93 Publications (Page 4 of 4)
What are Barrier Islands Worth? Estimates of Willingness to Pay for Restoration. Marine Resource Economics
. | Journal Article
An Analysis of the Relationship between Demand for Corn Stover as an Ethanol Feedstock and Soil Erosion
Petrolia, Daniel R
Review of agricultural economics., vol. 30, (no. 4), pp. 677-691, 2008. | Journal Article
An Analysis of the Relationship between Demand for Corn Stover as an Ethanol Feedstock and Soil Erosion. Review of Agricultural Economics
. | Journal Article
Conservation programs: will grain production reclaim acres in the South?
Petrolia, Daniel R and Ibendahl, Gregory A
Journal of agricultural and applied economics., vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 559-572, 2008. | Journal Article
Conservation Programs: Will Grain Production Reclaim Acres in the South?
Petrolia, Daniel R. and Ibendahl, Gregory A.
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, vol. 40, pp. 559–572. | Journal Article
In-Bound supply chain design for biomass-to-ethanol industry: A study of mississippi
Acharya, A.M.Eksioglu, S.D. and Petrolia, D.
(pp. 1296-1301)
In-Bound supply chain design for biomass-to-ethanol industry: A study of mississippi
Acharya, A.M.Eksioglu, S.D. and Petrolia, D.
IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2008, pp. 1296-1301. | Journal Article
The economics of harvesting and transporting corn stover for conversion to fuel ethanol: A case study for Minnesota
Petrolia, Daniel R
Biomass and Bioenergy, vol. 32, (no. 7), pp. 603-612, 2008. | Journal Article
The economics of harvesting and transporting corn stover for conversion to fuel ethanol: A case study for Minnesota. Biomass and Bioenergy
. | Journal Article
An analysis of the role of tile-drained farmland under alternative nitrogen abatement policies
Petrolia, Daniel R and Gowda, P.H.
Journal of agricultural and resource economics., vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 580-594, 2006. | Journal Article
An analysis of the role of tile-drained farmland under alternative nitrogen abatement policies. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics
. | Journal Article
Missing the Boat: Midwest Farm Drainage and Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia
Petrolia, Daniel R and Gowda, Prasanna H
Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 28, (no. 2), pp. 240-253, Summer 2006. | Journal Article
Missing the boat: Midwest farm drainage and Gulf of Mexico hypoxia. Review of Agricultural Economics
. | Journal Article
A long way from the Gulf: Economic and environmental targeting of agricultural drainage to reduce nitrogen loads in a Minnesota watershed (Dissertation)
Petrolia, Daniel R (2005).
Strategic Behaviour between Countries in a Two-Period Uncertain Monopoly
Petrolia, Daniel R.
The Journal of World Intellectual Property, vol. 6, pp. 733-743. | Journal Article
Strategic Behaviour between Countries in a Two-Period Uncertain Monopoly. The Journal of World Intellectual Property
. | Journal Article
Increasing the United States Tariff-Rate Sugar Quota for Cuba and Mexico: A Partial-Equilibrium Simulation
Petrolia, Daniel R. and Kennedy, P. Lynn
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, vol. 35, pp. 589–597. | Journal Article
Increasing the United States Tariff-Rate Sugar Quota for Cuba and Mexico: A Partial-Equilibrium Simulation
Petrolia, Daniel and Kennedy, P
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, vol. 35, (no. 3), pp. 589-597, Dec 2003. | Journal Article