.⋅Davis, V.A.⋅Saini, R.K.⋅Kittrell, C.⋅Pasquali, M.⋅Billups, W.E.⋅Adams, W.W.⋅Hauge, R.H. and Smalley, R.E.Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 108, pp. 8794-8798.
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Macroscopic, neat, single-walled carbon nanotube fibers.Ericson, Lars M⋅Fan, Hua⋅Peng, Haiqing⋅Davis, Virginia A⋅Zhou, Wei⋅Sulpizio, Joseph⋅Wang, Yuhuang⋅Booker, Richard⋅Vavro, Juraj⋅Guthy, Csaba⋅Parra-Vasquez, A N⋅Kim, Myung J⋅Ramesh, Sivarajan⋅Saini, Rajesh K⋅Kittrell, Carter⋅Lavin, Gerry⋅Schmidt, Howard⋅Adams, W W⋅Billups, W. E⋅Pasquali, Matteo⋅Hwang, Wen-Fang⋅Hauge, Robert H⋅Fischer, John E and Smalley, Richard EScience, vol. 305, (no. 5689), pp. 1447-50, 2004/Sep/3.
| Journal Article
Phase behavior and rheology of SWNTs in superacidsDavis, V.A.⋅Ericson, L.M.⋅Parra-Vasquez, A.N.G.⋅Fan, H.⋅Wang, Y.⋅Prieto, V.⋅Longoria, J.A.⋅Ramesh, S.⋅Saini, R.K.⋅Kittrell, C.⋅Billups, W.E.⋅Adams, W.W.⋅Hauge, R.H.⋅Smalley, R.E. and Pasquali, M.Macromolecules, vol. 37, pp. 154-160.
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Single wall carbon nanotube fibers extruded from super-acid suspensions: Preferred orientation, electrical, and thermal transportZhou, W.⋅Vavro, J.⋅Guthy, C.⋅Winey, K.I.⋅Fischer, J.E.⋅Ericson, L.M.⋅Ramesh, S.⋅Saini, R.⋅Davis, V.A.⋅Kittrell, C.⋅Pasquali, M.⋅Hauge, R.H. and Smalley, R.E.Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 95, pp. 649-655.
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Thermoelectric Power of [Formula presented]-Doped Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and the Role of Phonon DragVavro, J.⋅Llaguno, M.C.⋅Fischer, J.E.⋅Ramesh, S.⋅Saini, R.K.⋅Ericson, L.M.⋅Davis, V.A.⋅Hauge, R.H.⋅Pasquali, M. and Smalley, R.E.Physical Review Letters, vol. 90, pp. 4.
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Thermoelectric power of p-doped single-wall carbon nanotubes and the role of phonon dragVavro, J.⋅Llaguno, M.C.⋅Fischer, J.E.⋅Ramesh, S.⋅Saini, R.K.⋅Ericson, L.M.⋅Davis, V.A.⋅Hauge, R.H.⋅Pasquali, M. and Smalley, R.E.
Thermoelectric power of p-doped single-wall carbon nanotubes and the role of phonon drag.Vavro, J⋅Llaguno, M C⋅Fischer, John E⋅Ramesh, S⋅Saini, R K⋅Ericson, L M⋅Davis, Virginia A⋅Hauge, Robert H⋅Pasquali, Matteo and Smalley, R EPhysical review letters, vol. 90, (no. 6), pp. 065503, 2003/Feb/14.
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Preferred orientation in fibers of HiPco single wall carbc nanotubes from diffuse X-ray scatteringZhou, W.⋅Winey, K.I.⋅Fischer, J.E.⋅Ramesh, S.⋅Saini, R.K.⋅Ericson, L.M.⋅Davis, V.A.⋅Pasquali, M.⋅Hauge, R.H. and Smalley, R.E.(pp. 429-434)