71 Publications (Page 3 of 3)
Determination of strawberry nitrogen status with SPAD chlorophyll meter.
Himelrick, D.G.⋅Dozier, W.A. J⋅Wood, Charles W and Sharpe, R.R.
Advances in strawberry research., pp. 49-53, 1993. | Journal Article
Effects of traffic on soil physical characteristics and vegetative resources of the National MallRunion, George B⋅Rogers, Hugo H⋅Wood, Charles W⋅Prior, Stephen A and Mitchell, R. JJournal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 48, (no. 5), pp. 389, Sep 1993.
| Journal Article
Evaluation of spreader distribution patterns for poultry litter.Wilhoit, J.H.⋅Wood, Charles W⋅Yoo, Kyung H and Minkara, M.Y.Applied engineering in agriculture., vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. 359-363, 1993.
| Journal Article
Implications of long-term land application of poultry litter on tall fescue pastures.Kingery, W.L.⋅Wood, Charles W⋅Delaney, Dennis P⋅Williams, J.C.⋅Mullins, G.L. and Van Santen, EdzardJournal of production agriculture., vol. 6, (no. 3), pp. 390-395, 1993.
| Journal Article
Nitrogen fertilizer effects on soybean growth, yield, and seed composition.Wood, Charles W⋅Torbert, H.A. and Weaver, David BJournal of production agriculture., vol. 6, (no. 3), pp. 354-360, 1993.
| Journal Article
Nitrogen rate, cultivar, and within-row spacing affect collard yield and leaf nutrient concentration.
Dangler, J.M. and Wood, Charles W
HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science., vol. 28, (no. 7), pp. 701-703, 1993. | Journal Article
Nitrogen recovery from broiler litter in a wheat-millet production system.Flynn, RP⋅Wood, Charles W and Touchton, Joe TBioresource Technology, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 165-173, 1993.
| Journal Article
Timing nitrogen applications for corn in a winter legume conservation-tillage system.Reeves, D. W⋅Wood, Charles W and Touchton, Joe TAgronomy journal., vol. 85, (no. 1), pp. 98-106, 1993.
| Journal Article
Agroecosystem management effects on soil carbon and nitrogen.
Wood, Charles W and Edwards, JH
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment., vol. 39, (no. 3-4), pp. 123-138, 1992. | Journal Article
Determination of cotton nitrogen status with a hand-held chlorophyll meter.
Wood, Charles W⋅Tracy, P.W.⋅Reeves, D.W. and Edmisten, K.L.
Journal of plant nutrition., vol. 15, (no. 9), pp. 1435-1448, 1992. | Journal Article
Effects of soil compaction and water-filled pore space on soil microbial activity and N losses.Torbert, Henry A and Wood, Charles WCommunications in soil science and plant analysis., vol. 23, (no. 11-12), pp. 1321-1331, 1992.
| Journal Article
Field chlorophyll measurements for evaluation of corn nitrogen status.
Wood, Charles W⋅Reeves, D.W.⋅Duffield, R.R. and Edmisten, K.L.
Journal of plant nutrition., vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 487-500, 1992. | Journal Article
Poultry litter spreader distribution pattern evaluation.Wilhoit, J.H.⋅Wood, Charles W and Yoo, Kyung HPaper, (no. 922116), 1992.
| Journal Article
Subsurface soil texture effects on growth of soybean in the southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria.Shannon, Dennis A⋅Kueneman, E.A.⋅Wright, M.J. and Wood, Charles WCommunications in soil science and plant analysis., vol. 23, (no. 3-4), pp. 345-362, 1992.
| Journal Article
Tillage and crop rotation effects on fertility status of a hapludult soil.
Edwards, J.H.⋅Wood, Charles W⋅Thurlow, D.L. and Ruf, M.E.
Soil Science Society of America journal., vol. 56, (no. 5), pp. 1577-1582, 1992. | Journal Article
Impact of drying method on broiler litter analyses.
Wood, Charles W and Hall, B.M.
Communications in soil science and plant analysis., vol. 22, (no. 15-16), pp. 1677-1688, 1991. | Journal Article
Soil carbon and nitrogen changes on initiation of no-till cropping systems.
Wood, Charles W⋅Westfall, D.G. and Peterson, G.A.
Soil Science Society of America journal., vol. 55, (no. 2), pp. 470-476, 1991. | Journal Article
Tillage and crop rotation effects on soil organic matter in a Typic Hapludult of northern Alabama.
Wood, Charles W⋅Edwards, J.H. and Cummins, C.G.
Journal of sustainable agriculture., vol. 2, (no. 2), pp. 31-41, 1991. | Journal Article
Nitrogen and carbon cycling in no-till dryland agroecosystems (Dissertation)
Wood, Charles W (1990).
n.d.no date or unknown
Impacts of soil management on root characteristics of switchgrassMa, Z.⋅Wood, Charles W and Bransby, David IBiomass and Bioenergy, vol. 18, (no. 2), pp. 105-112.
| Journal Article
Impacts of long-term manure applications on soil chemical, microbiological, and physical properties.Wood, Charles Wunknown. | Book Chapter