46 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Perinatal size and maturation of the olfactory and vomeronasal neuroepithelia in lorisoids and lemuroids.Smith, Tim⋅Alport, Laura J⋅Burrows, Anne E⋅Bhatnagar, Kunwar P⋅Dennis, John⋅Tuladhar, Praphul and Morrison, Edward EAmerican journal of primatology, vol. 69, (no. 1), pp. 74-85, 2007/Jan.
| Journal Article
Reconstruction and Morphometric Analysis of the Nasal Airway of the Dog (Canis familiaris) and Implications Regarding Olfactory AirflowCraven, Brent A⋅Craven, Brent A⋅Neuberger, Thomas⋅Neuberger, Thomas⋅Paterson, Eric G⋅Paterson, Eric G⋅Webb, Andrew G⋅Webb, Andrew G⋅Josephson, Eleanor M⋅Josephson, Eleanor M⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Settles, Gary S and Settles, Gary SThe Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, vol. 290, (no. 11), pp. 1340, November 2007.
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Endothelin-1 inhibits adiponectin secretion through a phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate/actin-dependent mechanism.Bedi, Deepa⋅Clarke, Kristen J⋅Dennis, John⋅Zhong, Qiao⋅Brunson, Brandon L⋅Morrison, Edward E and Judd, Robert LBiochemical and biophysical research communications, vol. 345, (no. 1), pp. 332-9, 2006/Jun/23.
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Molecular and functional characterization of bovine beta -defensin-1Aono, S.⋅Aono, Shelly⋅Li, Changqing⋅Li, C.⋅Zhang, Guolong⋅Zhang, Guolong⋅Kemppainen, Robert J⋅Kemppainen, Robert J⋅Gard, J.⋅Gard, Julie⋅Lu, Wuyuan⋅Lu, Wuyuan⋅Hu, X.⋅Hu, Xueyou⋅Schwartz, Dean D⋅Schwartz, Dean D⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Dykstra, C.⋅Dykstra, Christine⋅Shi, Jishu and Shi, JishuVeterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, vol. 113, (no. 1-2), pp. 181-190, 2006.
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Changes in mitotic rate and GFAP expression in the primary olfactory axis of Streptozotocin-induced diabetic ratsDennis, John⋅Coleman, Elaine S⋅Swyers, S. E⋅Moody, S. W⋅Wright, J. C⋅Judd, Robert L⋅Zhong, Q. and Morrison, Edward EJournal of Neurocytology, vol. 34, (no. 1-2), pp. 3-10, Mar 2005.
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Numerical simulation of air flow in the human nasal cavity.Wang, Kezhou⋅Denney, Thomas S⋅Morrison, Edward E and Vodyanoy, Vitaly JConference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, vol. 6, pp. 5607-10, 2005.
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The vomeronasal organ of greater bushbabies (Otolemur spp.): Species, sex, and age differencesSmith, Tim⋅Bhatnagar, Kunwar P⋅Burrows, Anne M⋅Shimp, Kristin L⋅Dennis, John⋅Smith, Matthew A⋅Maico-Tan, Lisette and Morrison, Edward EJournal of Neurocytology, vol. 34, (no. 1-2), pp. 135-147, 2005.
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Expression of neuron-specific markers by the vomeronasal neuroepithelium in six species of primatesDennis, John⋅Smith, Timothy D⋅Bhatnagar, Kunwar P⋅Bonar, Christopher J⋅Burrows, Anne M and Morrison, Edward EAnatomical Record. Part A: Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology, vol. 281A, (no. 1), pp. 1190-1200, 2004.
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Expression of neuron-specific markers by the vomeronasal neuroepithelium in six species of primates.Dennis, John⋅Smith, Timothy D⋅Bhatnagar, Kunwar P⋅Bonar, Christopher J⋅Burrows, Anne M and Morrison, Edward EThe anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology, vol. 281, (no. 1), pp. 1190-200, 2004/Nov.
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Ontogenetic observations on the vomeronasal organ in two species of tamarins using neuron-specific beta -tubulin IIISmith, Tim⋅Dennis, JC⋅Bhatnagar, KP⋅Bonar, CJ⋅Burrows, AM and Morrison, Edward EAnatomical Record. Part A: Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology, vol. 278A, (no. 1), pp. 409-418, 2004.
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Ontogenetic observations on the vomeronasal organ in two species of tamarins using neuron-specific beta-tubulin III.Smith, Tim⋅Dennis, John C⋅Bhatnagar, Kunwar P⋅Bonar, Christopher J⋅Burrows, Annie M and Morrison, Edward EThe anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology. , vol. 278, (no. 1), pp. 409-18, 2004/May.
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Structure and function of long-lived olfactory organotypic cultures from postnatal mice.Josephson, Eleanor M⋅Yilma, S⋅Vodyanoy, Vitaly J and Morrison, Edward EJournal of neuroscience research, vol. 75, (no. 5), pp. 642-53, 2004/Mar/1.
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Type‐specific inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate receptor localization in the vomeronasal organ and its interaction with a transient receptor potential channel, TRPC2Brann, Jessica⋅Brann, Jessica H⋅Dennis, John C⋅Dennis, JC⋅Morrison, EE⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Fadool, Debra A and Fadool, Debra AJournal of Neurochemistry, vol. 83, (no. 6), pp. 1460, December 2002.
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RGS2 regulates signal transduction in olfactory neurons by attenuating activation of adenylyl cyclase IIISinnarajah, S.⋅Dessauer, Carmen W⋅Srikumar, D.⋅Chen, J.⋅Yuen, J.⋅Yilma, S.⋅Dennis, John⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Vodyanoy, Vitaly J⋅Kehri, JH and Kehrl, J HNature, vol. 409, (no. 6823), pp. 1051-1055, 2001.
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Inhibition and enhancement of odorant-induced cAMP accumulation in rat olfactory cilia by antibodies directed against G alpha S/olf- and G alpha i-protein subunits.Sinnarajah, S⋅Ezeh, P I⋅Pathirana, S⋅Moss, A G⋅Morrison, Edward E and Vodyanoy, Vitaly JFEBS letters, vol. 426, (no. 3), pp. 377-80, 1998/Apr/24.
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Inhibition and enhancement of odorant-induced cAMP accumulation in rat olfactory cilia by antibodies directed against G αs/olf- and G αi-protein subunitsSinnarajah, Srikumar⋅Sinnarajah, Srikumar⋅Sinnarajah, Srikumar⋅Ezeh, Patrick I⋅Ezeh, Patrick I⋅Ezeh, Patrick I⋅Pathirana, Suram⋅Pathirana, Suram⋅Pathirana, Suram⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Vodyanoy, Vitaly⋅Vodyanoy, Vitaly and Vodyanoy, VitalyFEBS Letters, vol. 426, (no. 3), pp. 380, 1998.
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Regeneration of olfactory sensory neurons and reconnection in the aging hamster central nervous systemMorrison, E E⋅Morrison, Edward E⋅Costanzo, Richard M and Contanzo, Richard MNeuroscience Letters, vol. 198, (no. 3), pp. 217, 1995.
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Transplantation of postnatal vomeronasal organ in the CNS of newborn rats.
Morrison, Edward E and Graziadei, P P
Anatomy and embryology, vol. 191, (no. 4), pp. 319-27, 1995/Apr. | Journal Article
Experimental studies on the olfactory marker protein. IV. olfactory marker protein in the olfactory neurons transplanted within the brain
Monti Graziadei, Ariella G and Morrison, Edward E
Brain Research, vol. 455, (no. 2), pp. 406, 1988. | Journal Article
Transplants of olfactory mucosa in the rat brain I. A light microscopic study of transplant organization
Morrison, Edward E and Graziadei, Pasquale P.C
Brain Research, vol. 279, (no. 1), pp. 245, 1983. | Journal Article
Morrison, Edward E (1980).