46 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Ovary-Independent Estrogen Receptor Expression in Neonatal Porcine Endometrium1Tarleton, Becky J⋅Tarleton, Becky J⋅Wiley, Anne A⋅Wiley, Anne A⋅Spencer, Thomas E⋅Spencer, Thomas E⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Bartol, Frank F and Bartol, Frank FBiology of Reproduction, vol. 58, (no. 4), pp. 1019, 1998-04-01.
| Journal Article
The Effects of Cigarette Smoke on Porcine Airway Epithelium
Morgan, Darrell D and Moss, Anthony G
Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 4, (no. S2), pp. 1076-1077, Jul 1998. | Journal Article
Trichodina ctenophorii n. sp., a novel symbiont of ctenophores of the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
Estes, A M⋅Reynolds, B S and Moss, Anthony G
The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, vol. 44, (no. 5), pp. 420-6, 1997 Sep-Oct. | Journal Article
Molecular and Genetic Analyses of Motility in Protists
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, vol. 41, (no. 6), pp. 644, November 1994. | Journal Article
Patterns of electrical activity in comb plates of feeding "Pleurobrachia" (Ctenophora)Moss, A G⋅MOSS, ANTHONY⋅TAMM, SIDNEY and Tamm, Sidney LPhilosophical Transactions - Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences, vol. 339, (no. 1287), pp. 1, 19930129.
| Journal Article
The (alpha) subunit of sea urchin sperm outer arm dynein mediates structural and rigor binding to microtubulesMoss, A.G.⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Sale, Winfield S⋅Sale, W.S.⋅Fox, Laura A⋅Fox, L.A.⋅Witman, George B and Witman, G.B.The Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 118, (no. 5), pp. 1189, Sep 1992.
| Journal Article
The motile beta/IC1 subunit of sea urchin sperm outer arm dynein does not form a rigor bond.Moss, A G⋅Gatti, J L and Witman, G BThe Journal of cell biology, vol. 118, (no. 5), pp. 1177-1188, September 1992.
| Journal Article
The motile (Beta)IC1 subunit of sea urchin sperm outer arm dynein does not form a rigor bondMoss, Anthony G⋅Gatti, Jean-Luc and Witman, George BThe Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 118, (no. 5), pp. 1177, Sep 1992.
| Journal Article
The Motile β/IC1 Subunit of Sea Urchin Sperm Outer Arm Dynein Does Not Form a Rigor Bond
Moss, A.G.⋅Moss, Anthony⋅Gatti, J.-L.⋅Gatti, Jean-Luc⋅Witman, G.B. and Witman, George
The Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 118, (no. 5), pp. 1188, 19920901. | Journal Article
[18] Purification and characterization of Salmo gairdneri outer arm dynein
Moss, A.G.⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Gatti, Jean-Luc⋅Gatti, J.-L.⋅King, S.M.⋅King, Stephen M⋅Witman, G.B. and Witman, George B
Methods in Enzymology, vol. 196, pp. 222, 1991. | Journal Article
Purification and characterization of Salmo gairdneri outer arm dynein.Moss, Anthony G⋅Gatti, J L⋅King, Stephen M and Witman, George BMethods in enzymology, vol. 196, pp. 201-22, 1991.
| Journal Article
The physiology of feeding in the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus
Moss, Anthony G⋅Williams, RB⋅Cornelius, PFS⋅Hughes, RG and Robson, E. A
Hydrobiologia, vol. 216-217, pp. 19-25, 1991. | Journal Article
Outer-arm dynein from trout spermatozoa: substructural organization.King, Stephen M⋅King, S.M.⋅Gatti, J.-L.⋅Gatti, J L⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Moss, A.G.⋅Witman, George B and Witman, G.B.Cell motility and the cytoskeleton, vol. 16, (no. 4), pp. 266-78, 1990.
| Journal Article
Outer arm dynein from trout spermatozoa. Purification, polypeptide composition, and enzymatic properties.Gatti, J L⋅Gatti, J.-L.⋅King, S.M.⋅King, Stephen M⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Moss, A.G.⋅Witman, George B and Witman, G.B.The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 264, (no. 19), pp. 11450-7, 1989/Jul/5.
| Journal Article
A calcium regenerative potential controlling ciliary reversal is propagated along the length of ctenophore comb plates.
Moss, Anthony G and Tamm, S L
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 84, (no. 18), pp. 6476-80, 1987/Sep. | Journal Article
Isolated flagellar outer arm dynein translocates brain microtubules in vitro.Paschal, B M⋅Paschal, B.M.⋅King, S.M.⋅King, Stephen M⋅Moss, Anthony G⋅Moss, A.G.⋅Collins, C.A.⋅Collins, C A⋅Vallee, R.B.⋅Vallee, R B⋅Witman, George B and Witman, G.B.Nature, vol. 330, (no. 6149), pp. 672-4, 1987 Dec 17-23.
| Journal Article
Electrophysiological control of ciliary motor responses in the ctenophorePleurobrachia
Moss, Anthony G and Tamm, Sidney L
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, vol. 158, (no. 3), pp. 330, 1986-00-00. | Journal Article
Action potential propagation along cilia of ctenophore comb plates.
Moss, Anthony G and Tamm, SL
1985. | Journal Article
Unilateral ciliary reversal and motor responses during prey capture by the ctenophore Pleurobrachia .
Tamm, SL and Moss, Anthony G
Journal of Experimental Biology, vol. 114, pp. 443-461, 1985. | Journal Article
Unilateral ciliary reversal and motor responses during prey capture by the ctenophore Pleurobrachia.
Tamm, S L and Moss, Anthony G
The Journal of experimental biology, vol. 114, pp. 443-61, 1985/Jan. | Journal Article
Population genetics of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in Europe reveal source–sink dynamics and secondary dispersal to the Mediterranean Sea
Bolte, Sören⋅Fuentes, Veronica⋅Haslob, H⋅Huwer, Bastian⋅Thibault-Botha, Delphine⋅Angel, Dror⋅Galil, Bella⋅Javidpour, Jamileh and Moss, Anthony
. | Journal Article