30 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Empathic design research: Moving towards a new mode of industrial design education
McDonagh, D.Thomas, J. and Strickfaden, M.
Design Principles and Practices, vol. 5, pp. 301-313. | Journal Article
Disability plus Relevant Design: Empathic Design Strategies Supporting More Effective New Product Design Outcomes. The Design Journal
. | Journal Article
Empathic design research strategies: Designing for, with and by people with disabilities
McDonagh, D.Thomas, J.Khuri, L.Sears, S.H. and Peña-Mora, F.
(pp. 58-79)
Rethinking Design Thinking: Empathy Supporting Innovation. Australasian Medical Journal
. | Journal Article
Walking blind: Developing awareness of visual impairment to support empathic design research strategies
McDonagh, D. and Thomas, J.