145 Publications (Page 6 of 6)
Efficient and Customizable Data Partitioning Framework for Distributed Big RDF Data Processing in the Cloud
Lee, KisungLiu, LingTang, YuzheZhang, Qi and Zhou, Yang
(pp. 327–334)
Ranking Services by Service Network Structure and Service Attributes
Zhou, YangLiu, LingPerng, Chang-ShingSailer, AncaSilva-Lepe, Ignacio and Su, Zhiyuan
(pp. 26–33)
Residency Aware Inter-VM Communication in Virtualized Cloud: Performance Measurement and Analysis
Zhang, QiLiu, LingRen, YiLee, KisungTang, YuzheZhao, Xu and Zhou, Yang
(pp. 204–211)
ServiceTrust: Trust Management in Service Provision Networks
Su, ZhiyuanLiu, LingLi, MingchuFan, Xinxin and Zhou, Yang
(pp. 272–279)
Social Influence Based Clustering of Heterogeneous Information Networks
Zhou, Yang and Liu, Ling
(pp. 338–346)
Clustering Analysis in Large Graphs with Rich Attributes
Zhou, Yang and Liu, Ling
(pp. 7–27). Springer
Clustering large attributed information networks: an efficient incremental computing approach
Cheng, HongZhou, YangHuang, XinYu Xu, Jeffrey and Yu, Jeffrey
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 25, (no. 3), pp. 450-477, 2012. | Journal Article
Clustering Large Attributed Graphs
Cheng, HongZhou, Yang and Yu, Jeffrey Xu
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), vol. 5, (no. 2), pp. 33, 02-01-2011. | Journal Article
Clustering Large Attributed Graphs: A Balance Between Structural and Attribute Similarities
Cheng, HongZhou, Yang and Yu, Jeffrey Xu
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), vol. 5, pp. 1–33. | Journal Article
Clustering Large Attributed Graphs: An Efficient Incremental Approach
Zhou, YangCheng, Hong and Yu, Jeffrey Xu
(pp. 689–698)
Graph Clustering Based on Structural/Attribute Similarities
Zhou, YangCheng, Hong and Yu, Jeffrey Xu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 2, pp. 718–729. | Journal Article
Identifying Bug Signatures Using Discriminative Graph Mining
Cheng, HongLo, DavidZhou, YangWang, Xiaoyin and Yan, Xifeng
(pp. 141–152)
Mining Maximal and Closed Frequent Free Subtrees
Guo, PingZhou, Yang and Zhuang, Jun
Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (DCDIS), Series B: Applications and Algorithms, vol. 14, pp. 198–205. | Journal Article
Adaptive Ants Clustering Algorithm Miming Correlative Page Set
Guo, PingChen, TingZhou, Yang and Li, Dong
(pp. 621–624)
An Efficient Algorithm for Mining both Closed and Maximal Frequent Free Subtrees Using Canonical Forms
Guo, PingZhou, YangZhuang, JunChen, Ting and Kang, Yan-Rong
(pp. 96–107)
Mining Sequence Pattern of Router Logs
Zhuang, JunGuo, PingZhou, YangZhou, Jin and Ri-Xu, Cai
Computer Science, vol. 32, pp. 179–181. | Journal Article
n.d.no date or unknown
Bug Signature Minimization and Fusion (Technical Report)
Lo, DavidCheng, HongWang, Xiaoyin and Zhou, Yang
. | Journal Article
IRI 2019 International Technical Program Committee
Joshi, JamesHsu, WynneZhang, ChengcuiMasoumzadeh, AmirrezaSquicciarini, AnnaPalanisamy, BalajiRawal, BharatBenatallah, BoualemPu, CaltonFarkas, Csilla and others
. | Journal Article
Lightweight Indexing and Querying Services for Big Spatial Data
Zhang, QiZhou, Yang and Wang, Qingyang
. | Journal Article
WalkGAN: pairwise adversarial network alignment
Guzman-Nateras, Luis FZhou, Yang and Dou, Dejing
. | Journal Article