41 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Defining Forgiveness: Historical Roots, Contemporary Research, and Key Considerations for Health OutcomesTucker, Jeritt R⋅Bitman, Rachel L⋅Wade, Nathaniel G and Cornish, Marilyn AIn Forgiveness and Health. (pp. 13-28). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. 2015. | Book Chapter
Working through past wrongdoing: Examination of a self-forgiveness counseling intervention.Cornish, Marilyn A and Wade, Nathaniel GJournal of counseling psychology, vol. 62, (no. 3), pp. 521-528, July 2015.
| Journal Article
Post-deployment difficulties and help seeking barriers among military veterans: Insights and intervention strategiesCornish, Marilyn A⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Thys, Amanda⋅Thys, Amanda⋅Vogel, David L⋅Vogel, David L⋅Wade, Nathaniel G and Wade, Nathaniel GProfessional Psychology: Research and Practice, vol. 45, (no. 6), pp. 409, 2014-00-00.
| Journal Article
Religion and spirituality in group counseling: Beliefs and preferences of university counseling center clientsPost, Brian C⋅Post, Brian C⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Cornish, Marilyn A and Cornish, Marilyn AGroup Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, vol. 18, (no. 1), pp. 68, 2014-00-00.
| Journal Article
Religion and spirituality in group psychotherapy: Clinical application and case exampleWade, Nathaniel G⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Post, Brian C⋅Post, Brian C⋅Post, Brian C⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Vogel, David L⋅Vogel, David L⋅Vogel, David L⋅Runyon-Weaver, Desirae⋅Runyon-Weaver, Desirae and Runyon-Weaver, DesiraeSpirituality in Clinical Practice, vol. 1, (no. 2), pp. 144, 2014-00-00.
| Journal Article
Forgiveness Interventions and the Promotion of Resilience Following Interpersonal Stress and TraumaWade, Nathaniel G⋅Tucker, Jeritt R and Cornish, Marilyn AIn The Resilience Handbook (1). (pp. 256-269). Routledge. 2014. | Book Chapter
When are grandiose and vulnerable narcissists least helpful?
Lannin, Daniel G⋅Guyll, Max⋅Krizan, Zlatan⋅Madon, Stephanie and Cornish, Marilyn
Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 56, pp. 132, January 2014. | Journal Article
When Religion Enters the Counseling Group
Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Tucker, Jeritt R and Post, Brian C
The Counseling Psychologist, vol. 42, (no. 5), pp. 600, 20140700. | Journal Article
Religion and Spirituality in Group Counseling: Beliefs and Practices of University Counseling Center CounselorsPost, Brian C⋅Post, Brian C⋅Post, Brian C⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Wade, Nathaniel⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Tucker, Jeritt R⋅Tucker, Jeritt R and Tucker, Jeritt RThe Journal for Specialists in Group Work, vol. 38, (no. 4), pp. 284, 12/1/2013.
| Journal Article
Understanding Group Therapists' Use of Spiritual and Religious Interventions in Group TherapyCornish, Marilyn A⋅Wade, Nathaniel G and Knight, Melissa AInternational Journal of Group Psychotherapy, vol. 63, (no. 4), pp. 572-591, Oct 2013.
| Journal Article
Attending to religion and spirituality in group counseling: Counselors' perceptions and practicesCornish, Marilyn A⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Wade, Nathaniel G⋅Post, Brian C and Post, Brian CGroup Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, vol. 16, (no. 2), pp. 137, 2012-00-00.
| Journal Article
Substance Misuse Prevention and Economic Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities Regarding International UtilityGuyll, Max⋅Spoth, Richard L and Cornish, Marilyn ASubstance Use & Misuse, vol. 47, (no. 8-9), pp. 877-888, 2012.
| Journal Article
Forgiveness therapy to treat embitterment: a review of relevant researchWade, Nathaniel G⋅Post, Brian C and Cornish, Marilyn AIn Embitterment. (pp. 197-207). Vienna: Springer Vienna. 2011. | Book Chapter
Predictors of the Change in Self-Stigma Following a Single Session of Group CounselingWade, Nathaniel⋅Post, Brian C⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Vogel, David L and Tucker, Jeritt RJournal of Counseling Psychology, vol. 58, (no. 2), pp. 170-182, Apr 2011.
| Journal Article
Self-disclosure through weblogs and perceptions of online and "real-life" friendships among female bloggers.
Bane, Cynthia M H⋅Cornish, Marilyn⋅Erspamer, Nicole and Kampman, Lia
Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking, vol. 13, (no. 2), pp. 131-139, April 2010. | Journal Article
Spirituality and religion in group counseling: A literature review with practice guidelinesCornish, Marilyn A⋅Cornish, Marilyn A⋅Wade, Nathaniel and Wade, Nathaniel GProfessional Psychology: Research and Practice, vol. 41, (no. 5), pp. 404, 2010-00-00.
| Journal Article