41 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
The expression of a naturally occurring, truncated allele of an [alpha]-SNAP gene suppresses plant parasitic nematode infection
Matsye, Prachi⋅Lawrence, Gary⋅Youssef, Reham⋅Kim, Kyung-hwan⋅Lawrence, Katheryn⋅Matthews, Benjamin and Klink, Vincent
Plant Molecular Biology, vol. 80, (no. 2), pp. 131-55, Sep 2012. | Journal Article
The expression of a naturally occurring, truncated allele of an α-SNAP gene suppresses plant parasitic nematode infection.Matsye, Prachi D⋅Lawrence, Gary W⋅Youssef, Reham M⋅Kim, Kyung-Hwan⋅Lawrence, Katheryn S⋅Matthews, Benjamin F and Klink, Vincent PPlant molecular biology, vol. 80, (no. 2), pp. 131-155, September 2012.
| Journal Article
A Family-Centered Educational Program to Promote Independence in Pediatric Heart Transplant RecipientsLawrence, Kathy S⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Stilley, Carol S⋅Stilley, Carol S⋅Pollock, John A⋅Pollock, John A⋅Webber, Steven A⋅Webber, Steven A⋅Quivers, Eric S and Quivers, Eric SProgress in Transplantation, vol. 21, (no. 1), pp. 66, 20110300.
| Journal Article
Survey of Fungal, Nematode and Virus Diseases of Soybean in Alabama
Sikora, Edward J⋅Murphy, John F⋅Lawrence, Kathy S and Mullen, Jacqueline M
Plant Health Progress, vol. 12, (no. 1), pp. 1, 2011-01-00. | Journal Article
Identification of fungi associated with rotylenchulus reniformis
Castillo, Juan D⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Morgan-Jones, Gareth and Ramírez, Camilo A
Journal of nematology, vol. 42, (no. 4), pp. 318, 2010-Dec. | Journal Article
Natural Migration of Rotylenchulus reniformis In a No-Till Cotton System
Moore, Scott R⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Arriaga, Francisco J⋅Burmester, Charles H and van Santen, Edzard
Journal of nematology, vol. 42, (no. 4), pp. 312, 2010-Dec. | Journal Article
Evaluation of Sequential Fungicide Spray Programs for Control of Soybean RustSikora, Edward J⋅Sikora, Edward J⋅Delaney, Dennis P⋅Delaney, Dennis P⋅Delaney, Mary A⋅Delaney, Mary A⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Pegues, Malcomb and Pegues, MalcombPlant Health Progress, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 23, 2009-01-00.
| Journal Article
Sheath blight disease of rice (Oryza sativa L.) - An overviewKumar, KVK⋅Reddy, M. S⋅Kloepper, Joe W⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Groth, DE and Miller, MEBiosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 465-480, 2009.
| Journal Article
Using FAME analysis to compare, differentiate, and identify multiple nematode species.Sekora, Nicholas S⋅Sekora, Nicholas S⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Agudelo, Paula⋅Agudelo, Paula⋅van Santen, Edzard⋅van Santen, Edzard⋅McInroy, John A and Mc Inroy, John AJournal of nematology, vol. 41, (no. 3), pp. 163-73, 2009/Sep.
| Journal Article
Suppressiveness of root-knot nematodes mediated by rhizobacteriaBurkett-Cadena, Marleny⋅Kokalis-Burelle, Nancy⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Van Santen, Edzard and Kloepper, Joe WBiological Control, vol. 47, (no. 1), pp. 55-59, 2008.
| Journal Article
Reniform Nematode Resistance in Upland Cotton GermplasmWeaver, David B⋅Lawrence, Kathy S and Van Santen, EdzardCrop Science, vol. 47, (no. 1), pp. 19-24, Jan/Feb 2007.
| Journal Article
Accelerated degradation of aldicarb and its metabolites in cotton field soils.
Lawrence, K S⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Feng, Yucheng⋅Feng, Yucheng⋅Lawrence, G W⋅Lawrence, G W⋅Burmester, C H⋅Burmester, C H⋅Norwood, S H and Norwood, S H
Journal of nematology, vol. 37, (no. 2), pp. 190-7, 2005/Jun. | Journal Article
Effect of controlled cold storage on recovery of Rotylenchulus reniformis from naturally infested soil.
Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Lawrence, G.W. and Van Santan, E.
Journal of nematology., vol. 37, (no. 3), pp. 272-275, 2005. | Journal Article
Evaluation of cotton cultivars for resistance and tolerance to Rotylenchulus reniformis.
Usery, S.R. J⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅Lawrence, G.W. and Burmester, C.H.
Nematropica., vol. 35, (no. 2), pp. 121-133, 2005. | Journal Article
Interaction of Rotylenchulus reniformis with seedling disease pathogens of cotton
Palmateer, AJ⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅van Santen, E. and Morgan-Jones, G.
Phytopathology, vol. 94, (no. 6), 2004. | Journal Article
Interaction of Rotylenchulus reniformis with Seedling Disease Pathogens of Cotton.
Palmateer, A J⋅Lawrence, Kathy S⋅van Santen, E and Morgan-Jones, G
Journal of nematology, vol. 36, (no. 2), pp. 160-6, 2004/Jun. | Journal Article